When Congo Wants To Go To School – Appendices & Bibliography


1 – Quantitative data relating to education in the Belgian Congo, 1930- 1940
2 – Quantitative development of education in the Belgian Congo between 1938- 1958
3 – Quantitative development of education in the Belgian Congo between 1930-1948
4 – Figures relating to the state of education immediately after independence, in Congo and in Coquilhatville
5 – Development of educational spending in the colony and the proportion of educational spending in the total budget 1912-1940
6 – Diagrams of the organisation of education according to the “Dispositions Générales” 1948
7 – Some quantitative data relating to the missionary presence in the Belgian Congo
8 – Primary school program – Extract from the Brochure Jaune
9 – Letters from Pierre Kolokoto to Paul Jans, from the Aequatoria Archive
10 – Letters from Hilaire Vermeiren to Paul Jans, from the Aequatoria Archive
11 – Contextual analysis of “La Voix du Congolais”
12 – The history of the emergence of schools in the Equator province, by Stephane Boale
13 – “Extrait de la causerie du Ministre des Colonies, M. Jules Renquin avec les premiers missionnaires catholiques du Congo-Belge” “Extract from a talk given by the Minister for the Colonies, Mr Jules Renquin, to the first Belgian Catholic missionaries to the Belgian Congo”

Appendix 1 – Quantitative data concerning education in the Belgian Congo, 1930-1940

The situation in 1930
A report drawn up on request of the Permanent Committee of the Colonial Congress and which appeared in the records of the third National Colonial Congress offers a number of indications concerning the quantitative development of education at that time. However, the figures stated were not given any further clarification. A distinction was already made at that point between state education, independent subsidised education and independent non-subsidised education. 11 “groupes scolaires” were referred to in the document. These were probably the official (state) schools. They accounted for 12 760 pupils. According to this document, 131 250 pupils were in independent subsidised education, divided among 2 377 schools. Apparently, no figures were available for independent non-subsidised schools: it was stated that they were “légion” and that the number grew each year.

However a far more detailed report on education from the same period does exist, namely the report drawn up by Edouard De Jonghe for the meeting of the Institut Colonial International in Paris in 1931. According to the author the figures cited were representative for the situation on 31 December 1929. De Jonghe did not give any general figures for the whole colony but gave very detailed data per region and per school. Based on the figures in this report, there would have been 131 534 pupils in primary Catholic subsidised education.[i] De Jonghe also gave figures for non-subsidised education, more specifically for the Protestant schools, which around a total of 160 000 pupils supposedly attended. These figures were to be taken with a pinch of salt according to De Jonghe because “ces chiffres n’ont pas été contrôlés” and as far as the rural schools were concerned, the figure was of all the pupils enrolled at the schools, not only those who attended school regularly. Thus subtly insinuating that as opposed to this, the figures for the Catholic schools were actually “clean” (i.e. regarding only the pupils that really attended school) .[ii] As far as the Catholic non-subsidised schools were concerned, De Jonghe could only give an example: in the Kwango district there were 52 schools, with 8 057 pupils, which were subsidised in 1929. On the other hand, there were 2 658 non-subsidised schools, with 44 980 pupils.[iii] It seems out of the question that this figure should only be accounted to the Protestant missions. It probably also relates to the fact that many Catholic schools were not yet ‘subsidy ripe’ at this stage.

The situation in 1934
For this year there are data brought together in the Annuaires des missions catholiques by Corman. There are no general data on the quantitative development of education in the 1924 edition. However, there are in the second edition, from 1935. The division of the subsidised schools into rural and central schools was used when creating the overview statistics. That gave 284 central schools with 50 333 pupils and 9 652 rural schools with 289 456 pupils for the Belgian Congo alone (without Ruanda-Urundi). This means the total number of pupils in primary education had to be estimated at around 350 000 (the 13 “official” schools were mentioned separately). Again, the data do not seem very “clean”: there are hiatuses in the statistics and no data were published for some regions. Moreover, the publishers of the Annuaire seemed aware that it was difficult to obtain correct quantitative data. As the total result of his own data, Corman gives 10 291 primary schools with 477 004 pupils (for both the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi). Elsewhere the same publication also gives figures from the Apostolic Delegation: 8 152 primary schools with 440 778 pupils. Both series of figures were supposed to reflect the situation on 30 June 1934 but altough Corman’s results were higher, it was admitted that the data from the Apostolic Delegation were more reliable.[iv]

The situation in 1936
Depaepe and Van Rompaey give an overview table per vicariate and educational level, also based on data published by the Apostolic Delegation in the Congo from 1936. They mention 11 145 schools with 444 082 pupils. If these figures are corrected (and the figures for Rwanda-Urundi filtered out) this gives slightly over 10 000 schools with approximately 380 000 pupils.

The situation in 1938
The figures of the N.I.S. for 1938 are limited to the number of schools and number of pupils in general for two different types of education: the official schools and the independent schools. 7 official schools for the Congolese are mentioned.[v] Together they accounted for slightly more than 4 000 pupils. Consequently, this probably relates to a number of school groups. In addition, this statistic gives 4 268 subsidised schools, which together numbered 222 369 pupils. No distinction is made on the basis of the level of education.[vi]

In his article from 1940, Oswald Liesenborghs gave a whole series of figures on colonial education which reflect the development of the number of schools and pupils from 1929 to 1938.[vii] He did not mention any sources for this data. These figures are shown in the table below:

  1929 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938
official education
schools 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 8 7
pupils 3618 5182 5380 5649 5567 5691 5337 4589 4122
subsidised education
1e gr. 2532 2773 3579 3780 4326 4217 3740 3720 3635
2e gr. 163 201 241 273 284 394 473 492 577
1e gr. 119563 144150 164313 180522 167339 184902 168573 168493 177004
2e gr. 8162 12229 16090 19862 21832 27013 31615 35478 42426

These figures may be supplemented with the data cited by the Dominican Steenberghen in his master’s thesis. He stated that, according to the Apostolic Delegation in Congo, in 1939 there were about 13 000 non-subsidised Catholic schools with approximately half a million pupils and 9 000 Protestant schools with approximately 300 000 pupils.[viii]

The situation in 1940
Julien Van Hove, who was an official at the Ministry for Colonies for many years, gave a fairly extensive and detailed overview of the whole colony in an article from 1953, L’oeuvre d’éducation au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi.[ix] The following table summarises the most important figures from it. This only relates to the figures for primary education and only for the Belgian Congo. The statistics were gathered over a longer period but can be used here as a supplement to the previous data for the thirties. The number of schools followed by the number of pupils is shown each time:

1.1.1930 1.1.1940 1.1.1945[x] 1.1.1948[xi]
official schools 92 968 73 624 63 624 53 464
subsidised 1e grade 2 532119 563 4 446195 401 5 020243 918 6 966320 591
subsidised 2e grade 1638 162 65047 980 83965 840 98384 311
total subsidised 2 699127 725 5 096243 381 5 859309 758 7 949404 902
independent schools 17 910463 950 19 193483 253 19 072513 049
total primary education 23 013710 955 25 302798 265 27 078923 165

The division of these statistics seems to fit better with the previous data from Liesenborghs. The difference to the two figures given previously (from the Apostolic Delegation, for 1934 and 1936), in my opinion, lies in the fact that they relate to all Catholic education, both subsidised and non-subsidised. In the two following series (those of Liesenborghs and Van Hove), a distinction is made between these two types, and “independent schools” must be understood as both Protestant and non-subsidised Catholic education.

[i] This figure corresponds surprisingly well with the figure given in the report from the Permanent Comittee and is therefore probably based on the same sources.
[ii] One difference between the figures cited here for the Catholic and Protestant schools should be mentioned: The figure for the Protestant schools is the total figure and includes all possible types of school whereas the figure for Catholic education only relates to primary schools or departments.
[iii] De Jonghe, E. (1931). L’enseignement des indigènes au Congo Belge. Rapport présenté à la XXIe session de l’I.C.I., à Paris, mai 1931. p. 39-93.
[iv] Corman, A. (1935). Annuaire des missions catholiques au Congo Belge. Bruxelles: Edition Universelle. p. 380 & 392-393.
[v] This must therefore be understood as: schools founded by the state and run by missionaries.
[vi] See data and source references in the overview table in appendix 2.
[vii] Liesenborghs, O. (1940). L’instruction publique des indigènes du Congo Belge. In Congo: Revue générale de la Colonie Belge. XXI. n°3. p. 267. In another article that was published at around the same time, Liesenborghs gives other indications with much less detail and also presented with the necessary reserve: “It should firstly be stated that the figures shown here differ somewhat, but only insignificantly, from indications in other publications. It is not always possible to find all the information required in the official annual reports and other sources.” [original quotation in Dutch] The figures relate to the situation in 1938. In his article he mentioned 1 official boys’ school with 3 368 pupils (!) and 1 girls’ school with 180 pupils. In independent education no distinction was made with regard to gender: in subsidised education he mentioned 4 212 schools with 219 430 pupils and in non-subsidised education 18 257 schools with 501 852 pupils. No sources were given for these figures. Liesenborghs, O. (1940). Het Belgisch koloniaal onderwijswezen. In Vlaamsch Opvoedkundig Tijdschrift. 1940. XXI, 7
[viii] Steenberghen, R. (1944). Les programmes de l’école primaire indigène rurale au Congo Belge. Leuven: unpublished Master’s thesis.
[ix] Van Hove, J. (1953). L’oeuvre d’éducation au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. In Encyclopédie du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, dl. 3, p. 749-789. Van Hove was the successor to Edouard De Jonghe within the colonial administration.
[x] The total differs from the sum of the various categories because a number of “6 preparatory” years have to be added. In this year this relates to 44 schools and 1 630 pupils.
[xi] The same as for footnote 10: this relates to 52 schools and 1 750 pupils.

Appendix 2 – Quantitative development of education in the Belgian Congo between 1938-1958, figures from N.I.S. (Briffaerts, 1995)











Appendix 3 – Quantitative development of education in the Belgian Congo between 1930-1948, according to the brochure with the Plan Décennal (1949)






















Appendix 4 – Figures relating to the state of education immediately after independence, in Congo and Coquilhatville (figures from BEC, 1963)

1. Congo – primary education (BEC 1963, p. 19)

school year network
  official Catholic Protestant other total
first 23161 534375 119150 1608 681294
second 19088 301511 69420 1275 391294
third 15114 216031 50661 659 282465
fourth 12075 162461 38948 327 213811
fifth 11319 123141 30915 223 165598
sixth 10568 78941 24362 399 114270
total 94325 1416460 333457 4491 1843733

2. Congo – secondary education (BEC 1963, p. 19)

school year network
  official Catholic Protestant other total
first 10090 16744 2379 1647 30860
second 7762 10151 1210 696 19819
third 2726 6124 535 315 9700
fourth 1520 3692 315 109 5636
fifth 511 961 46 77 1595
sixth 198 448 34 59 739
total 22807 38120 4519 2903 68349

3.  Congo – number of schools (“estimations raisonnables”, BEC 1963, p. 21)

  boys girls mixed total
complete primary education 668 336 353 1357
incomplete primary education 1468 135 5613 7212
number of classes 14106 5552 13895 33787

4. Total school population in Catholic primary education at the beginning of the school year 1962-63 in the Coquilhatville diocese (approximately corresponds to the vicariate of the MSC) (BEC 1963, p. 24)

total boys girls
year diocese province diocese province diocese province
préparatoire 110 160
1e 5149 41879 3291 30306 1858 11573
2e 2958 26174 1920 19601 1038 6573
3e 2277 20932 1520 16242 757 4690
4e 1793 16967 1229 13631 564 3336
5e 1334 12497 948 10314 386 2183
6e 898 7161 724 6247 174 914
7e 24 166 24 143 24
total 14432 125776 9656 96483 4777 29293

5. Congo – secondary and post-primary education (BEC 1963, p. 31)

Division of the schools by church province

  post-primary (pp) schools secondary (sec)schools schools with pp or sec sections
province boys girls boys girls boys girls
Léopoldville 32 34 33 37 3 11
Coquilhatville 6 13 27 3 1 1
Stanleyville 16 16 33 10 2 5
Bukavu 5 4 29 11 0 3
Elisabethville 7 10 26 13 1 6
Luluabourg 7 13 30 10 3 3
total 73 90 228 84 10 29

6. Secondary education in detail: comparison of Coquilhatville (province) and Congo

A. Number of classes from 1st October 1962 (BEC 1963, pp. 33-35, 40-42, 47-49)

Coquilhatville Congo
  totaux garcons filles totaux garcons filles
cycle d’orientation 68 60 8 729 545 184
moyennes générales 4 4 11 10 1
moy. hum. pédag. 21 16 5 247 156 91
moyennes familiales 1 . 1 7 . 7
moyennes ménagères . 4 . 4
human. latin-grec 15 15 178 160 18
human. latin-math 5 5 . 18 18 .
humanités modernes 3 3 110 81 29
scientifiques A 3 3 46 46
scientifiques B 19 16 3
Economiques 2 2 34 28 6
prof. tech. agricoles 5 5 . 27 27 .
autres techniques 1 1 62 47 15
autres prof. 10 9 1 113 103 10
artistiques . 14 14 .
médicales 15 4 11
totaux secondaire 138 123 15 1634 1255 379
apprentissage pédag. 5 3 2 22 14 8
artisanal, apprentissage 12 12 191 189 2
ménagères post-prim 8 . 8 64 . 64
ménagères pédagog 25 . 25 216 . 216
médicales 2 2
totaux post-primaires 50 15 35 495 203 292
totaux généraux 188 138 50 2129 1458 671

B. Number of pupils per 1 October 1962 (BEC 1963, p. 55-57, 62-64, 69-71)

Coquilhatville Congo
  totaux garcons filles totaux garcons filles
cycle d’orientation 2111 1892 219 26686 21115 5571
moyennes générales 55 55 71 68 3
moy. hum. pédag. 399 327 72 5858 4038 1850
moyennes familiales 8 . 8 112 . 112
moyennes ménagères . 47 . 47
human. latin-grec 203 203 3054 2821 233
human. latin-math 49 49 . 110 110 .
humanités modernes 81 81 3263 2878 385
scientifiques A 33 33 772 771 1
scientifiques B 348 329 19
Economiques 21 21 444 382 62
prof. tech. agricoles 69 69 380 380 .
autres techniques 23 23 1204 1074 130
autres prof. 87 87 2271 1894 377
artistiques . 99 99 .
médicales 127 127
totaux secondaire 3139 2840 299 44846 35959 8887
apprentissage pédag. 146 112 34 660 488 172
artisanal apprentissage 251 231 20 3926 3830 96
ménagères post-prim 132 . 132 1566 . 1566
ménagères pédagog 598 . 598 5112 . 5112
totaux post-primaires 1127 343 784 11264 4318 6946
totaux généraux 4226 3183 1083 56110 40277 15833

Appendix 5 – Development of educational spending in the colony and the proportion of educational spending in the total budget 1912-1940 (Liesenborghs, 1940)













Appendix 6 – Diagrams of the organisation of education according to the “Dispositions Générales” 1948 (Plan Décennal, 1949)

























Appendix 7 – Some quantitative data relating to the missionary presence in the Belgian Congo (source: Statistical Yearbook N.I.S.)













The following table shows the ratios from graph 2 with a more detailed division according to the origin of the missionaries (this only relates to the so-called “white” population):


  1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1943 1944 1946
Belg. male 1130 1181 1255 1338 1477 1584 1675 1694 1828
Belg. female 933 981 1071 1137 1253 1318 1389 1381 1530
Belg. total 2063 2162 2326 2475 2730 2902 3064 3075 3358
Foreign male 334 322 309 312 356 346 331 301 319
Foreign female 426 419 409 413 458 484 478 451 473
Foreign total 760 741 718 725 814 830 809 752 792
Total 2823 2903 3044 3200 3544 3732 3873 3827 4150

Table 1 – Religious workers in the Congo – ratios according to gender and nationality, 1933-1946

The “Katoliek Jaarboek” from 1961 gives the following figures with regard to the composition of the group of religious workers for 1959, although this is for the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi together. The various categories are given the same names as they were in the publication. “Foreign” is used for predominantly white, non-Belgian religious workers, as in the previous table.


Belgian missionaries 2 070
Belgian brothers 696
Belgian sisters 2 450
Total Belgian religious workers 5 216
Diocesan priests 586
Local brothers 514
Local sisters 1 184
Total Congolese religious workers 2 284
Foreign missionaries 576
Secular priests from other countries 61
Foreign brothers 225
Foreign sisters 755
Total foreign religious workers 1 617

Table 2 – Religious workers in the Congo – ratios according to gender and nationality, 1961


Appendix 8 – Primary school program – Extract from the Brochure Jaune

Programmes et Méthode [i]



Religion: programme à déterminer par les autorités religieuses.

Lecture: étude des lettres et de leurs combinaisons. En première année d’études, la lecture, l’écriture et l’orthographe doivent s’enseigner en même temps. L’étude d’une lettre comprendra donc: la recherche et l’étude du son, sa représentation, l’écriture de la lettre par les élèves, la combinaison de la lettre avec d’autres lettres étudiées précédemment, des exercices de lecture, d’écriture et der, dictées; comme il faut empêcher que les élèves ne prennent l’habitude de lire sans se rendre compte de ce qu’ils lisent, tous les mots nouveaux seront soigneusement expliqués et le maître vérifiera fréquemment si les élèves comprennent bien le texte lu.

Calcul: notion concrète des cinq premiers nombres, additions et soustractions concrètes sur ces nombres; étude des cinq premiers chiffres, additions et soustractions; étude simultanée des nombres et des chiffres de 5 à 10, additions et soustractions sur les 10 premiers nombres, ensuite multiplications et divisions sur les mêmes nombres; petits problèmes oraux. En 1re et en 2e année d’études, il est désirable d’adopter pour la division la forme de “la 1/2 de…”, “le 1/3 de…”, “le 1/4 de…”, “le 1/5 de…”.

Système métrique: notion intuitive du mètre, du litre, du franc, du kilogramme, du demi-litre, du double-litre, du poids d’un demi-kilogramme, de deux kilogrammes; nombreux exercices de mesurages-longueurs, liquides, matières sèches de pesage, de paiement; petits problèmes oraux.

Leçons d’intuition: parties du corps, vêtements, classe, objets de la classe, fleurs, fruits, plantes, animaux. Pour les leçons d’intuition l’on suivra généralement la marche suivante: analyse libre de l’objet, analyse dirigée, comparaison, dans la mesure du possible, avec des objets de même nature, synthèse rappelant les caractères essentiels de l’objet étudié.

Pour l’analyse dirigée et la synthèse, le maître, au début de l’année, introduira dans ses questions les principaux termes de la réponse; dans la suite, les questions ne renfermeront plus qu’un terme de la réponse et finalement, elles ne renfermeront plus aucun élément de la réponse.

Causeries générales: tenue en classe, à l’église, à la rue, au village, relations avec les compagnons, règlement scolaire, personnes, choses, scènes du milieu immédiat; premières notions de politesse.

Hygiène: propreté du corps et des vêtements, propreté de la classe, de la cour, de l’habitation et de ses environs, soins à donner aux organes des sens, précautions à prendre et choses à éviter en ce qui les concerne.

Les causeries et les leçons d’hygiène seront traitées comme des leçons d’élocution. En règle générale, le maître commencera par un exposé concrétisé et dramatisé. Il choisira l’exemple d’un enfant, qui deviendra le héros de tous ses récits et qui constatera et fera ce qu’il veut que les élèves constatent et fassent. Il multipliera les péripéties de façon à donner à ses récits un intérêt toujours nouveau. Après le récit, il procédera à l’analyse et à là synthèse en graduant ses questions comme pour les leçons d’intuition.

Dessin: Point; ligne droite, horizontale, verticale, oblique, combinaisons diverses; dessin simplifié et d’après nature d’objets divers: barrière, table, chaise, lance, couteau, drapeau, machette, etc…

Chants: petits chants appris par audition.

Gymnastique: marche rythmées avec ou sans chant, jeux.

Français: (cours facultatif) noms des objets de la classe, d’objets usuels, verbes les plus communément employés, conjugaison de ces verbes à l’indicatif présent. Pendant les leçons de français, il est désirable de ne pas recourir aux traductions; le maître doit montrer, agir et parler, faire montrer, faire agir et faire parler.

Travaux manuels: cultures, élevage, métiers indigènes, constructions et réparations exécutées avec le concours d’élèves.


Religion: programme à déterminer par les autorités religieuses.

Lecture: lecture courante. Comme en 1re année d’études, les exercices de lecture sont combinés avec des exercices d’écriture et l’étude de l’orthographe.

Langue maternelle: notion du nom, du verbe, de l’adjectif.

Calcul: étude des nombres de 1 à 20; additions, soustractions multiplications, divisions; la douzaine; petits problèmes oraux et écrits, chiffres romains.

Système métrique: litre, franc, kilogramme, décamètre, décalitre, billets de 5 et de 20 frs; décimètre, décilitre; décime nombreux exercices pratiques: mesurages, pesages, paiements; petits problèmes oraux et écrits.

Leçons d’intuition: plantes, fleurs, fruits, animaux, outillage et produits indigènes. La marche à suivre pour ces leçons est la même que celle indiquée dans le programme de la 1re année d’études; au cours de la synthèse, un petit résumé est écrit au tableau. Ce petit résumé est copié par le et peut servir de base à une série d’exercices.

Causeries générales: politesse: respect dû aux autorités civiles et religieuses; aide à donner aux vieillards et aux infirmes; douceur envers les animaux; accidents géographiques de la région, phénomènes naturels: jour, nuit, vent, pluie, éclair, tonnerre, etc.

Hygiène: habitation; aliments et boissons; précautions à prendre contre le soleil, contre le froid, avec le feu; notions générales sur les maladies tropicales les plus répandues dans la région; précautions à prendre pour les éviter.

Les causeries générales et les leçons d’hygiène se donnent de la même façon qu’en première année d’études. La synthèse de la leçon est écrite au tableau. Celle-ci se présentera sous forme d’un petit récit terminé par une conclusion pratique renfermant la notion que le maître a voulu enseigner.

Pour les accidents géographiques déjà connus des enfants et l’explication des phénomènes naturels, le maître peut aborder directement l’analyse. Au cours de celle-ci il rectifiera et complètera les connaissances des enfants. La synthèse de la leçon est également écrite au tableau.

Dessin: notion intuitive du carré et du rectangle; dessin d’après nature d’objets renfermant ces éléments: pavés, cadres, encadrements de portes, de volets, élévation d’une boîte, d’une armoire, etc.; dessin d’ornements simples dérivant du carré et du rectangle.

Chants: chants simples appris par audition.

Gymnastique: marches rythmées avec ou sans chant, jeux.

Français: (cours facultatif). Causeries sur des objets qui ont été analysés pendant les leçons d’intuition ou d’après tableaux. Les causeries sont suivies d’un résumé au tableau fait avec l’aide des élèves. Il faut profiter de ces résumés pour faire l’étude progressive de l’alphabet français: u, e, é, è, c, ç, g doux, j, q, gn, ai, ou, ou, om, an, am, in, un, um, au, eau, ent, ais, et, er, ez, ei, ail, euil, eil. Conjugaison des verbes à l’indicatif présent, au passé indéfini et au futur simple. Il convient généralement de faire conjuguer les verbes avec un ou plusieurs compléments d’après le degré d’avancement des élèves.

Travaux manuels: Développer le programme de la 1re année.



Religion: programme à déterminer par les autorités religieuses.

Lecture: lecture courante. Il est utile de faire précéder les leçons de lecture d’une petite causerie sur le texte à lire.

Langue maternelle: notion du nom, de l’adjectif, du pronom, du verbe, conjugaison des verbes.

Calcul: récapitulation des 20 premiers nombres; étude des nombres de 20 à 100; table de multiplication et division des 100 premiers nombres par les 10 premiers nombres; la centaine, le dixième, le centième; nombreux exercices et problèmes.Système métrique: mètre, décamètre, décimètre, hectomètre, centimètre, litre, décalitre, décilitre, hectolitre, centilitre; gramme, décagramme, décigramme, hectogramme, centigramme; franc, décime, centime, billets de 5, 20 et 100 frs: nombreux exercices pratiques mesurages, paiements; problèmes écrits et oraux.

Leçons d’intuition: outils de fabrication indigène et de fabrication européenne en usage dans le pays, métiers indigènes, causeries d’après tableaux. Pour les leçons d’intuition, la marche à suivre est la même que celle suivie à la deuxième année de l’école primaire du 1er degré. Le résumé peut être fait par les élèves au moyen de questions écrites au tableau au cours de la synthèse. Pour ces questions, on suivra la même gradation que celle qui a été adoptée pour les questions orales en 1re année d’études de l’école primaire du 1er degré.

Causeries générales: rôle des européens dans le pays, coutumes et pratiques du pays; politesse.

Hygiène: eau, qualités de l’eau potable, endroits où il faut la puiser, purification de l’eau; notions pratiques aussi complètes que le développement intellectuel des élèves sur la malaria, la maladie du sommeil, le pian, la variole, la fièvre récurrente.

Les causeries générales et les leçons d’hygiène se donnent comme à l’école primaire du 1ère degré, 2e année d’études. L’exposé concrétisé et dramatisé peut être accompagné d’expériences analogues aux constatations faites par le héros du récit: purification de l’eau; éclosion de moustiques, etc….

Les causeries sur les coutumes et les pratiques du pays supposent que le maître connaisse à fond la mentalité des indigènes de la région, leurs usages et toutes les pratiques superstitieuses et autres auxquelles ils se livrent. Le récit fera ressortir la valeur des coutumes et des pratiques utiles et le ridicule, l’inefficacité et éventuellement la nuisance des autres. Le résumé de ces leçons sera préparé de la même façon que les résumés des leçons d’intuition.

Géographie: classe, quatre points cardinaux, orientation de la classe, de l’école; environs de l’école; étude sommaire mais méthodique du territoire; croquis et cartes; histoire du territoire.

Agriculture: différentes espèces de terrains; caractéristiques, qualités, défauts, moyens à employer pour les améliorer; engrais verts et autres; préparation du terrain pour les semis et les plantations: disposition des parcelles.

Dessin: notion intuitive du carré, du rectangle, du triangle du losange; dessin d’après nature d’objets renfermant ces éléments; dessin d’ornements simples dérivant des éléments étudiés; frises décoratives.

Calligraphie: étude méthodique des minuscules.

Chants: chants simples appris par audition. Eventuellement quelques notions musicales théoriques: la gamme, l’accord parfait et son renversement tons, demi-tons, degrés; exercices de lecture sans et avec mesure, de solfège; dictées musicales; exercices de vocalise et d’adaptation de paroles.

Gymnastique: exercice choisis d’ordre et dérivatifs, extension et suspension, exercices d’équilibre, exercices pour la nuque, le dos, l’abdomen, exercices latéraux, marches, sauts, courses, exercices respiratoires et calmants.

Français: (cours obligatoire dans les centres dans les centres urbains, facultatif dans les autres centres) causeries d’après tableaux suivies de résumés faits avec les élèves. Notions de grammaire.

Travaux manuels: culture, élevage: métiers indigènes perfectionnés, collaboration aux travaux de construction et de réparation.



Religion: programme à déterminer par les autorités religieuses.

Lecture: lecture expressive. Les textes à lire font l’objet d’une analyse sommaire très simple avant d’être lus.

Langue maternelle: étude du nom, de l’adjectif, du pronom, de l’adverbe, du verbe, études des préfixes, infixes et suffixes.

Rédaction: exercices de comparaison entre deux choses concrètes, petits récits puisés dans la vie des enfants ou dans l’actualité locale.

Calcul: les quatre opérations sur les 1.000 premiers nombres, recherches des 2/3, des 3/4, etc. d’un nombre; le millième; problèmes écrits et oraux, achats, ventes, gains, pertes.

Système métrique: récapitulation du programme de la 1re année du 2e degré; le kilomètre, le millimètre, le kilogramme; mesures de surface; périmètre et surface du carré et du rectangles.

Leçon d’intuition: produits de la culture, de la cueillette, de l’industrie locale; même marche que pour les leçons d’intuition en 1re année du 2e degré. Le résumé à faire par les élèves peut être préparé au moyen d’un canevas.

Causeries générales: les usages et les pratiques du pays: croyances superstitieuses; rôle néfaste des féticheurs; phénomènes naturels: foudre, grêle, tremblements de terre, éclipses; dangers que présentent la consommation de l’alcool, l’usage du chanvre et d’autres plantes stupéfiantes.

Hygiène: maladies de la peau, maladies du ventre, maladies de la poitrine; symptômes, causes, propagation, précautions, soins.

Pour les causeries et les leçons d’hygiène, on suit a même marche qu’en 1re année du 2e degré. Au cours de la synthèse, un canevas à développer par les élèves est écrit au tableau.

Géographie: révision du cours de 1re année; le globe terrestre, le soleil, la lune, les étoiles, le jour, la nuit, les cinq parties du monde, les grands océans, quelques grands voyages sur la sphère le Congo Belge; situation, limites, chefs-lieux; description du cours du fleuve Congo. Histoire de l’occupation du Congo par la Belgique.

Agriculture: cultures du pays, variétés à choisir, plantation, semis, soins des plantations, récolte. Choix des boutures ou des graines pour les cultures de l’année suivante; conservation et transformation des produits; culture des arbres fruitiers: variétés à choisir, greffage, soins; oiseaux utiles, oiseaux nuisibles; insectes nuisibles et leur destruction; culture des arbres et des plantes donnant les produits d’exportation; destruction des insectes et des animaux nuisibles.

Dessin: Le carré, le rectangle, le losange, l’hexagone, le cercle; dessin d’après nature d’objets renfermant les éléments étudiés; dessin d’après nature, de feuilles, de fleurs et de fruits; stylisation de ces éléments; frises ornementales.

Calligraphie: révision du cours de la 1re année, étude méthodique des majuscules.

Chants: quelques chants appris par audition à 1 et à 2 voix. Eventuellement continuation de la théorie musicale donnée en 11, année: tons, demi-tons, degrés de la gamme, etc., manière de prendre le ton à l’aide de formules; exercices de solfège, dictées musicales, exercices de vocalise et d’adaptation de paroles à la musique.

Gymnastique: mêmes exercices qu’en 1re année.

Français: (cours obligatoire dans les centres dans les centres urbains, facultatif dans les autres centres), causeries d’après tableau ou sur les objets analysés dans les leçons d’intuition suivies de résumés faits an tableau avec l’aide des élèves. Exercices sur notions de grammaire.

Travaux manuels: Programme de la première année à développer.



Religion: Programme à déterminer par les autorités religieuses.

Lecture: lecture expressive comme en 2e année d’études. Les analyses doivent être plus complètes qu’en 2e année.

Langue maternelle: Etude complète des parties du discours, compléments, analyse grammaticale. Rédactions: comparaisons entre deux choses concrètes, deux choses abstraites, petites descriptions, petits récits, lettres.

Calcul: les quatre opérations sur les nombres entiers et décimaux jusqu’au nombre 10.000: règle de trois simple et directe; recherche de l’intérêt: nombreux problèmes.

Système métrique: mesures de longueur, de capacité, de poids, monnaies; mesures de surface, mesures agraires; périmètre et surface du carré, du rectangle, du triangle; diamètre, circonférence et surface du cercle; nombreux exercices pratiques; nombreux problèmes.

Causeries générales: Principales stipulations du décret sur les chefferies; obligations des indigènes en matière de recensement, d’impôts, de milice; principales dispositions législatives sur les armes à feu, la chasse, l’alcool, le chanvre, les jeux de hasard.

Hygiène: révision des notions enseignées dans les quatre premières années; premiers soins en cas d’accident – asphyxie, hémorragie, brûlure, empoisonnement, syncope, morsure de serpent, foulure, fracture; quelques notions d’asepsie et d’antisepsie; soins des plaies; maladies vénériennes.

Les causeries générales et les leçons d’hygiène sont résumées au tableau. Ce résumé est transcrit par les élèves dans un cahier spécial et doit être étudié de mémoire.

Géographie: révision des matières enseignées dans les cours inférieurs; étude méthodique du district: cours d’eau, production, centres, voies de communication, industrie, commerce, grandes tribus, divisions administratives, missions; quelques notions sur la Belgique: situation, quelques villes, fleuves, chemins de fer (longueur) quelques indications sur la richesse et l’activité du peuple belge la famille royale de Belgique.

Agriculture: révision du cours donné dans les deux années précédentes; petit bétail, éventuellement gros bétail, animaux et oiseaux de basse-cour; soins, maladies, remèdes, nourriture, choix des reproducteurs; conditions que doivent réunir les étables, les clapiers, les poulaillers, les pigeonniers; traitement des produits.

Dessin: plan-détaillé d’une case modèle, d’une porte, d’une fenêtre, d’une table, d’une chaise, d’un banc, d’un lit, d’une armoire; matières colorantes existant dans la région et pouvant servir à la décoration de la case.

Calligraphie: minuscules et majuscules; écriture grande, moyenne et petite.

Chant: chants à une et à deux voix appris par audition. Eventuellement développement du cours théorique donné en 2e année.

Gymnastique: leçons comme en Ile année d’études.

Français: (cours obligatoire dans les centres dans les centres urbains, facultatif dans les autres centres): causeries d’après tableaux ou sur des choses concrètes, petites rédactions. Exercices écrits portant spécialement sur les notions de grammaire et sur l’orthographe.

Travaux manuels: Programme de la deuxième année à développer.

Dans les écoles de filles l’on peut suivre le même programme que dans les écoles de garçons. L’on y ajoutera toutefois des notions aussi complètes que possible de puériculture à donner en 3e année du 2e degré, ainsi que les travaux à l’aiguille.

Le programme suivant pourrait être adopté pour ces travaux:

1re année du 1er degré: points devant, de piqûre, de cordonnet, à la croix sur gros tissus en tirant un fil; quelques travaux en raphia et tricot à 2 aiguilles: montage du tricot, mailles à l’endroit, à l’envers, etc.

2e année du 1er degré: points devant, de piqûre, de cordonnet, à la croix sur tissus moins gros que ceux employés en 1re année et sans tirer un fil; quelques travaux en raphia et tricot à 2 aiguilles.

1re année du 2e degré: points de piqûre, devant et de côté sur plis rentrés; tricot à 4 aiguilles: étude de la chaussette; travaux d’agrément.

2e année du 2e degré: points de surjet, de feston, de flanelle; travaux d’agrément; tricot à 4 aiguilles: études du bas, ravaudage et manière de renforcer le tricot.

3e année du 2e degré: point de boutonnière, fixation des boutons, oeillets, agrafes, pressions; tracé, coupe et confection de vêtements simples; tricot; rempiétage du bas, ravaudage, remmaillage, tricot d’une brassière, de chaussons de bébés etc.


[i]   Conçus comme ils le sont, les programmes paraissent applicables dans toutes les écoles. En cas de nécessité, il sera néanmoins permis de s’en écarter. Us inspecteur du Gouvernement, d’accord avec les missionnaires-inspecteurs, décideront des changements à apporter éventuellement au Programme. Ils veilleront toutefois à ce que les modifications n’aillent pas jusqu’à faire disparaître certaines branches du programme ou à diminuer notablement l’ensemble des matières à enseigner.

Appendix 9 – Letters from Pierre Kolokoto to Paul Jans, from the Aequatoria Archive Transcribed from the microfilms.

Beambo le 8 octobre 1935

Très R. Père Paul Jans
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire connaître que tous les gens de Bofidji ont déjà payé l’impôt. Mais exceptez moi, donc tâchez de m’envoyer 70 frs. de mon salaire.
Je vous envoie mon livret du travail parce que je n’ai pas encore toucher le moi de septembre à cause que je suis très éloigné. Je vous demande aussi 20 frs. que vous avez promis à mes élèves pour leurs nourritures. Alors il ne faut pas oublier de m’envoyer la couverture que vous m’avez promise de l’année 1935, parce que vous n’avez pas donné.
Donc envoyez moi aussi un rideau pour la classe, un pacquet de craies, un paquet de touches aussi que qq cahiers pour les journaux de classe.
Veuillez agréer très R. P. Paul, les salutations très cordiales de votre serviteur,

Kolokoto Pierre, moniteur de l’école rurale Beambo.

Beambo le 29 octobre 1935

J’ai l’honneur de vous faire savoir que je suis en bonne santé ainsi que mes élèves, mais quelques uns ont des plaies donc ils manquent seulement des médicaments. J’ai bien reçue la lettre dont vous m’avez evoyée par mes élèves avec 1 paquet de craies, 1 paquet de touches, 5 cahiers comme journal de classe ainsi que mon salaire 70 frs.
Excepter un rideau pour la classe – ainsi que la couverture promise par le R. Père Paul Jans, parce que la première est morte depuis 1934.
Très Révérend Père Supérieur, voilà une chose que je me regrette maintenant; j’ai engagé une femme puis j’ai donné à ses parents trois cents frs. et maintenant elle est à son village on demande encore quatre cents ou cinq cents frs pour compléter huit cents frs. donc je vous prie s’il vous plaît prêtez moi cinq cents ou quatre cents frs. donc vous retiendrez 50 frs. de ma salaire chaque fois car j’envoie mon livret ainsi vous ferez comme bon-pour dans mon livret.
Ne me refusez pas de me prêter parce que le moniteur de Indjolo avait prêté cinq cents frs chez le Père Paul Jans donc nous sommes aussi des moniteurs alors car j’ai une affaire s’il vous plaît aidez moi. Moi je recevrai seulement 20 frs. puis 50 frs. pour bon-pour jusque le bon-pour sera terminé. Donc je vous envoir mes élèves avec mon livret ainsi que 17 ardoises qui ne sont pas bonnes pour vous montrer. N’oubliez pas un rideau de la classe chez les Soeurs.
Donc quant à ma classe. Ca va bien, nous avons un grand jardin, très propre et bien arranger. Nous avons planté des bananiers, des maniocs doux, des ananas, des arrachides d’avec des palmiers. Donc dès que vous serez ici, vous verrez tous ça.
Veuillez agréer, très R. Père Supérieur, les salutations cordiales de votre seriteur.

Kolokoto Pierre, moniteur de l’école rurale de Beambo Bofidji Ouest

Beambo, le 4 décembre 1935

Très R. Père Supérieur

J’ai l’honneur de vous faire cette petite lettre.
Quant à la fiancée elle n’est pas dans ma maison. Mais elle est toujours au village natal, je n’ai pas assez de l’argent pour qu’elle viens dans ma maison, ses parents me demandent 1000 frs donc j’ai remis seulement 250 frs la dotte pas encore assez, comme je vous ai écri de vous m’envoyer 400 frs ce pour compléter la dotte, alors comment le catéchiste parle que moi je montre le mauvais exemple. Est-ce qu’elle dans ma maison? Si j’avais au moins 7000 frs la femme serais dans ma maison puis je l’enverrais au même instant à la mission, parce que nous avons l’obligation qu’un moniteur ne peut pas rester avec une femme car il ne pas encore marié avec.
Aussi nous ne pouvons pas envoyer une femme à la mission car la dotte pas encore terminé, sinon nous aurons toujours des difficulté contre ses parents, on me dira aussi que je suis un voleur.
Quant au catéchiste il n’est pas content de moi. Un jour il m’a demandé: comment les missionnaires ne donnent pas de l’argent aux catéchistes alors ils donnent seulement aux moniteurs. Donc pour cela il n’enseigne pas encore comme avant. deux semaines à la forêt pour chercher des copals copaux. trois semaines à la forêt pour la chasse puis les chrétiens prient seulement eux-mêmes quand il vient de la forêt seulement pour fabriquer des liriques. il dit où aurais-je de l’argent pour donner aux massons? je fréquenterai à la forêt pour chercher du copal.
Maintenant il a un fils donc son fils en ai une femme. le catechiste même qui a remsi la dotte puis ils sont dans sa maison même est-ce qu’ils sont mariés ils sont restés pendant 8 mois. Pourquoi il ne l’envoie pas à la mission tous les chrétiens de Beambo ne sont pas content de lui à cause qu’il ne reste pas au village toujours à la forêt. La chapelle que le Père Moeyens avait laissé la ….. (?), pas encore finit depuis 11 mois on prie seulement à sa maison. Sa femme dispute toujours contre les élèves, à cause de le jardin des élèves même; elle avait coupé un régime de banane puis les élèves sont encore contre moi donc moi je dis je dirai au père Supérieur.
Maintenant j’ai déjà commencé l’examen malgré s’il n’avais pas l’examen je serais à Bamanya immédiatement donc je viendrai après l’examen. Je serai à Bamanya 22 décembre.

Je vous envoie aussi mon livret pour le mois de novembre.
les salutations cordiales
le votre serviteur

Kolokoto Pierre

Beambo, le 16 février 1936

J’ai l’honneur de vous faire connaître que je suis en bonne santé ainsi que mes élèves. Pour la classe les élèves sont très contents ainsi que leurs parents, parce que j’ai resté encore ici avec leurs fils, mais les élèves de deuxième année d’études nous demandent des livres (2e partie) pour chaque élève, ainsi que des cahiers de devoir, un livre de manuel français pour les apprendre un peu le français (lecture).
Quant au moniteur > Quant à moi. envoyez moi un paquet des craies, un paquet des touches, un carnet pour la liste d’appel pour cette année. Mais n’oubliez pas un rideau pour couvrir le tablau, parce que comme j’enseigne 2 classes il faut un rideau 2,5 m de largeur et 1,5 m de hauteur.
Mais avant tout cherchez mon livret de travail que le Père Paul m’a donné. J’ai diplômé en 1934 donc le Père Paul m’avait donné 60 frs. par mois, puis en 1935 il m’a donné 70 frs par mois parce que nous avons l’augmentation de 10 frs. par ans jusqu’à la fin de notre contrat, mais si vous doutez regarder dans mon livret que le Père Paul m’a donné, il vous montrera tous. Donc pour cette année 1936 vous m’avais donné 35 frs. donc il reste 45 frs. pour compléter 80 frs. du mois de janvier.
Je vous demande aussi l’argent du mois de février parce qu’il me reste 13 jours puis je suis très éloigné donc il faut que vous m’envoyez aussi. Je vous envoie mon livret par le fils du catéchiste. Maintenant moi et le catéchiste nous sommes d’accord pour le moment depuis la fête jusqu’à’maintenant.
Donc pour les deux mois que vous avez retenu, envoyez moi l’argent d’un mois parce que nous voulons payer l’impôt. Tous les gens de Bofidji sont allés à la forêt pour chercher le copal mais tâchez de m’envoyer l’argent pour l’impôt 55 frs. On paye 55 frs. pour tous les gens de Bofidji.

Votre serviteur

Appendix 10 – Letters from Hilaire Vermeiren to Paul Jans, from the Aequatoria Archive Transcribed from the microfilms.


Bokote, 19/1/1930

Beste Paul,

Zooals ik aan broeder Medard geschreven heb, houd ik Hilario achter. Ik had er wat moeite mee na het ontvangen van de magnifieke papieren van dit heerken, maar nu kan ik het met gerusten harte doen. Dat heerken heeft hier de revolutie gestookt. Ten anderen ik ben niets tevreden over die kornuiten. Zij hebben hier mijn schoolkolonie opgemaakt, dat het een schande is. Zij vertelden niets anders dan dat ze hier veel te veel moesten werken, geen eten kregen, en dat onze moniteurs stommerikken waren, waar niets bij te leeren viel. Dat laatste is wel waar, maar dat moeten die snotneuzen toch niet komen vertellen. Ik heb er dan ook met de zweep nogal opgezeten en als ze nog ooit op vacantie komen dan zullen ze de varkenskoten mogen schoon maken en als ze roespeteren kunt ge ze den volgenden keer zonder billen verwachten. …
Paul, jongen, ik beschouw dat als een gebrek in de opvoeding; de jongens hier in Bokote zijn uiterlijk minder gedisciplineerd, dat geloof ik wel, maar innerlijk zijn ze beter, ze hebben het niet achter de mouw, steken ze schavuitenstreken uit, ik rammel ze ne keer op hun gat en zij en ik zijn content. Dat systeem van band honderij (sic) is de pest van al onze opvoedingsscholen in België en ik zie dat ze dat vervloekte systeem naar Congo overbrengen. Daar is maar één man die het heeft aangedurfd aan ons klein liefdewerk daar verandering in te brengen, namelijk de dikke Piet en die heeft het ook moeten bekoopen, die zetelt nu als surveillant perpetuel in de studie. Gij hebt dat willen veranderen en ik ook en we zitten in de Congo; sans rancune voor die wijze en vroede vaderen, maar ik citeer de feiten zooals ze zijn. Als ge er iets aan kunt doen, Paul, laat van deze mannekens geen muilezels maken.


Bokote, 10/5/31

Beste Paul,

In de gauwe gauwte enkele woordjes. Ik stuur u vier jongens. … van een heiden, Joannes Yembe. Deze laatste is hier zoowat moniteur geweest. Misschien kan hij wat meer … (?) bijkrijgen in Bamania; Niettegenstaande zijn rotte plakpooten is de man toch nog al met hart en ziel de zwakke sexe toegedaan. Voldoet hij niet, stuur hem dan maar als postcollie naar zijn dorp. Ik geef hem hierbij nog een kans. Verder J. Bolenge blijft hier. Nauwelijks aangekomen had hij het al verkorven. Een jonge meid kreeg drie armbanden, oorbellen, … Belangeloze vriendschap. Bomandeke Jean en Ifaso Hilario heb ik ne keer de les gelezen. Als ze nog zoo doen een volgende maal dan kunnen ze hier ook blijven. Dat is zoo wat alles, Paul, ik zit tot over mijn oren in het werk. Binnen enkele dagen zijn hier 110 doopsels.



Bokote, 6/6/31,

Beste Paul,

Brief wel ontvangen. Ik had gedacht met het lange wegblijven van de boot gelegenheid te hebben om een flink antwoord te sturen. Helaas; ik heb zo wat gesukkeld en dan is het er bij gebleven. Ik denk dat al de jonge heerkens van Bokuma terug naar Bamania gaan. Heer Yembi kan u gerust zonder gewetenswroeging ontslaan van verdere ontwikkeling zijner geestesvermogens: ik heb hem een laatste kans willen geven; indien hij niet voldoet volgend trimester, geef hem dan den bons, maar zend hem bid ik u naar de regionen van Wafanya, dat is de plaats waar zijn wiege stond. Dat de jongens van Bokuma erg ingebeeld zijn, concedo, maar ze hebben het potver hier niet gekregen: waar ze het gehaald hebben, weet ik niet, maar ze hebben het van hier naar ginder niet meegebracht. … Ik heb ze hier aan het potten van den oven gezet; werk dat hun nobele handen zeker lang niet meer verricht hadden. Kon het zijn dat die heerkens hier nooit meer kwamen onder de vacantie, ik zou mij en onzen missiepost gelukkig achten. De twee exemplaren die hier gebleven zijn moet ik minstens om de maand afranselen. … Enfin, zooals ge zegt het is een crisis en heel de Congo zal die crisis wel meemaken vooral omdat een neger van nature al erg ingebeeld en met zijn eigen zich zelven gauw tevreden is.

Appendix 11 – Contextual analysis of “La Voix du Congolais”

A short explanation of the method used in the analysis of La Voix du Congolais.

The collection I consulted is almost complete, with only seven issues missing. Only three of the six issues were available from the first year (so the period March-August 1945 is missing). Issue 13 from 1947 and issue 26 from 1948 are also missing. No other issues are missing from the following years, although some numbers are not stated in the summary tables I made because there was no information of interest to us in those issues. Issues 159 and 162 from 1959 are also missing.

During the first reading of these issues a record was taken of the articles, references, photographs, opinions, etc. that fulfilled our selection criteria. These selection criteria can be summarised relatively clearly and simply: anything, in the broadest sense, relating to education, the Equateur province and/or the congregations active in the vicariate of the MSC. This first selection resulted in approximately 450 references.

In a second phase these references were copied, in which another verification was carried out with regard to the subject and the extent to which it complied with the criteria. After this, over 400 references remained and the corresponding documents were copied. The remaining documents were marked with an X.

In a third phase the copies taken were subdivided into four main groups. This division was based on the type of text. The division consists of the following four themes:

A: Illustrations (photographs)
B: Descriptive (or mostly descriptive) contributions, in which the emphasis was on the representation of situations, places, conditions, rather than on the representation of an opinion on that subject.
F: Factual information, not descriptive or narrative documents but those contributions that gave statistical or factual information.
O: Opinion. Those contributions in which the author put forward a particular opinion.

Naturally, all the documents cannot be simply allocated to one of these groups. If they overlapped I opted to only allocate them to a single group on the basis of the predominant element. With regard to the first group, it then relates to those documents that were only kept for the illustrations or which are only made up of an illustration. This is also the smallest group.

On this basis we obtained the following subdivision:

A: 14
B: 96
F: 114
O: 179

These four groups were then subdivided again into five thematic groups. The following themes were defined in this:

1: Education and Equateur
2: Equateur
3: Education
4: Gender
5: Miscellaneous

Quantitatively this gives the following:

Group 1: 19 documents
Group 2: 102 documents
Group 3: 161 documents
Group 4: 32 documents
Group 5: 89 documents

Juxtaposing these two divisions gives the following total representation:


A few very general remarks have to be made: firstly the group “illustrations” is the smallest group. However, a large number of illustrations were also in the other categories, which were then not explicitly counted. A number of subjects presented to the reader over numerous issues are included in categories B and O. Each issue was maintained as such and counted as a single item. The largest subcategory was that of the opinion documents on education (general). This indicates that it was worth using the source. Naturally, the smallest of the contextual groups is that on education in the Equateur province. That is not illogical as it relates to a theme that was delineated following multiple criteria, and the periodical had to consider a lot of themes for the entire colony.

The category “miscellaneous” should perhaps be clarified: this still relates to subjects relating to education and Equateur but those that are broader or related but situated within the context of the research. With illustrations this mainly relates to school photographs or photographs of specific people. In opinion articles it may, for example, relate to “évolués”. In the factual information it may relate to a contribution on authority or a speech by the governor general. I really only distilled the fourth category in the second instance from this miscellaneous category because it proved to be a relatively large body of material (particularly opinion documents) on the education / civilisation / development of woman in Congolese society.

In the final phase each document was given a concise commentary at the very least (both regarding the photographs and the longer documents) and in a number of cases literal information was also copied from them. All references were copied into an Excel file at that point, with a short reference to the title, subject and, if given, the author. Every contribution was given its own coding, which consisted of the year, page number and category codes to which the contribution belonged. In a small number of cases there were some documents with exactly the same code. The starting page was then used to distinguish between these.

Appendix 12 – The history of the emergence of schools in the Equator province, by Stephane Boale (The text has been copied word-for-word from the written document.)

Création des écoles de village

L’origine des écoles dites de village se situe vers 1880. C’était fait par les premiers missionaires Trappistes chez les Mongo du tribu Mbole, Bosaka, Nkole, Bolukutu et Bakutu, lesquels se trouvent sur les 5 rivières Luafa, Lomela, Busira, Salonga et Momboyo (voir la carte de la province de l’Equateur), autrement appelé la région de l’Equateur Sud.

L’esquisse de cette historique rempli d’enseignements, nous l’avons reçue grâce à monsieur Boale Stéphane du village de Momboyo monEnE, secteur Dzera, du territoire de Boende, district de la Tshuapa, province de l’Equateur Sud. L’intéressé est diplômé de l’école normale de Bamanya, ancien commis de l’Etat au service de la météorologie du Congo Belge, pour lequel il a effectué beaucoup de stages à l’étranger, ce qui lui a fourni une bagage de formation solide. Et compte tenu de ce qui vient de nous être revelé, l’intéressé veut nous livrer ses impressions sur l’histoire de l’école de village, lui léguées par ses ancêtres et les vieux du village qui y véçurent dès l’arrivée des blancs, missionnaires trappistes vers les années 1890. Ils étaient venus pour l’évangélisation du Congo Belge, afin que tous les Congolais, hommes et femmes, pourraient être baptisés, selon la mission leur confiée par S.M. le Roi Léopold II.

Ce qui fut fait. C’est ainsi que les prêtres de la congrégation des Trappistes ont répondu vivement à l’appel lancé par le Roi Léopold II à desservir le bassin du Congo, particulièrement la sous-région de l’Equateur, pour ainsi collaborer à l’évangélisation de ce peuplade.

Dès leur arrivée à l’Equateur (Mbandaka) les premiers missionnaires ont fondé leur première mission à Mpaku, en amont plus ou moins trois kilomètres de la ville de Mbandaka. Malheureusement, à cause de l’état malsain du lieu, ils ont du se déplacer pour fonder une nouvelle mission à Boloko wa Nsimba, plus près de la ville de Mbandaka, et vers la mission protestante de Bolenge. Et ensuite le fondement de missions ne devrait pas se limiter qu’au centre de la ville de Mbandaka, mais a été transféré à travers les 5 rivières cités ci-haut. Voici la liste des missions catholiques fondées par les prêtres Trappistes:

Boloko wa Nsimba

Comment devaient-ils évangéliser un peuple dont ils ne connaissaient ni la langue, ni la culture, ni les moeurs? Autant de questions furent posées à qui veut l’entendre. Mais sachez que Jésus Chrtist avait dit à ses disciples que “je ne vous laisserai pas orphélins, je serai avec vous tout le temps (par l’esprit)”. A ce dire, les missionaires Trappistes étaient convainçus que tout irait selon les paroles du Christ. La meilleure méthode de communication employée par les Trappistes auprès du peuple Mongo était celle de la pédagogie appliquée avec persuasion, car il n’y avait pas seulement l’enseignement de la parole de Dieu, mais aussi celui de l’écriture (alphabet) lesquelles devaient aller de pair pour une bonne compréhension et une réussite totale des enseignements donnés. “Les paroles s’envolent, mais l’écriture reste” dit-on. D’où est né l’école du village. L’école du village créé par les missionaires Trappistes n’était pas une école en soi, mais un système inventé par eux-mêmes afin de permettre aux catéchumènes que la combinaison de l’Evangile enseigné et l’écriture apprise pourraient leur donner des bons fruits à la récolte, suite à la qualité de l’enseignement donné et son appréciation par ceux qui l’écoutaient. Connaissance de la langue Lomongo (ou Lonkundo): c’est la seule que tout le peuple Mongo parle, de la mission Boloko wa Nsimba, passant par toutes les missions citées ci-haut. Elle est parlé dans son ensemble par les Mongo du Sud de l’Equateur.

Les prêtres Trappistes se sont efforcés, graduellement, et peu à peu, avec assurance à l’étude de la langue Mongo, et sont arrivés à balbutier l’Evangile dans cette langue, dont le recrutement des catéchistes et quelques jeunes de bonne volonté dépendait, car le nombre de pères Trappistes n’était pas suffisant pour ainsi affluer dans toutes les missions. C’est ainsi qu’il faut repartir tous sortants de l’école du village pour ainsi suppléer à la pénurie des prêtres et les épauler dans cette noble mission, en attendant l’arrivée, de l’Europe, d’autres prêtres. Lorsque l’enseignement de l’écriture a été reconnu par son importance et sa viabilité auprès de la jeunesse montante, il a permis à tout le monde sans exception, de se faire instruire et baptiser, pour ainsi tirer les bénéfices collosaux de la connaissance de l’écriture. C’est ainsi qu’il y avait beaucoup de croyants qui ont abandonné leurs coutumes afin de servir Dieu qui incarne l’écriture (magie), qui a permis une communication facile avec ceux qui sont loin de nous.

Prise de l’école du village par l’Etat.

Par les rapports que les catéchistes adressent auprès des curés de chaque mission, parlant de leurs activités dans la mission, spécialement tous les activités de l’école de village, celles-ci ont retenu l’attention des responsables des missions. Alors ces derniers ont instruit l’autorité de l’Etat de cette situation préoccupante et promettante pour l’avenir du Congo Belge. Il a été décidé par l’autorité compétente la création des écoles rurales et primaires subsidiées par l’autorité de l’Etat, en engeagant les moniteurs, lesquels seront sous l’autorité des missionaires. Ainsi est né les écoles rurales et primaires avec un programme imposé par l’Etat et non comme était l’école du village sans programme. L’Etat devait à peine s’occuper de l’enseignement, lequel devait être suivi par les inspecteurs sur toutes les normes dictées par l’Etat.

(transcription du document rédigé par Stéphane Boale, rendu à l’auteur le 27 Octobre 2003.)


Appendix 13 – “Extrait de la causerie du Ministre des Colonies, M. Jules Renquin avec les premiers missionnaires catholiques du Congo-Belge” [Extract from a talk given by the Minister for the Colonies, Mr Jules Renquin, to the first Belgian Catholic missionaries to the Belgian Congo]. The text was acquired from Jean Indenge, Brussels, November 2003

Les devoirs des Missionnaires dans notre Colonie

Révérends Pères et Chers Compatriotes,

Soyez les bienvenus dans notre seconde patrie, le Congo-Belge.

La tâche que vous êtes conviés à y accomplir est très délicate et demande beaucoup de tact. Prêtres, vous venez certes pour évangéliser. Mais cette évangélisation doit s’inspirer de notre grand principe: tout avant tout pour les intérêts de la métropole (Belgique).

Le but essentiel de votre mission n’est donc point d’apprendre aux noirs à connaître DIEU. Ils le connaissent déjà. Ils parlent et se soumettent à un NZAMBE ou un MVIDI-MUKULU, et que sais-je encore. Ils savent que tuer, voler, calomnier, injurier … est mauvais.

Ayant le courage de l’avouer, vous ne venez donc pas leur apprendre ce qu’ils savent déjà. Votre rôle consiste essentiellement à faciliter la tâche aux administratifs et aux industriels. C’est donc dire que vous interpréterez l’évangile de la façon qui sert le mieux nos intérêts dans cette partie du monde.
Pour ce faire, vous veillez entre autre à:
1° Désintéresser nos “sauvages” des richesses matérielles dont regorgent leur sol et sous-sol, pour éviter que s’intéressant, ils ne nous fassent une concurrence meurtrière et rêvent un jour à nous déloger. Votre connaissance de l’évangile vous permettra de trouver facilement des textes qui recommandent et font aimer la pauvreté. Exemple: “Heureux sont les pauvres, car le royaume des cieux est à eux” et “il est plus difficile à un riche d’entrer au ciel qu’à un chameau d’entrer par le trou d’une aiguille”. Vous ferez donc tout pour que ces Nègres aient peur de s’enrichir pour mériter le ciel.
2° Les contenir pour éviter qu’ils ne se révoltent. Les Administratifs ainsi que les industriels se verront obligés de temps en temps, pour se faire craindre, de recourir à la violence (injurier, battre …) Il ne faut pas que les Nègres ripostent ou nourrissent des sentiments de vengeance. Pour cela, vous leur enseignerez de tout supporter. Vous commenterez et les inviterez à suivre l’exemple de tous les saints qui ont tendu la deuxième joue, qui ont pardonné les offenses, qui ont reçu sans tressaillir les crachats et les insultes.
3° Les détacher et les faire mépriser tout ce qui pourrait leur donner le courage de nous affronter. Je songe ici spécialement à leurs nombreux fétiches de guerre qu’ils prétendent les rendre invulnérables. Etant donné que les vieux n’entendraient point les abandonner, car ils vont bientôt disparaître: votre action doit porter essentiellement sur les jeunes.
4° Insister particulièrement sur la soumission et l’obéissance aveugles. Cette vertu se pratique mieux quand il y a absence d’esprit critique. Donc évitez de développer l’esprit critique dans vos écoles. Apprenez-leur à croire et non à raisonner. Instituez pour eux un système de confession qui fera de vous de bons détectives pour dénoncer tout noir ayant une prise de conscience et qui revendiquerait l’indépendance nationale.
5° Enseignez-leur une doctrine dont vous ne mettrez pas vous-même les principes en pratique. Et s’ils vous demandaient pourquoi vous vous comportez contrairement à ce que vous prêchez, répondez-leur que “vous les noirs, suivez ce que nous vous disons et non ce que nous faisons”. Et s’ils répliquaient en vous faisant remarquer qu’une foi sans pratique est une foi morte, fâchez-vous et répondez: “heureux ceux qui croient sans protester”.
6° Dites-leur que leurs statuettes sont l’oeuvre de Satan. Confisquez-les et allez remplir nos musées: de Tervurene, du Vatican. Faites oublier aux noirs leurs ancêtres.
7° Ne présentez jamais une chaise à un noir qui vient vous voir. Donnez-lui tout au plus une cigarette. Ne l’invitez jamais à dîner même s’il vous tue une poule chaque fois que vous arrivez chez lui.
8° Considérez tous les noirs comme de petits enfants que vous devez continuer à tromper. Exigez qu’ils vous appellent tous “mon père”.
9° Criez au communisme et à la persécution quand ils vous demandent de cesser de les tromper et de les exploiter.
Ce sont là chers Compatriotes, quelques-uns des principes que vous appliquerez sans faille. Vous en trouverez beaucoup d’autres dans des livres et textes qui vous seront remis à la fin de cette séance.

Le Roi attache beaucoup d’importance à votre mission. Aussi a-t-il décidé de faire tout pour vous la faciliter. Vous jouirez de la très grande protection des Administratifs.
Vous aurez de l’argent pour vos oeuvres Evangéliques et vos déplacements.
Vous recevrez gratuitement des terrains de construction pour leur mise en valeur, vous pourrez disposer d’une main d’oeuvre gratuite.
Voilà donc Révérends Pères et Chers Compatriotes, ce que j’ai été prié de vous faire savoir en ce jour.
Main dans la main, travaillons donc pour la grandeur de notre Chère Patrie.

Vive le Souverain,

Vive la Belgique.

Source: Avenir colonial Belge, 30 octobre 1920, Bruxelles.



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A. Archive collections
1. Aequatoria archives (catalogue may be consulted via www.aequatoria.be)

I had every facility and material available to me thanks to the care and enthusiastic assistance of Father Honoré Vinck, the director of the Aequatoria research centre.
The “Ecoles” collection, one of the main sections of the archives, provided the foundation material for our research. Other collections (the Hulstaert collection and Boelaert collection) were also consulted, albeit sporadically. The “Ecoles” collection was available to us on microfilm. The other collections could always be consulted with Honoré Vinck in Lovenjoel.
In addition Honoré Vinck was also an irreplaceable help in finding all kinds of individual documents and information and always kept his own library in Lovenjoel open to us.

2. Archives of the Sacred Heart Missionaries in Boelaerlei, Borgerhout.
The personal archives and library of the Sacred Heart Missionaries in their community in Borgerhout are also under the direction of Honoré Vinck. These were also consulted, specifically for reading the periodicals of the MSC aspirants, De Vloed and De Toekomst, the reports of the mission club, for searching all kinds of specific information and for finding visual material (maps and photographs).

3. Africa Archives, Belgian Foreign Ministry, Karmelietenstraat 15, 1000 Brussels.
The “Missions” collection was consulted. More specifically the following file numbers were consulted in detail:

no. 604: period before 1914, includes the correspondence from / with the Trappists / Redemptorists
no. 635: contains information on the Trappists in the Coquilhatville region in the 1914-1940 period.
no. 647: “Inspection – statistiques / écoles libres”; contains correspondence over the years 1925-1927 (according to the inventory), including a file on Coquilhatville.
no. 649: continuation of 647, year 1928.

The archives contained a large quantity of material still in the inventory stage. Electronic processing of the data was in progress during our consultations (May-August 2001). A section of the electronic inventory is accessible. A number of portfolios were consulted from there, specifically the numbers:

10.776 “Congo Belge Année 1933”
12.432 “Inspection MEU CBM BMS”
12.452 “Inspection VA Coq 1949 à 1953”
16.484 “Rapports d’inspection écoles primaires”
19.289 “Rapports mensuels hopital des noirs / groupe scolaire Coq.”

4. Catholic documentation and research centre for religion, culture and society (Katholiek documentatie- en onderzoekscentrum voor religie, cultuur en samenleving) (KADOC), Vlamingenstraat 39, 3000 Leuven.

In addition to a number of individual documents and sources, I was also able to consult a few collections at the KADOC. The most important of these was certainly the “De Cleene – De Jonghe Papers” of which file numbers 13, 26, 58, 66, 70, 89, 95, 107, 109, 136, 143, 169, 193, 198, 211, 221-222, 230, 247-249, 251, 253 and 256 were consulted in detail. In addition, earlier archival research in the “Brys Papers“ was also used.

5. University archives K.U.Leuven, Ladeuzeplein, 3000 Leuven.

A few files were specifically consulted in the Archives of rector Paulin Ladeuze, namely the file “centre infirmiers-missionnaires” and the file “école commerciale”.

6. Other archive collections

– Archives of the Lazarist Fathers, Kardinaalstraat 2, 3000 Leuven.

Individual documents relating to the activity of the Sisters of Charity; Mission periodicals.

– Jules Cornet Papers (Brothers of the Christian Schools), Fexhe-Glin.

Documentation, collected by Brother Cornet, amongst others on the basis of his own research in the archives of the parent house of the Brothers in Rome.

– Lies Van Rompaey Notes

The notes and documentation made and collected during the research project that resulted in the publication of “In het teken van de bevoogding” were made available to us, very methodically ordered, by Lies Van Rompaey. This documentation contains a large number of articles or summaries thereof and extensive notes and transcriptions of documents from archive collections of a number of Catholic congregations in Rome, active over the entire territory of the Belgian Congo. Specifically the notes relating to the Brothers of the Christian Schools were very useful to us.

B. Periodicals consulted

1. Mission periodicals

Annalen van Onze Lieve Vrouw van het Heilig Hart.
Borgerhout: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Volumes 37 (1926) – 71 (1960).
Annales de la congrégation de la mission et de la compagnie des Filles de la Charité.
Volumes 90 (1925) – 125 (1960).
Bulletin des Ecoles Chrétiennes.
Volumes 1 (1907) – 41 (1960).
De kleine bode van de H. Vincentius a Paulo en van de gelukzalige Louise de Marillac.
Leuven: Lazarist missionaries.
Volumes 1 (1930) – 9 (1938).
Het missiewerk in Belgisch Congoland distrikt van den evenaar door de EE. PP. Trappisten, hervormde cisterciënzers der abdij van Westmalle.
Westmalle: Cistercian Abbey.
Volumes 1 (1904) – 11 (1914).
Saint Vincent de Paul. Revue trimestrielle des Lazaristes et des Filles de la Charité.
Volumes 1 (1939) – 10 (1953).
Sint Vincentius A Paulo, driemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Lazaristen en van de Dochters der Liefde.
Volumes 1 (1939) – 17 (1960).

2. Other periodicals

La Voix du Congolais.
Léopoldville: La Voix du Congolais.
Numbers. 1 (1945) – 165 (1959).

Bamanya: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Volumes 1 (1938) – 25 (1962).

Revue Pédagogique Congolaise (Bulletin du CEPSI).
Elisabethville/Léopoldville: CEPSI/Université Lovanium.
Numbers. 1 (September 1955) – 14 (December 1958).

Conférences Plénières des Ordinaires des missions du Congo-Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, 1932, 1936, 1945, 1951 et 1956.
Léopoldville: Le courrier d’Afrique.

Semaines missiologiques de Louvain.
Reports and summaries. 1923 – 1957.
Edited in the series Museum Lessianum, “section missiologique”.
Leuven: Museum Lessianum.

C. Official publications

1. Legal texts

Piron, P. & Devos, J. (1960).
Codes et lois du Congo Belge. Bruxelles: Larcier.

2. Official reports and minutes

Buisseret, A. (1947). L’enseignement au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. In Rapport de la mission sénatoriale au Congo et dans les territoires sous tutelle Belge. Bruxelles: Senat Belge, p. 79-130.
Bureau du Comité Permanent du Congrès Colonial National (1922).
Rapport sur la question de l’enseignement au Congo. In Congo: Revue générale de la Colonie Belge, III, t. II.
Cayen, A. (1920).
De la formation d’une mentalité coloniale en Belgique. In Congrès Colonial National. Bruxelles: Lesigne.
Congrès colonial Belge (1926).
IIe Congrès colonial Belge. Bruxelles, 6 et 7 février 1926. première partie: rapports. Bruxelles: Lesigne.
De Jonghe, E. (1931). L’enseignement des indigènes au Congo Belge. Rapport présenté à la XXIe session de l’Institut Colonial International, à Paris, mai 1931. Bruxelles: Institut Colonial International.
Jones, T.J. (1921). Education in Africa. A study of West, South and Equatorial Africa by the African Education Commission, under the Auspices of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and Foreign Mission Societies of North America and Europe. New York: Phelps-Stokes Fund.
Melage [Frère] (1937). Les écoles du Congo Belge. Rapport rédigé à la demande de M.E. Rubbens, ministre des colonies. Manage: Masquelier-Tinsy.
Ministère des Colonies. (1949).
Plan décennal pour le développement économique et social du Congo Belge. 2 vol. Bruxelles: Editions De Visscher.
Van Overbergh, C. (1906).
La réforme de l’enseignement d’après le premier congrès international d’expansion mondiale (Mons, 1905). Bruxelles: Schepens. 2 v.
Wigny, P. (1949). Plan décennal pour le développement économique et social du Congo Belge. Introduction. Bruxelles: Editions De Visscher. p. XXIII-XXIV.

3. Curricula

Anonymous (1925).
Projet d’organisation de l’enseignement libre au Congo Belge avec le concours des Sociétés de Missions Nationales.

Anonymous (1929).
Organisation de l’enseignement libre au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi avec le concours des Sociétés de Missions Nationales. Dison : Imprimerie Disonaise.
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Congo Belge. Inspection générale de l’enseignement. (1929). Instructions pour les inspecteurs provinciaux de l’enseignement relatives à l’organisation et au fonctionnement des écoles normales. Boma: Imprimerie du Congo Belge.
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Congo Belge. Service de l’enseignement (1948).
Organisation de l’enseignement libre subsidié pour indigènes avec le concours des sociétés de missions chrétiennes: dispositions générales. Léopoldville: Service de l’enseignement.
Congo Belge. Service de l’enseignement (1948).
Organisation de l’enseignement libre subsidié pour indigènes avec le concours des sociétés de missions chrétiennes. Enseignement gardien. Enseignement général pour filles. Programmes d’études. Léopoldville: Service de l’enseignement.
Congo Belge. Service de l’enseignement (1948).
Organisation de l’enseignement libre subsidié pour indigènes avec le concours des sociétés de missions chrétiennes. Enseignement général pour garçons. Programmes d’études. Léopoldville: Service de l’enseignement.
Congo Belge. Service de l’enseignement (1952).
Organisation de l’enseignement libre subsidié pour indigènes avec le concours des sociétés de missions chrétiennes. Dispositions générales.
Ministère des Sciences et des Arts (1923).
Programme Type des écoles primaires communales. Bruxelles: Ministère des Sciences et des Arts.

4. Yearbooks and statistical overviews

– Mission yearbooks

Anonymous (1933).
Annuaire des missions catholiques belges. Dison: Winandy.
Anonymous (1934).
Annuaire catholique des Congégations religieuses en Belgique et au Congo et des missions belges. Dison: Winandy.
Ceuppens, J. (ed.). (1952). Het katholieke België en de missiën. Brussel: Pauselijke Missiewerken.
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Corman, A. (ed.) (1924). Annuaire des missions catholiques au Congo belge. Bruxelles: Edition Universelle.
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Van Wing, J. & Goemé, V. (eds.) (1949). Annuaire des missions catholiques au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. Bruxelles: Edition universelle.

– Statistical sources in relation to the missions and education in the Belgian Congo.

Bureau de l’Enseignement National Catholique (1963).
Annuaire Statistique 1962-1963. Kinshasa: BENC.
Nationaal instituut voor de Statistiek (1929-1959).
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Office de l’information et des relations publiques pour le Congo-Belge et le Ruanda-Urundi (1958).
Le Congo Belge. Bruxelles: INFOR-Congo, 2 vol.

D. Biographical and bibliographical works

1. General

Nouvelle Biographie Nationale, Bruxelles: Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique.

Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek, Brussel: Koninklijke academiën van België.

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2. The Belgian Congo

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3. Sacred Heart Missionaries

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With thanks to the staff at all these archives, for the help they were always very willing to give and with special thanks to the staff at the interlibrary loan department of the K.U. Leuven for their efficient and friendly service.

The Igbo Concept Of Mother Musicianship

Music is a ‘woman’, and intuitive creative management of life is more of a feminine attribute. Music is a communion, a social communion that nourishes spirituality, and manages socialisation during public events. These are some of the philosophical and concrete rationalizations that guided the indigenous categorization of an extraordinary performance-composer irrespective of gender or age as a mother musician as per indigenous terminological evidence in Africa. A composer gestates and gives birth to sonic phenomena.

Musical meaning has been discussed from the indigenous perspective as being based on the factors of musical sense, psychical tolerance and musical intention. The practice of performance-composition has also been identified as processing the realisation and approval of musical meaning as per context. Central to the philosophy of musical meaning as a society’s conceptualization of creative genius are the creative personalities who interpret and extend the musical factors as well as the musical facts of a culture. Such specialists are sensitive to the socio-musical factors contingent on a musical context at the same time as they are the repositories of the theory of composition in a musical arts tradition. Socio-musical factors here categorize those non-musical circumstances of a music-making situation that inform the architecture of a performance-composition; while musical facts are the essential elements of creative configurations that furnish musical arts theory.

The concept of mother musicianship, where found, no doubt varies from one indigenous musical arts culture area to another, and will be defined according to how a society values, utilizes and regulates the musical arts as a cultural institution. Although reference will be made to concepts of musicianship in a few related culture areas, the main purpose here is to examine the concept in the Igbo context.

Qualities of mother musicianship

The Igbo mother musician must be cognizant of, and acknowledged in the organization and execution of the art of contextual composition. This definition hinges on four key terms: Cognizance, Acknowledgement, Organization and Execution in the musical management of life and events.

Cognizance defines the ability to formulate and communicate musical sense in a culture’s medium of musical expression subject to the society’s cultural sonic references and psychical tolerance. Such a performer is then a specialized musical artiste. The Igbo theory of practical musicianship recognizes the following levels of expertise that qualify categories of practitioners:

– Onye egwu for any artist who is competently engaged in any of the indigenous creative and performance arts Onye isi egwu, for a leader of a performing group.

When exceptional capability is being assessed, specifically descriptive metaphors are used to denote:

– Onye nwe egwu – a star, the ‘owner’, the embodiment of expertise in a particular musical arts type under consideration;

– Di egwu – the ‘husband’, maestro of a music or dance type;

– Onye ji nkpu egwu – the ‘mystifying wizard’, the ultimate reference in expertise and knowledge.

Much of the literature on African music and musicality tend to imply that everybody in African, south of the Sahara is a dancer and a musician; and that Africans, generally, are exceptionally rhythmic. Without intending to hold brief for all Africa, it is pertinent to observe that everybody with African genetic instincts has a latent capability to dance or play music, and has a secure sense of rhythm. These are cultural rather than automatic African biological phenomena. Experiences deriving from many years of teaching music in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, reveal that an Igbo person could be as baffled by the configurations of Igbo music and dance rhythms as anybody from any other culture marooned in the Igbo music complexity. But such student-cases are usually Igbo students who are born and brought up in the contemporary urban Igbo environment. Such an environment of upbringing does not expose them to the peculiar rhythms of the Igbo cultural activities. Their introduction to structured rhythmic activities starts with Western church hymn tunes, modern popular music and simple Western classical music that lack indigenous rhythmic sensitization of mind and body. As a result, they arrive at the University to start grappling with the realities of Igbo indigenous music and rhythm for the first time as performers. I discovered that apart from boasting Igbo nationality and language, I was dealing with foreigners to Igbo sense of rhythm. Some eventually achieve progress because of awakened genetic consciousness after a period of adult enculturation in the university. This is equally true of Yoruba, Efik and other music students from other Nigerian societies with similar backgrounds, as one cannot really talk of Igbo-specific rhythmic configurations. The patterns of deploying the body in ordinary activities of normal living inculcate the basic rhythmic instincts that become systematically structured into music and dance activities.

The phenomenon of African innate sense of rhythm as a specific cultural factor could be discussed as accruing from the distinctive patterns of movement naturally adopted for performing the habitual cultural activities of the indigenous life style that marks an African culture group.

Cultural rhythm
It is necessary to examine some cultural foundations for Igbo musical arts expressions. A child of, maybe, five years carries on her, or his, back a toddler of about one year. With her load she executes rhythmically organized steps and turns. At the same time she is gently jogging her/his body with its load, up and down in a different time-space motion. The exercise is expected to soothe a crying child to keep quite or maybe rocking a child to sleep. At other times the toddler clings to the back of the carrier without additional support while the carrier may be engaged in a dancing quiz-game that requires her to use her legs and hands in other intricate movements while the toddler is balanced and bobbed about on her [the carrier’s] torso. Thus there are three rhythmically poly-linear, but coordinated applications of the body parts of the carrier: the legs, the torso, and the hands.

Igbo boys and girls carry pots, baskets, firewood etc. on the head in indigenous societies. From the age of four or five when a child starts being useful around the house, she begins to carry loads appropriate to her size. The technique of carrying loads emphasizes balance and body symmetry. At the same time the style is intentionally an artistic-aesthetic exercise for children, although on rare occasions accidents may occur. The load is balanced on a soft pad on the head; and it is an artistic game to walk without holding the precious pot of water, for instance. To do this requires subtle adjustments of the parts of the body while ‘walk-dancing’ at a regular pace that could be faster than normal. The body is divided into four dimensions of coordinated but independent rhythmic planes: the legs, torso, hands and head. Even though the load should ordinarily be carried on the head supported with one or two hands, children prefer the game of keeping the hands off it, and balancing it with no other support than the rhythmic counterpoint of various parts of the body, the sight of which is quite supple and graceful.

When there are a number of children moving with loads on their heads it becomes a comparative game. If the load falls off by any fortuitous chance and breaks, you could cry to show that you are sorry, although that may not mitigate the scolding due to you when you arrive home with wet cheeks and a head-pad without load.

When cutting firewood, pounding, sweeping the compound, stamping mud for building a house etc., it is the same contrapuntal application and manipulation of multiple body rhythm. You do not have to sing unless you are in the mood. If you sing, it does not have to be a ‘pounding’ song or a ‘sweeping’ song. It could be a song from your dance group repertory, or a folk tale song, or any song selected from your entire culture’s repertory, or a spontaneous original composition to express your mood. If you sing, it is not necessarily because it promotes the activity of pounding, or that you are culturally required to supply a melody to the rhythm of pounding. It would be a contemplative celebration at a psychical level while executing the mechanical motions of pounding, for instance, at a physically coordinated level.

During the Second World War when Igbo men, women and children were command­eered to provide either the manpower or the economy that would help Britain, the colonial masters, win their ‘private’ war, Igbo women were most enthusiastic about the win-the-war economic exploitation of their time and energy. There was a drive for palm nut-cracking activity involving the women. For this exercise, they were organized as work gangs, although each person had to work independently and contribute the fruits of her labour to the common pool.

Example 1a -Palm Kernel Song / 1b – Prisoners’ Work

A propaganda song (Ex. 1a) was composed to promote, not necessarily the physical activity of cracking palm nut, rather, the psychological propaganda that they should deprive themselves in order that Britain should win the war. Although I was small at the time, we got involved, age notwithstanding, in the palm nut-cracking assignment. The so-called palm nut-cracking song, despite the appropriateness of the text, inhibited rather than promoted the physical activity. What is worse, it was in the character of a hymn tune, and could not be said to be an Igbo song, apart from the text. The text and melody of the song make the point:

Kpam! Kpam! Kpam! Kányi néti aku

(Kpam! Kpam! Kpam! We are cracking palm nuts)

Anyi néti nke anyi ga ele

(We are shelling so that we can sell)

Anyi etinugoli aku

(Even if we have shelled previously)

Anyi ga etiwanye ozo

(We will continue to contribute)

Ka’nyi welu dinu n’otu melie agha

(So that we will be united in order to win the war).

This is obviously a typical case of ‘work song’ that was introduced in the 1940’s probably in the belief that the African cannot work without song. It was not structured to the pulse and rhythm of the palm nut cracking routine, so it did not enhance the execution of the physical activity. It was, therefore, more useful for campaigns and for moving about in the house, or making clothes on a sewing machine.

Another ‘typical’ work song is that by the prisoners while cutting grass (Ex. 1b). In this instance the physical activity was structured to the song and its pulse and rhythm flow. But because it is not necessarily conceived to promote labour, it ensured that the prisoners spent more time dancing to the music, a healthy exercise, than in producing any impressive outcome from the manual labour. The grass-cutting motion occurs on the first beat of an eight-beat song cycle:

Onye suba achala onye suba

(Everybody cuts grass like every other person)

Onye akpona ibe ya onye ikoli

(Let nobody call his fellow a prisoner)

This ‘typical’ work song that has many versions, was probably intended to prompt the prisoners to cut grass to rhythm. The song is as old as the modern prisons in Igbo society, and is exclusive to prisoners although the Nigerian police band waxed a highlife dance music derivation of it.

The incidence of music in labour activities has so far been categorized as work music/song in ethnomusicological literature. Cultural terminologies as well as explanations by the music owners and users, at least in the culture area used as the model for this study, do not support such assumptions and classification. Hence there is the need to re-examine the concept of work music/song as well as the nature and utilitarian intentions of the corpus of indigenous music hitherto categorized as work music. There are music types associated with organized trade or labour groups. Such associational music may or may not be featured during the process and mechanics of production distinguishing a trade or labour specialisation. Rather, the music identifies the trade group or labour team as a social and common interest group (otu) without necessarily being of productive or structural significance if featured in labour situations. In other words the music is not necessarily ‘action or labour-facilitating music’ suited to the physical motions of production. It could be a mood music background affective at the psychological level of inspiration or anguish. It becomes inspirational music or song of suffering in its social or musical classification. The music corpus so far classified as work music/songs are distinctive of occupational groups/teams, and are, therefore associational, otu, music categories that give the groups/teams social identity. They are used and enjoyed primarily in celebrative or recreational contexts or otherwise as inspirational music incidental to other in-group interactions that could include the activities of production. The rhythm and texture of the music are not necessarily appropriate to the characteristic motions of labour that are, therefore, of little relevance in the conception, creation and making of the music. Work music, implying music conceived to enable the execution of the physical process of an activity, would thus seem to be a misperception of the social intentions as well as the utilitarian and creative dynamics of such music types. In fact some music items incidental to work situations, and which are thus classified as work music/songs, are music types conceived, created and performed for other social-cultural contexts. It is more appropriate to categorize trade/associational music, egwu otu, and inspirational music, which as such could be incidental to the labour activities of the owners and users of the music. Further sub-classifications would specify hunters’ music, farmers’ music, fishermen’s music, etc.

It is possible that other cultures may have what could be analyzed as music intended to aid manual labour. The Igbo, traditionally, have music while they work and not necessarily work music. A woman could sing the same song while she is cutting vegetables, pounding food, fetching water, washing dresses or dishes, breast-feeding a baby etc. The tune could be original or could be a popular ballad. The rhythms of pounding, sweeping, mud-stamping, grinding, etc., are work rhythms, often intrinsically irregular and not specifically structured to musical rhythms. An inspired person could superimpose a tune on work-rhythms to suit the mood or feelings in the same way as a person could sing while taking a bath without categorizing the music as bath music.

The few examples discussed distinguish cultural rhythm from ‘work’ music, and illustrate what I mean by the fundamental patterns of rhythmic cognition needed to accomplish the cultural normal activities of the Igbo life style. In other words the character of Igbo work-rhythms inform the Igbo rhythm sensibility, which is not exclusively musical, and may exhibit cultural peculiarity. In a music-making and dancing situation every Igbo person has the cultural sensitization to coordinate multi-dimensional body rhythms, which Kauffman (1980:402) has alluded to, when interpreting a given action-rhythm intention of a style/type of music. Given a chance, he could also perform, with sustained regularity, basic rhythmic patterns on a music instrument. These are extensions of innate sense of motion, and additionally, an acquired cultural sense of rhythm or cultural motor behaviour, which are notionally musical without necessarily being a phenomenon exclusive to music making. This capability cannot, and should not, be interpreted to mean that everybody is a competent dancer or a musician. In other words, every Igbo, by virtue of acquiring Igbo cultural rhythm, can demonstrate the fundamental rhythm-sense ordinarily expected of what is peculiarly Igbo in music and dance. But to become what could be categorized as a competent Igbo dancer or musician requires a level of expertise much beyond the common advantages of cultural rhythm.

Cross-cultural references
Every human person is naturally, even if not culturally, musical. Some writers contend, albeit vaguely, that every African is a musician, while others are a bit more cautious. Thus Alakija (1993) proposes that every African is gifted to be a composer. A logical extension of the proposal would make everybody in the world a possibly, gifted composer by virtue of being a notionally musical human. Messenger (1958:22) credits the Anang culture group of Cross River State in Nigeria, who are ethnic neighbours of the Igbo, with claiming that ‘every one can dance and sing well’. In another publication Messenger also reports that the Anang

… assume that under ordinary circumstances any person can learn to sing, dance act, weave, carve, play musical instruments, and recite folklore in a manner considered exceptional by unbiased Western aestheticians, and Anang culture rewards in numerous ways the acquisition of these abilities (Messenger 1973: 125)

Messenger’s report can be accepted only on the basis of discussing standard capabilities although there are problems with his view that the assessment of ‘a manner considered exceptional’ has to be from the perspective of ‘unbiased Western aestheticians’. He poses the paradoxical situation in which ‘culture rewards in numerous ways the acquisition of these [artistic] abilities’ in a culture where everybody is able and free to achieve ‘exceptional’ artistic excellence.

I conducted fieldwork in Anang in 1967, and I learned from observations and interviews in Abak that everyone can no longer dance and sing well probably for reasons of disabled cultural upbringing. I was specifically directed to meet three musicians the villagers recommended highly. One of them, Umo, satisfied the concept of a mother musician as already discussed in this study. He was an expert performer on the xylophone. He was an exceptional performer on Ekong music. And he performed on the row of open-ended tuned membrane drums, four in a row, used in Ekpo music. He was accompanied by a group of young percussionists whom he conducted with body signs as well as musical cues. The percussionists played open-ended membrane drums hung on poles, two or three players to one drum, each playing with two drums sticks, and all combining to produce a barrage of mono-toned patterns. In addition to conducting the ensemble, Umo directed, through his tuned drums, the dance-drama acts of every ekpo spirit manifest artist. The spirit manifest, mis-perceptually termed masquerades, acted their danced-drama anecdotes in turns, one after the other. Umo was open to spontaneous criticism by the cultural audience, but was such a confident artist that he did not mind bluffing occasionally.

During a second field trip to Anang in 1967, I took along a class of music students from the Music Department of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, to meet Umo and observe him direct the ekpo danced-drama from his music stand. Umo was so happy at seeing us that he drank himself tipsy before the performance. He was so tipsy that he got careless and was not marshalling the actions of the spirit manifests properly. The traditional ruler of the community who was in our company cautioned him. But Umo retorted by challenging the traditional ruler, or any other person present who felt competent, to come and take over. Nobody felt up to taking over, and I doubt that anybody present could have because ekong is a specialist instrumental music style. But the spirit manifest actors were ­most disappointed with Umo as he made them limp through their acts. If they made signs of disapproval Umo would merely snicker. An anticlimax was reached when the principal actor, eka ekpo, (mother ekpo) who usually climaxes and concludes a performance session, came out and had to protest vigorously, in mime, against the discomfiture Umo was occasioning the masked actors. The mother ekpo was so offended that, to the disappointment of all of us, she merely took a turn of dance-mime to indicate her skill, and then stalked back in anger into the ekpo grove from where each actor emerged.

Umo took all the criticisms unruffled. But later he confided that they could reprimand him but would not really dislodge him because there was no one good enough to play and communicate as effectively with the actors. He apologized for having taken more wine than he ought to, before a show. But the incident does demonstrate that even though everybody is capably musical in Anang society, not everybody does achieve exceptional musical ability required of a mother. It further makes points about standards of cultural artistic expression, criticism and aesthetic.

Nketia (1954: 39) points out that the art of a mother drummer role is inheritable and learned in the Akan society of Ghana, and that it is believed a person could be a born drummer. Gadzekpo (1952: 621), reports about the Ewe of Ghana that inheritance is a factor, but adds that a person from a non­-drumming family could also learn and mother the art of drumming. In effect, the ability to become a mother drummer in both Ghanaian societies could be ascribed or achieved. Either way it has to be developed through a process of learning and dedicated practice. Blacking states, concerning the Venda, South Africa that musical ability is not a matter of special talent, rather a matter of opportunity and encouragement. From his various published accounts about Venda music and cultural practices, we learn that specialists such as the mother drummer, matsige, are recognized, and that his presence in a district inspires young admirers to practice to attain his level of expertise. In other circumstances, especially with respect to dancing ability, Blacking informs that exceptional capability could be suggested to individuals from the ruling class who thereby ‘perform better because they have devoted more time and energy to it’ (Blacking 1965; 1976).

Merriam (1964: 68) reports that the Basongye of the Congo recognise that some individ­uals lack musical abilities for reasons associated with heritage. So there is a concept of a ‘gifted’ musician ‘whose talents come through inheritance’. Basden (1921: 120) notes about the Igbo that talent is recognized and that musicians ‘are treated with great respect’.

When at the age of nine I spent one year in my mother’s community in Nnewi, Igboland, attending school, I belonged to a children’s music (mask and dance) group in the community. My grandmother, with whom I lived, was a devout Christian convert with strict Christian attitudes that condemned indigenous musical arts practices, she could not effectively prevent me from playing with my mates. So we struck a compromise that restrained me from ‘entering the children’s mask’ (ibu mmanwu) myself. It was not every child in the community that belonged to the popular children’s masking practice type called nwabuja. But many would troop after us whenever we performed along the streets and in the playgrounds. Also during the early years of my life, which I spent in the southern Igbo towns with my father, we still managed to evade surveillance and form children’s musical arts groups. It was only a few of the children in the community around where we lived that participated. Within the group we made fun of those who could neither play nor dance well. And they never took such ridicules without trying to save face by provoking scuffles that often ended our performances.

In effect then, by virtue of acquired cultural rhythm, every Igbo should be capable of interpreting fundamental Igbo dance rhythms, and play music. When it is a matter of singing and playing simple tunes with syncopations, probably anybody could play. But when it comes to the level of ability to spontaneously compose extensions of melodies or melorhythms to interpret a context, experts emerge from a group of average practitioners because, in the first instance, they are gifted, and have also applied their faculties to acquiring specialist knowledge through practice. The general observation that so far credits every African with a capability to participate in the music and dance of her/his community is therefore informed by cultural factors other that automatic African musicality. But the fact that there are knowledgeable experts within a generality of participants commands probing beyond the cultural fundamentals to consider the factors of the developed artistic acumen, agugu isi. The acumen, and its development according to cultural norms, accrues exceptional knowledgeable in any aspect of musical arts specialisation.


Public acknowledgement of competence validates general cognizance of a culture’s standards creativity and performance. This presupposes an audience that is conversant with, and critical of the ramifications of musical sense in a culture. Acknowledgement has two aspects: the social personality of the musician, and the artistic quality or suitability of a performance informed by the markers of style and content.

Social aspect
The musician must be seen as a person in society. The society assesses a person primarily on the basis of social personality and the circumstances of human achievement and lifestyle. In some societies musicians tend to exhibit peculiar, often ascribed, behavioural traits, and are consequently classified as a social category, especially highly stratified societies.

Ames and King (1971) observe in the stratified socio-political system of the Hausa of Nigeria that musicians are treated as a class. Within that class, musicians further distinguish themselves according to classes. Ames (1973) further indicates that the Hausa have no single generic word for the various categories of musicians. In the categories listed by Ames and King, the Hausa have marok’an saarakuna, for instance, as praise musicians attached to patrons. To this category belongs ‘anybody who acclaims another, whether solicited or not, in the hope of obtaining reward as a means of livelihood’. But they could earn additional income during naming and marriage ceremonies. They classified the range of Hausa musicians into:

– Court musicians and acclaimers with official status in courts;

– Performers tied to distinct class of patrons like farmers;

– Hunters and blacksmiths but who have no titles;

– Free lancers and semi-professionals and non-professionals who are not considered by themselves or their audience to be marak’a (Ames and King 1971).

Here, therefore, we find musicians being acknowledged on the basis of their social attributes in a class society, and not on the basis of their musical arts ability. Thus a Hausa musician is born into a class and recognized as such, irrespective of his level of expertise.

Ames’ (1973) view is that the Hausa musician is a ‘social specialist’ as well as a professional in the sense that his social reference is as a musician, and he earns his living through making music as a trade. Within the class there is a distinction between a performer with ordinary technical skill and one with originality, inventiveness, and the ability to improve. According to Ames these qualities are assessed by how the music affects the audience. There is, therefore, recognition of outstanding musicians. We also find that although the Hausa may admire the art of a musician, he has little respect for a musician, socially. It could be deduced from these accounts that the Hausa musician of any classification or categorization has no direct organisational responsibility for the way an event for which he performs is enacted. His music also appears to be peripheral to its social context.

Merriam (1973: 257) argues that the musician is a ‘specialist’ in whatever culture he is found, and further qualifies his use of the term as ‘economic specialist’. His qualification applies to the Hausa example as perceived by Ames, and also the Basongye. In the indigenous Igbo society the musician is not an ‘economic specialist’ unless we could regard a university professor in Economics who gets an allowance for playing the organ during Sunday services in his parish church as an economic specialist. Merriam further argues that ‘the “true” specialist is a social specialist; he must be acknowledged as a musician by the members of the society of which he is a part’ (Merriam 1964: 125), and that the ultimate criterion for professionalism hinges on this. In the Igbo society the ultimate criterion for mother musicianship hinges only partly on social acknowledgement.

Fances Bebey (1975) cautions that it would be a mistake to assume that all Africans are necessarily musicians, in a brief study of a class of professional musicians fairly well distributed over the northern areas of West Africa and generally identified as ‘griots’. Griots have local names in various West African societies where they are found. In Gambia they are known as the jali (Knight 1974). Griots are found in the Fali of Guinea and the Bambara of Mali (Gorer 1949). They belong to a menial social class, and the accounts about them indicate that they are not buried in the ground so that their corpses would not desecrate it. They were rather buried in hollow tree-trunks so that their bodies would not bring a curse such as barrenness of the earth. The griots were indigenously treated as the lowest group in the class or social hierarchy of their various class societies. And from all accounts they apparently did everything to exploit their derogated status to economic advantage. On the other hand, according to Bebey’s account, they are feared because as genealogy singers and satiric minstrels, they ferret out many social secrets: ‘They know everything that is going on and … can recall events that are no longer within living memory’ (Bebey 1975: 24). They are treated with ‘contempt’ because of their interaction traits that include insulting a patron who did not reward them sufficiently for praise. At the same time

… the virtuoso of the griot command universal admiration. This virtuosity is the culmination of long years of study and hard work (Bebey 1975: 24). [Griots] are extraordinary musicians with outstanding talent who play an extremely important role in their respective societies. Their knowledge of the customs of the people and courtly life in all countries where they exercise their art gives them definite advantages; for the whole life of the people, its monarch, and ministers, is preserved intact in the infallible memory of the griots (27-8).

As such the griots could be argued as evoking ambivalent social acknowledgement: derogated and feared, lowly but powerful, socially-politically indispensable but discriminated. Gorer (1949) reports that they could be very rich, and exercise great influence over the life and activities of those whom they serve. The griots’ model presents a paradoxical situation where a group in a society is respected and admired as knowledge­able, full time professional musicians, but is, at the same time, held in low esteem because of the social status ascribed to them. Bebey also infers that they are extreme individualists; a self centred and self-seeking group whose music is not necessarily conceived as an indispensable factor in social institutions other than articulating social classes. Their music, it would seem, is a luxury in the art of living. A griot plays for what he could get, and uses the art to insult for what he is not given.

Mvet players of southern Cameroon and Gabon are itinerant professional entertainers like the griots, but they do not ply their trade on the same terms. Mvet players use the harp either to accompany mythical tales, and are highly regarded by their audiences (Bebey 1975). What the Mvet players have in common with the griot is that their music is in the music-event category, that is, for social entertainment (Nzewi 1977).

In some societies that are organised as monarchies there are musician-­families, many of which are attached to the court, and are maintained as professionals by the ruler. Nketia’s (1954: 40-1) report recommends that the Akan court drummers belong to this category, although the situation has been changing, and they are no longer content to be solely dependent on the courts. He distinguishes between mother drummers and secondary drummers. The former ‘conducts’ the performance of the whole orchestra. The secondary drummer requires just enough expertise to provide persistent, accompanying ‘contrasting’ themes, or those themes that underline the basic beats, or provide the ground bass for the music. The mother drummers are those that give the music its fullness, and quite often its distinctive character. A drummer is required to know his art as well as the duties required of him, including the ‘conventions and routines of dances and matters of procedure’ (ibid . : 36). Among the Yoruba of Nigeria there are also drum families some of whom are attached to the courts as in the example of the Timi of Ede’s court.

Social acknowledgement is, as such, not necessarily synonymous with social respect in the indigenous African reckoning of specialist musicianship. The specialist or subsistence professional musician could be accorded recognition on the merits of artistic expertise without attracting much social prestige thereby. There would, therefore, be a tendency for such musicians not to be too particular about personal integrity except probably in the case of court drummers, for instance, where lack of integrity could affect the image of the ruler or the conduct of court events. Some societies have terminologies with which to recognise musicians as a distinctive group of specialists whose social status is primarily dependent on other social factors, such as the ascribed class of birth that is not necessarily informed or determined by their skill or specialization as musicians. They could be seen as trade-professionals in a sense that would not automatically implicate artistic expertise.

Proficient musical arts practitioners in the Igbo society enjoy the same status and opportunities, by right of birth and extra-musical achievements, as every other member of the society. They could achieve any height in the social hierarchy, and perform without any compelling social ascriptions. The specialist musical arts practitioner performs in order to avail the society of the exceptional skill acquired, and is compensated with appropriate societal acknowledgement. Such extraordinary attainment accrues the musical arts specialist additional social distinctions. When she is performing within her society she is not necessarily paid for her artistic expertise. But her music group could be engaged on a customary token fee, to make special performance-appearances. A musician is required to have a normal subsistence occupation. She could then charge fees for engagements on the principle of making up for the workdays lost in fulfilling a privately contracted musical arts engagement. She is acknowledged as a person in society first on the basis of what she does for a living apart from playing music; and also on her social integrity: how she conforms to the norms of behaviour and discipline of her society without reference to the additional specialization or stature as a musician. The special factor of being a musician becomes additional recommendation that boosts rather than detracts from extra-musically attained social stature. And her music making is conceived and programmed as an input factor in the organisation and enactment of Igbo social systems and institutions.

Artistic aspect
With reference to artistic proficiency, expertise has been argued as an innate capability that is exceptionally developed, and not an automatic endowment by the advantage of being born into an Igbo culture. The debate on whether there is such a phenomenon as talent as opposed to environment, opportunity, and encourage­ment, remains unresolved, and continues to engage the attention of scholars. I argue that normative cognitive skill in the musical arts is the birth potentiality of everybody in the society, and could be developed through practical engagement during in-cultural upbringing. Whereas not everybody is an expert musical arts performer, everybody could be a cognitive critical audience. Hence Blacking (1976: 46) argues about the Venda: ‘Judgement is based on the performer’s display of technical brilliance and originality, and the vigour and confidence of his execution’. The society has criteria for evaluating standards of musical arts creativity and criticism. In such a situation the gifted musician has freedom to create within such ethnic criteria while her audience respects the creative freedom but checks any tendency towards unrestrained individualism. At other times the structure and expectations of the social context in which the musical arts is operational, and/or the musical arts style itself, model and control the scope of creative freedom in certain musical arts types.

Specialization in instrumental performance commands instruments that demand special skills. These have been referred to in the literature as master (mother) instruments. Although the opportunity and ability to become proficient on such instruments is the advantage of a few in the community, everybody in the society by reason of exposure or cultural assimilation could develop the cognitive intellect to evaluate the standard of performances on the instruments. So that while a few are skilful in the art of specialized musical arts, recognition of mother status proves the musical perspicacity of the audience. In the final analyses, therefore, it is the audience that acknowledges the exceptional musical genius of a few in the community who have achieved extraordinary expertise – both technical and creative – that mark specialist musicians and dancers and dramatists. The principle of rating expertise based on acknowledgement of skill warrants that an Igbo celebrant who is organising a prestigious event could ignore practitioners in own patrilineage or community, and search farther afield to engage practitioners reputed for outstanding merit in the particular musical arts type needed.

Cognizance and acknowledgement require further qualifications before the attribution of expertise to a degree that would make an Igbo refer to an artist as ‘attaining the ultimate degree of its essence’ as different from ‘leader of a music type’. Organization is taken into account. The importance of organization is stressed because it is in the contextual organization of the musical arts production and presentation that musical meaning emerges and becomes validated. Organization here has two levels: the personal, and the event itself.

Personal organization
A knowledgeable musical arts expert is conscious of her esteem in the Igbo society where good reputation is assiduously built up in order to elevate one’s social stature in any field of human endeavour. In such a comparative achievement milieu as marks the Igbo society every person strives to excel in any trade or artistic engagement, in order to emerge as the icon of achievement in a field of expertise. So, to achieve eminence is one thing, and to maintain it is another. If a person’s social reputation drops to a low rating, the artistic reputation would not guarantee her continued top public acknowledgement. The Igbo would ask: ‘Is he the indispensable that would prevent an event from taking place?’ And recognition would pass on to a more responsible artist who may be less accomplished.

The leader of a music group is responsible for the organization and discipline of the group, and ensures a high standard of social and artistic reputation for the group. The type of licenses and peculiar social irresponsibility allowable to expert musicians in some other societies does not obtain in the Igbo society. Merriam (1964: 123-44) offers an extensive sampling based on the reports of many field researchers, on the social behaviour of musicians in various world societies. It would appear from the reports recorded in Merriam’s book that the social regard accorded musicians within a society goes a long way towards determining how they organise themselves as social personalities in the society.

Event organization
The mother musician is the maker of a musical event, i.e., the stimulator of musical intention. The musician’s ability to understand and interpret with cognitive insight a musical arts type instituted for an event and its observance in the Igbo society is probably more important, therefore, than her personal organization. The expert musician is here required not only to be knowledgeable about what makes musical meaning in a given context, but more so, to be knowledgeable about the structure and the customary procedure for the event in which her music is involved, especially if it is an event-music (Nzewi, 1977). Mother instruments are more commonly found associated with specific events of high institutional hierarchy in the Igbo society. In such instances the musical arts serves as the frame of reference on which the scenario, as well as the interpretative scope of the event, depends for a satisfactory realisation. The mother musician has the task to coordinate the music in a manner that would underscore the event-mood, interpret the scenic activities, and generally promote the fulfilment of the objective of an event. She has, in addition, to be sensitive to the reactions of the actors and the audience in order to sustain action and interest. She has to compose and arrange at every event-occasion according to the structural eventualities of the particular occasion, as what transpires during every occasion of an event is a variant elaboration of the prescribed standard expectations typifying such an event. If she should fail to generate the mood as well as sustain the interest of the audience and actors, the event would not be a success and the event-musician would loose acclaim.

Thus, the role of the mother musician does not end with being a mother of her music (that is, making musical sense). Rather, it begins with that, and ends with applying the skill to capably transacting the meaning of the musical arts type in event context. It is especially in the context of being the organizer of the structural-contextual intentions of the music that the term mother musician has relevance and application in the Igbo society. A dextrous performer on a finger piano (ubo aka) could be acknowledged as an expert musician (onye egwu), but not as a mother musician, ‘without whose role there would be no event’ (afugh n’ejegh); that is to say, who is the maker and marker of an event.

In performing the role of the organizer of an event the mother musician’s integrity in executing the musical arts type as a phenomenon that transcends its institutional use is highly cherished. Artistic integrity and sensitivity in execution, that is, performance-composition that communicates effectively the conceived musical meaning, complete the qualifications of a mother musician. She must possess talent as a matter of creative flair; skill as a matter of technical proficiency; and timing as a matter of social responsibility and dramatic or event sensitivity.

It is necessary to make a distinction between skilful conformity, and creative originality. That some good musicians die and live on through their musical legacies, while others live acknowledged but die forgotten, is not necessarily because they were competent within a given tradition, but rather because within conformity they extended the artistic range of a tradition. Quite often this dimension of creative-flair in reckoning musicianship is explained at the level of supernatural endowment. Israel Anyahuru and Nwosu Anyahuru, both of whom are mother musicians in Ngwa, discussed their creative genius on the plane that: ‘No man is a creator. Only the Supreme Deity is the creator, and man, the instrument through which He creates’. This is not an echo of Merriam’s report about the Bala musicians of Zaire who ‘do not admit to composition, holding rather that music comes from Efile Mukulu (God) who will it so at that instant’. Merriam interprets the explanation as an apparent absence of any ‘purposeful intent to create something aesthetic’ among the Bala (Merriam 1973: 179). By their dictum Israel and Nwosu attribute creative capability (talent) and inspiration to the supernatural, while the creative experience within a cultural matrix, is consciously pursued by them as mothers of music. Hence an Ngwa mother musician is always proud to claim that he is the author of a musical creation, or the stylistic adaptation of an extant number. However, the matter of creative originality is merely an extra distinction that marks a mother musician. It should also be borne in mind that the relative importance of a mother musician in a community could be determined by the artistic medium and style of creative expression, as well as the rating of the musical arts type in the community’s criteria for hierarchical classification of its musical arts inventory.

Igbo mother musicianship
A mother musician is not, to begin with, necessarily a subsistence professional musician if we take cognizance of the arguments so far adduced from the Igbo situation vis-à-vis the reports about some other societies that have been cited. On the other hand, a professional musician could be, but is not always, a mother musician as in the Hausa example. A professional musician could be a skilled specialist recognized at the level of expertise and sentiment that includes talent. The professional musician who engages in music making or musical arts creativity as a matter of livelihood belongs to a social class in some societies. The Igbo mother musician is committed to music making and musical arts creativity as primarily a matter of artistic integrity, and also because she fulfils a specialized role that makes the musical arts a societal institution, and the practitioner a person of stature in the organization and explication of the other institutions in a society.

To have mother musicians in a society, therefore, the society needs to be cognizant of the concept of the musical arts as a contemplative art because of its intrinsic artistic-aesthetic aspirations, as well as a public utility that effectuates the functioning of other non-musical institutions. Compensations as well as distinctive social recognition accrue to those practitioners central to the fulfilment of such utilitarian intentions.

Mother musicianship is a social-cultural concept of the music-maker and music making as much as it defines creative-artistic expertise. This is the frame of reference in which the term is used in this study that models the Igbo society. The social and musicological portraits of five mother musicians with whom I studied will, it is hoped, bring into clear perspective, the Igbo concept of mother musicianship as well as the Igbo philosophy and theory of the musical arts as illustrative of the indigenous philosophy and epistemology that mark musical arts creativity and practice in Africa.

Published in:

Meki Nzewi, Israel Anyahuru & Tom Ohiaraumunna – Musical sense & meaning – An indigenous African perception

Rozenberg Edition : Rozenberg Publishers – ISBN 978 90 5170 908 7 – 2009

Unisa Edition: www.unisa.ac.za/press

Ududo Nnobi – (Amarachukwu) – Igbo Trad. Music

See also: Meki Nzewi – The Igbo Concept of Mother Musicianship: http://rozenbergquarterly.com/?p=1764

Generatiewandelingen in Doorn en andere onderwijs- en beleidsprojecten

Huis Doorn


Heel wat leerlingen in het VWO en studenten in het HBO houden zich in hun onderwijs met generaties bezig. Zij schrijven er werkstukken over en komen steeds vaker in aanvulling hierop ook met videoreportages. Vooral vakken zoals maatschappijleer, geschiedenis, economie en management lenen zich goed voor scripties en afstudeerwerkstukken over generaties.
Hierbij werken de leerlingen veelal met levensgeschiedenissen van leden van generaties. Daarbij gaat het om een aanpak, die als de ‘life histories approach’ bekend staat.
De ‘life histories approach’ wordt veelvuldig in de geschiedwetenschappen en de sociologie toegepast. Meerdere hoofdstukken in dit boek bevatten voorbeelden van deze toepassing.

Omdat te verwachten is dat het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels veel leerlingen tot het toepassen van generaties in hun onderwijs zal inspireren, komen nu enkele voorbeelden aan de orde. Als eerste voorbeeld zijn interviews te noemen met senioren, die tot de Vooroorlogse en Stille generatie behoren. Hoe zijn hun jeugdjaren verlopen en welke effecten heeft hun formatieve periode op hun verdere levensloop gehad? Welke indrukken zijn hen bijgebleven van de ‘Culturele Revolutie’ van het eind van de jaren zestig en het begin van de jaren zeventig? Hoe hebben zij van de economisch gunstige jaren negentig geprofiteerd en hoe hebben zij zich voorbereid op de jaren na ingang van hun pensioen?

Een volgend voorbeeld zijn interviews met vrouwen over hun ervaringen met vrouwendiscriminatie. Leden van de Vooroorlogse en Stille generatie hebben nog sterke vormen van discriminatie op de arbeidsmarkt meegemaakt. Denk aan vrouwen in overheidsdienst, die bij het in het huwelijk treden automatisch ontslag kregen. Tot de ingrijpende effecten van de ‘Culturele Revolutie’ behoort een sterke vermindering van de vrouwendiscriminatie. Geheel verdwenen is deze vorm van discriminatie echter zelfs in het jaar 2012 nog niet.

Als een derde voorbeeld zijn werkstukken te noemen, die levensgeschiedenissen in meerdere generaties onderling vergelijken. Bij een dergelijke aanpak gaat het vaak om samenwerking tussen meerdere leerlingen of studenten. Daarmee is een benadering ter sprake gekomen, die zich goed leent voor een vergelijking van geluksvogels en pechvogels. Wie heeft kunnen profiteren van gunstige omstandigheden en hoe is van deze voordelen gebruik gemaakt? Wie heeft te maken gekregen met ongunstige situaties? Zijn de gevolgen hiervan verderop in de levensloop gecompenseerd en zijn er generatielittekens achtergebleven?

Een  vierde voorbeeld heeft betrekking op veranderingen tussen generaties als gevolg van de opkomst van ICT en Internet. In het tweede hoofdstuk komt een onderzoek naar techniekgeneraties ter sprake. Op vergelijkbare wijze kunnen vele sectoren in de samenleving worden bezien op de effecten van de digitalisering van vooral de jongeren. Vroeger leerden jongeren van ouderen, tegenwoordig ondersteunen heel wat jongeren hun grootouders maar ook hun ouders bij het omgaan met PC’s en Internet.

Meestal gaat de aandacht vooral uit naar algemene maatschappelijke generaties. Zij overheersen het beeld dat de leden van de samenleving van generaties hebben. Echter ook specifieke generaties lenen zich goed voor het maken van werkstukken. Dan komen generaties in de schilderkunst of de muziek aan de orde. Of generaties in beroepen zoals leraar.
Bij al deze werkstukken kan het nuttig blijken om projecten uit het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar generaties als inspiratiebron te gebruiken.

Generatiewandelingen: Doorn in Europa

Het sociologenechtpaar Lynd heeft in de jaren dertig van de vorige eeuw de gevolgen van de economische crisis in de Verenigde Staten verduidelijkt door deze in de setting van een middelgrote stad te beschrijven. Zij noemden deze stad ‘Middeltown’,  doch later bleek het om de stad Munci te gaan. Toen enkele jaren later de economische crisis met behulp van de ‘New Deal’ overwonnen werd, beschreven de Lynd’s dit in het boek ‘Middeltown in Transition’. Beide boeken hebben de auteurs gebaseerd op participerende observatie.  Door deze boeken verwierf Munci internationale bekendheid.
Er zijn heel wat verdere voorbeelden te noemen van maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen en verwikkelingen, die zijn beschreven met een stad of dorp als achtergrond. Dit is ook buiten de wetenschappen gebeurd. Denk aan Amsterdam tijdens de crisis van de jaren dertig, bekeken door de ogen van Geert Mak.

In dit werkboek, Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels, komt nu het dorp Doorn als concreet voorbeeld bij het maken van werkstukken aan de orde. Daarbij levert participerende observatie door de auteur de wetenschappelijke basis. Er zijn echter ook literaire bronnen beschikbaar. Simon Vestdijk behandelde ‘Het dorp van de donder’ in zijn bundel ‘Gestalten tegenover mij’. In het begin van de huidige eeuw heeft Marjolijn Februari het dorp Doorn ‘anoniem’ tot achtergrond voor een roman gebruikt. Wie op www.heuvelrug.nl gaat kijken vindt daar een film over Doorn en andere gemeenten op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug.
De aan deze paragraaf voorafgaande paragraaf over levensgeschiedenissen kan als een afzonderlijk betoog worden gelezen. De paragraaf over de levensgeschiedenissen kan echter ook worden gelezen als een voorbereiding op de paragraaf over generatiewandelingen.

Van kwaad tot erger
Het eerste voorbeeld van een generatiewandeling is gebaseerd op de roman ‘De Zwarte Ruiter’ van Simon Vestdijk. Deze roman speelt in de bossen van Doorn, rond het landgoed ‘De Ruiterberg’. De ene hoofdpersoon is een jong meisje. De andere hoofdpersoon is haar vader. De vader is een typische vertegenwoordiger van de conservatieve leden der Vooroorlogse Generatie. Volgens hem geldt: vaders wil is wet. Hij behoort tot de vaders die tijdens een discussie met een kind plegen te zeggen: ‘discussion closed’ en daardoor verdere argumentaties afkappen. Een dergelijke bejegening heeft heel wat kinderen tot wanhoop gebracht.

In het verleden heeft de vader zijn dochter onhandig behandeld en zij is hierdoor blijvend mank geworden. Als reactie hierop heeft de vader zijn  gedrag tegenover de dochter veranderd. Door zijn onhandigheid heeft de vader echter het lot van het kind nog verder verslechterd. Dit betekent dat het gezegde ‘van kwaad tot erger’ in sterke mate van toepassing is.
In wanhoop en in trance zwerft het meisje over de heide in de buurt van het landgoed van haar vader: de Ruiterberg. Op die heide ontmoet zij de Zwarte Ruiter. Het meisje steekt een stuk heide in brand. Door een noodlottige samenloop van omstandigheden vat een groot gedeelte van de heide vlam en komt het meisje in de vlammen om het leven.

Het idee van een Zwarte Ruiter is gebaseerd op een sage uit het Spessart, een bosgebied in Duitsland. In deze sage verdobbelt een vader zijn dochter. Wanneer de winnaars van het dobbelspel hun gewin opeisen, springt de edelman op zijn paard, met de dochter achterop, en probeert de burcht te ontvluchten. Tijdens deze rit verongelukt de dochter.
Deze sage vormt de achtergrond voor de eerste generatiewandeling door het dorp Doorn. Wij zien in gedachten de roman van Vestdijk zich voor onze ogen afspelen. Het heideveld ligt er nog steeds en het landgoed Ruiterberg prijkt nog steeds als een juweel in het landschap.

Het gezegde ‘van kwaad tot erger’ heeft nog niets aan betekenis ingeboet. Ook in onze tijd nemen ouders soms beslissingen die de kinderen ‘van de regen in de drup’ doen belanden. Beleidmakers in organisaties vaardigen besluiten uit, die averechts uitpakken. Nationale regeringen en internationale organen voeren soms een beleid dat de situatie niet verbetert maar verslechtert. Het mechanisme ‘van kwaad tot erger’ heeft daarbij veelal betrekking op de verhouding  tussen generaties. Waarbij het veelal om algemene maar soms ook om specifieke generaties gaat.

Wat werkstukken betreft gaan de gedachten bijvoorbeeld uit naar ouders die tot een weinig autoritaire generatie behoren. Zij bejegenen hun kinderen eerst op een zeer toegefelijke manier. Voert dit tot ongewenst gedrag, dan kan dit tot abrupte harde eisen van gedisciplineerd gedrag leiden. Dan is te verwachten dat de kinderen in opstand komen. Zo zijn er tal van situaties in de samenleving die zich laten analyseren vanuit het mechanisme ‘van kwaad tot erger’. Soms brengen bestuderingen van levenslopen dergelijke mechanismen onder de aandacht.

Het behoren tot een maatschappelijke generatie kan in de loop der jaren tot knelpunten leiden, die in de vorm van generatielittekens de verdere levensloop beïnvloeden. Maken wij een denkbeeldige wandeling door Doorn, dan komen wij  om te beginnen het BNMO-oord tegen. Dit is een omvangrijk bosgebied waarin tientallen bungalows staan. Hierin wonen militaire slachtoffers van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en latere militaire acties. Er staat ook een hoofdgebouw, van waaruit hulp en ondersteuning aan de bewoners van de bungalows wordt geboden. De Tweede Wereldoorlog is een bekende oorzaak van generatielittekens bij burgers en militairen. Latere militaire operaties hebben weer latere generaties geraakt.

Al wandelend komen wij even later een generatielitteken van geheel andere aard tegen. Midden in het dorp staat een gebouw dat vele decennia lang als Gereformeerde Kerk werd gebruikt. Door de sterke krimp van het aantal burgers die gereformeerde geloofsovertuigingen koesteren moesten de Gereformeerden samengaan met onder andere de Hervormden en biedt de Maartenskerk voortaan onderdak aan zowel Gereformeerden als Hervormden. Een ontwikkeling, die bij heel wat Gereformeerden een generatielitteken zal hebben achtergelaten.
Wie al lang in Doorn woont kan de plek aanwijzen waar vroeger een kleuterschool stond. Toen vanaf 1970 ook in Doorn het aantal geboorten daalde, nam ook het aantal kleuters af en werd de school overbodig. Geen dramatisch generatielitteken, maar toch een  symbool voor een ingrijpende maatschappelijke trendbreuk.

Wie in deze geest een werkstuk over generatielittekens wil maken, kan door zijn of haar woonplaats wandelen en optekenen, waar de sporen van dergelijke ongewenste trendbreuken te onderkennen zijn. Zijn reeds levensgeschiedenissen verzameld, dan kunnen veelal ook aan deze gegevens aanwijzingen voor generatielittekens worden ontleend.

Generaties in de kunsten

Ch. Toorop – Drie Generaties – Boekomslag

De kern van het dorp Doorn en met name het buitengebied bevatten tal van gebouwen die een patroon van generaties weerspiegelen. Generaties van welgestelde burgers, die huizen lieten bouwen. Generaties van architecten die de kans kregen om hun kunstzinnige overtuigingen in bouwwerken tot uiting te brengen. Adellijke families lieten kastelen langs de Langbroeker Wetering verrijzen. In Doorn treffen wij statige herenhuizen aan, die in de achttiende eeuw in opdracht van rijke Amsterdammers als buitenhuizen werden gerealiseerd. Van recentere datum is een villa die Rietveld tot architect had. Op onze wandeling komen wij verder in de publieke ruimte tal van beelden tegen, die verschillen tussen generaties van kunstenaars en schenkers weerspiegelen.

Wie bij een generatiewandeling gebouwen en kunstwerken centraal stelt, zal vooral in steden tot heel wat boeiende waarnemingen kunnen komen. Denk aan overblijfselen van de Jugendstil, afkomstig van een generatie van kunstenaars die rond 1900 grote invloed heeft uitgeoefend.

Rondleidingen bij monumenten
Wie in Doorn wandelt, zal stellig ook een bezoek willen brengen aan ’Huis Doorn’, het voormalige buitenverblijf van de bisschoppen van Utrecht en in de vorige eeuw vele jaren bewoond door de laatste Duitse keizer. Huis Doorn is thans ingericht als museum met als centraal thema het Interbellum. Tot de bezoekers behoren veel senioren, met name ook vele bussen met leden van oudere generaties uit Duitland. Maar ook leden van jongere generaties zijn vaak in het herenhuis en het omringende park aan te treffen, bijvoorbeeld in het kader van een schoolreis met een historisch accent. Vooral Huis Doorn en de geschiedenis van de Duitse Keizer geven een Europees accent aan de generatiewandelingen door Doorn.

Heel wat lezers van het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels zullen in hun woonplaats een of meer monumenten aantreffen, die bezoekers uit uiteenlopende generaties aantrekken. Dit kan belangstelling wekken voor generatiebewuste rondleiding door of langs het monument.

Een generatiewandeling in 2050
Van geheel andere aard is een generatiewandeling door een dorp als Doorn met het doel om te verkennen hoe dit dorp er in 2050 uit zou kunnen zien. In Doorn staan enkele complexen die bestemd zijn voor verzorging en verpleging van hupbehoevende ouderen. Zouden in dergelijke complexen in 2050 zorgrobots zijn aan te treffen en welke functies zouden deze kunnen vervullen? Doorn kent heel wat restaurants en bars. Zouden in 2050 in deze etablissementen robotobers aan het werk zijn?

Stellig zou in 2050 ‘het nieuwe werken’ al op ruime schaal zijn ingevoerd. Enkele dagen per week zouden heel wat beroepsbeoefenaren vanuit hun eigen huis aan het werk zijn. Daarbij zouden zij gebruik maken van Internet, met name ‘video conferencing’. Internationale universiteiten zouden vanuit gedecentraliseerde doch samenwerkende centra wereldwijd toponderwijs kunnen verzorgen, in willekeurig welke taal dan ook.  Dit is in een hoofdstuk in het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels al geschetst. Ook vermeldt een hoofdstuk hoe taaldrempels in de toekomst kunnen worden overbrugd.


Wie een werkstuk met betrekking tot generaties wil maken, kan ook kiezen voor de toepassing van een ‘wetenschapsrechtbank’. Daarbij gaat het om een aanpak, die voor het eerst is toegepast in het begin van de discussie over het milieu. Er kwamen praktische problemen naar voren, die niet volledig op de traditionele manier door discussies van voor- en tegenstanders konden worden opgelost. Met inschakeling van een wetenschapsrechtbank kunnen de tegenstellingen zo veel mogelijk worden opgelost. Er wordt echter rekening gehouden met de mogelijkheid dat enkele problemen overblijven, waarvoor geen oplossing kon worden gevonden.

De wetenschapsrechtbanken zijn ontworpen met een strafrechtbank in gedachten. Het gaat om drie rollen, die elk door één of meer personen kunnen worden vervuld. In de eerste plaats is er de rol van de aanklager. In de tweede plaats gaat het om de rol van de verdediger. De derde rol brengt de ‘lijdelijke rechter’ naar voren. Een strafrechter komt in het begin niet met een eigen oordeel doch probeert de waarheid te achterhalen door zowel de aanklager als de verdediger vragen te stellen. Zoals in het hoofdstuk over milieuvraagstukken is uiteengezet, zijn wetenschapsrechtbanken onder de naam ‘controversezittingen’ in ons land in 1982 in het kader van de Maatschappelijke Discussie Energiebeleid gehouden.

Bij een werkstuk in het onderwijs kan een wetenschapsrechtbank worden ingezet om een bepaald zwaar vraagstuk systematisch aan de orde te stellen. In de fase van het verzamelen van materiaal voor het werkstuk stelt de auteur van het werkstuk een wetenschapsrechtbank samen. Er worden door deze rechtbank één of enkele zittingen gehouden, telkens met één of enkele dossiers. De uitkomsten van deze zittingen kunnen worden verwerkt tot kennis omtrent het centraal gestelde maatschappelijke vraagstuk.

Als een zwaar maatschappelijk vraagstuk kan de sociale rechtvaardigheid tussen generaties worden aangemerkt. Hoeveel moeten de oudere generaties, de babyboomgeneraties en de jongere generaties bijdragen om de kosten van pensioenen en gezondheidszorg tot 2050 rechtvaardig te verdelen?
Op vergelijkbare wijze is het eveneens mogelijk om de milieuproblemen tot 2050 ter discussie te stellen.
Komen bij de bestudering van maatschappelijke generaties vragen op over de wijze van operationalisering van variabelen, dan kunnen één of enkele zittingen van een wetenschapsrechtbank voor een zo groot mogelijke helderheid zorgen.

Trainingen in generatiebewust beleid
Het rapport ‘Europe 2020, strategies for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ maakt duidelijk dat er generatiebewust beleid noodzakelijk is. Het maakt ook duidelijk dat een dergelijke ontwerpactiviteit uitstijgt boven wat wij nu al tot onze beschikking hebben. Er zijn nieuwe methoden vereist voor verkenningen, strategieformatie en evaluatie vooraf, genaamd social impact assessment. Deze paragraaf biedt een eerste verkenning.

Zodra de nieuwe methoden ter beschikking zijn gekomen, zullen de beleidsmakers en alle verder betrokkenen met behulp van trainingen op de toepassingen moeten worden voorbereid.
Hierbij staat voorop, dat de toekomst van de betrokken landen niet geheel trefzeker valt te voorspellen. Het best mogelijke beleid is beleid waarvan wij voorafgaand aan de uitvoering de kans zo gering mogelijk hebben gemaakt dat wij er later spijt van krijgen.
Stel, er wordt overwogen om op een bepaald terrein in de samenleving een generatiebewust beleid te gaan voeren. Dan zal eerst met behulp van verkenningen moeten worden nagegaan, om welke maatschappelijke knelpunten het gaat en hoe een dergelijk beleid gevoerd zou kunnen worden. Dit wordt de aanloopfase genoemd. Daarna komt de hoofdfase in beeld. Tenslotte volgt een fase van institutionalisering. Deze drie fasen komen nu achtereenvolgens aan de orde. Dit fasemodel vormt een checklist. Het is dus een overzicht van deelanalyses waaruit door de opsteller van een werkstuk gekozen kan worden.

De aanloopfase
Stel, dat een kerkgenootschap op een nieuwe wijze wil inspelen op de generatiegebonden vermindering van zijn leden en de activiteiten van leden. Als tweede voorbeeld nemen wij een universiteit, die tot een verbetering van haar onderwijs en haar wetenschapsbeoefening wil komen. Daarbij wil deze universiteit generatieverschillen onder zijn wetenschappers overbruggen.

Elk van deze voorbeeldterreinen vereist om te beginnen een probleemanalyse. Daarbij moet duidelijk worden, welke focus-actor centraal zal staan. Is dit een onderdeel van een organisatie? Een organisatie in haar geheel? Een samenwerkingsverband van organisaties? Een combinatie van dergelijke actoren?

De focus-actor is degenen, die de te ontwerpen strategie moet realiseren. Vaak gaat het om samenwerkingsverbanden van actoren, die elkaars concurrenten zijn. Denk aan locale gemeenschappen of universiteiten.
De volgende stap is het inventariseren van de activiteiten van de focus-actor. Welke missie wil hij vervullen? Welke strategieën zijn thans in gebruik? Om welke tactieken gaat het? Welke operationele planning wordt toegepast? Welke termijnen staan hierbij voor ogen?

Vrijwel altijd zijn er discrepanties tussen de formele missie van een organisatie, zoals deze bijvoorbeeld in voorlichtingsbrochures staat omschreven, en de feitelijke missie. Schrijf zowel de formele als de feitelijke missie e.d. uit. Soms gaat het om ambities, die moeilijk op papier gezet kunnen worden. In bedekte termen zijn ambities echter weldegelijk omschrijfbaar.

Welke problemen ziet de focus-actor bij het realiseren van de missie en de verdere voornemens? Beleidmakers reageren op dergelijke vragen nogal eens met de mededeling: ‘ik word er niet voor betaald om onopgeloste problemen te hebben’. Om deze reactie te omzeilen kan het verstandig zijn de beleidmakers te vragen, met welke dilemma’s zij in hun werk te maken hebben. Dilemma’s zijn vervangen door ‘equally desirable (or undesirable) alternatives’ voor beleidskeuzes.

Het is vervolgens noodzakelijk om na te gaan welke organisaties bij het beoogde beleid betrokken zijn. Eerst komt de focus-actor  op papier. Vanuit deze positie wordt een pijlenschema opgesteld, waarin alle belangrijk geoordeelde  tegenspelers een plaats krijgen. Met welke organisaties moet de focus-actor rekening houden?

Welke maatschappelijk ontwikkelingen dienen bij de strategievorming aan de orde te komen? Welke maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen hebben zware effecten op de strategie, welke minder zware effecten? Een voorlopige trendanalyse geeft een eerste beeld.

Het gaat bij het projectontwerp om het omschrijven van de gewenste eindsituatie, met vermelding van het tijdstip waarop deze situatie bereikt moet zijn. Ook gaat het om een aantal gewenste tussensituaties op weg naar het einddoel. Tot het projectontwerp behoort ook een inventarisatie van de hulpbronnen, die ter beschikking staan.
De aanloopfase begint met ruwe schetsen. Gaandeweg komen deze schetsen opnieuw aan de orde en worden deze schetsen stapsgewijze verbeterd.

De hoofdfase
De opstellers van de strategie moeten zichzelf tot een poging dwingen om de belangrijkste aspecten van de probleemsituatie en de oplossingsrichtingen op papier te krijgen. Een  bruikbare werkwijze hierbij is om in enkele subgroepen onafhankelijk van elkaar te analyseren en ontwerpen, vervolgens de resultaten plenair te bespreken, gevolgd door weer een serie bijeenkomsten in subgroepen.

Deelnemers aan een strategieformatie plegen te beginnen met de ontwikkelingen in de omgeving van focus-actor en tegenspelers in het verlengde te zien van de ontwikkelingen uit het recente verleden. Om deze blikvernauwing te overwinnen is het noodzakelijk om meerdere scenario’s voor de omgeving op papier te zetten. In elk geval dienen een trendscenario, een krimpscenario en een groeiscenario in de beschouwing te worden betrokken. Ook moeten een aantal doorkruisende ontwikkelingen aan de orde komen om voldoende voorbereid te zijn op plotselinge ingrijpende gebeurtenissen.

Welke beleidsalternatieven verdienen in de overwegingen aan de orde te komen? In elk geval zal een voortzetting van het huidige in de beschouwing te worden betrokken, veelal aangeduid als ‘business as usual’. Hieraan zijn  toe te voegen een gematigde en een meer gewaagde strategie.

Evaluatie vooraf
Elke strategie dient in de volgende fase geanalyseerd te worden ten opzichte van elk der omgevingsscenario’s. Welke bedreigingen zijn ten aanzien van focusactor en tegenspelers in het geding? Welke kansen hebben de betrokken actoren, zowel wat bekende hulpbronnen als wat stille reserves aangaat?

Ter afsluiting van de hoofdfase vindt besluitvorming plaats. Er moeten afwegingen worden gemaakt. Een stappenplan geeft aan, hoe de doelstellingen te realiseren zijn.

De fase van de institutionalisering
Hierna dient de organisatorische inbedding van het betrokken generatiebewust beleid te worden uitgewerkt. Hoe dient de focus-actor dit aan te pakken? Welke menskracht moet worden ingezet? Ook gaat het om de organisatorische eenheden die nodig zijn. Denk aan afdelingen en hun samenhang.

Doorlopende evaluatie
Tijdens de uitvoering van het beleid is periodiek een formatieve evaluatie noodzakelijk. Een het eind dient een summatieve evaluatie plaats te vinden.

Het voorgaande staat bekend als ‘strategic learning’. De activiteiten leiden tot resultaten ten opzichte van de strategische doelen. De activiteiten vereisen dat aandacht wordt besteed aan doorlopende reflectie en verder zo nodig aan  bijsturen.
In het kader van de trainingen zal de aandacht moeten uitgaan naar ‘instant assessments’, ander gezegd bliksemanalyses. Soms is het noodzakelijk om de cyclus binnen een kwartier of een uur te doorlopen. Gaat het om het vormen van een strategie met zware gevolgen, dan vormt een bliksemanalyse een noodoplossing. In de trainingen dienen ook middenlang en lange beleidsprocessen aan de orde te komen.
Beleidsmakers met ruime ervaring hebben – vaak met schade en schande – geleerd dat het doorlopen van de cyclus geen overbodige weelde is. Immers maar al te vaak blijkt na enige tijd dat een haastig ontworpen strategie tot onwenselijke verrassingen leidt.

Uitwerking van vijf cases

Case 1 : Generatiebewust beleid in het voortgezet onderwijs
Als eerste case komt het voortgezet onderwijs aan de orde. Wie aan deze case gaat werken doet er goed aan om eerst het hoofdstuk over generaties in het onderwijs en het hoofdstuk over generaties en taaldrempels te herlezen in het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels .

Wat generatiebewust beleid ten aanzien van het voortgezet onderwijs betreft gaat de aandacht uit naar een denkbeeldig regionaal netwerk van scholen in het voortgezet onderwijs. Het in de komende jaren toenemende tekort aan leraren vormt een eerste probleemcomplex, aan de dynamiek van generaties gerelateerd. Het met de geboortedaling samenhangende toenemende aantal situaties waarin voor bepaalde vakken te weinig leerlingen beschikbaar zijn vormt een tweede probleemcomplex. Het derde probleemcomplex is het Engelstalige onderwijs in het VWO-plus dat ondersteuning bij het hanteren van de Engelse taal wenselijk maakt. Het vierde probleemcomplex zijn de te verwachten verdere bezuinigingen.
Indien er langlopende vacatures zijn, of indien een leraar langdurig ziek is, kan virtueel afstandsonderwijs uitkomst bieden. Dan kan bijvoorbeeld één leraar onderwijs verzorgen aan twee klassen. Mits in de klas, die zonder leraar opereert, een klassenassistent aanwezig is.

Een inspirerend voorbeeld vormt het onderwijs in het Fries, dat in het betrokken hoofdstuk in het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels is behandeld. De geïnteresseerde leerlingen wonen zodanig verspreid, dat geen klassen kunnen worden gevormd. Dus wordt het onderwijs in het Fries op individuele basis in de vorm van virtueel afstandsonderwijs verzorgd.

In het VWO-plus vormt Engels de voertaal. Leerlingen kunnen meestal snel voldoende ‘working knowledge’ verwerven. Echter zodra gecompliceerde taalconstructies moeten worden toegepast, kan ondersteuning door middel van een systeem voor meertalige communicatie noodzakelijk blijken.

Bijzondere aandacht verdient het Zuyderzee College. Wie de website van deze scholengemeenschap opzoekt, vindt informatie over computerondersteund onderwijs. Het gaat ook over de ‘elektronische leeromgeving’, die het gebruik van leerboeken overbodig maakt. ELO verdient in de te maken werkstukken extra aandacht.

Case 2 : Generatiebewust beleid in een kerkgenootschap
Voor de tweede case is het van belang om eerst het hoofdstuk over generatieverschillen in milieu en godsdienst te herlezen. Daarna verdienen de betrokken probleemcomplexen de aandacht. Het eerste probleemcomplex hangt samen met risicobesef. In het hoofdstuk is al aan de orde gekomen, dat groeiend risico en risicobesef tot een toename kan leiden van individuen die zeggen geloofszekerheden te koesteren. Het is te verwachten dat het risicobesef in de komende jaren verder zal toenemen, met name ook in de jongere generaties. Het tweede probleemcomplex is het feit dat nog maar weinig Nederlanders naar de kerk gaan. Dit stelt de kerkgenootschappen voor problemen. Zij zoeken naar oplossingen om langs nieuwe wegen te kunnen blijven voortbestaan.

De cultuur- en godsdienstsocioloog Joep de Hart heeft de stand van zaken in Nederland op religieus gebied onderzocht in zijn boek Zwevende gelovigen: oude religie en nieuwe spiritualiteit. Het verscheen in 2010 bij Bert Bakker te Amsterdam. De kerken lopen leeg maar de religie verdwijnt niet. Ongeveer 40 procent van de Nederlanders is lid van een kerkgenootschap en 15 procent gaat iedere week naar de kerk. Ongeveer 60 procent van de bevolking gelooft in God of ‘een hogere macht’. Twee van de drie Nederlanders geloven in een leven na de dood. 40 procent gelooft in wonderen en in het nut van bidden.
In het buitenland richten steeds meer kerkgenootschappen naast hun traditionele kerkorganisatie een ‘virtuele kerk’ op. In ons land heeft de PKN (Protestantse Kerken Nederland) al een virtuele kerk in het leven geroepen. Gegevens hierover staan op Internet.

In het kader van generatiebewust beleid is het een boeiende uitdaging om voor een religieuze organisatie naar keuze een‘virtuele kerk’ te ontwerpen die inspeelt op generatieverschillen onder de potentiële leden. Als voorbeeld zou de Nederlandse Protestantenbond kunnen dienen. Gezinnen met jonge kinderen zullen op zondagochtenden gezamenlijk activiteiten in de natuur willen ondernemen en zij zullen dus weinig of geen belangstelling voor kerkdiensten vertonen, zelfs als de dienst ook op kinderen wordt afgestemd. Gelovigen in het midden van hun leven alsmede senioren zullen veelal ook de zondagochtenden aan bezoeken aan natuur en cultuur willen besteden. Een virtuele kerk kan diensten organiseren, waaraan op avonden in de week per Internet kan worden deelgenomen. Meditatie kan eveneens op afstand worden aangeboden. In een werkstuk kunnen de componenten van een virtuele kerk worden uitgewerkt. 

Case 3 : Generatiebewust beleid in het universitair onderwijs.
De derde case vereist het eerst herlezen van het hoofdstuk over generaties in de wetenschap, zie: Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels. Als eerste probleemcomplex komt de verwachting naar voren dat een forse krimp is te verwachten in het aantal academici dat in het universitair onderwijs werkzaam is. De krimp is te verwachten als gevolg van het met pensioen gaan van de babyboomers.

Het tweede probleemcomplex is de verwachting van verdere bezuinigingen. Vermoedelijk zullen veel vacatures niet kunnen worden herbezet.
Als kans is een stille reserve in het Nederlandse academisch bestel te noemen. Door samenwerking tussen universiteiten op het gebied van het onderwijs zou heel wat menskracht efficiënter kunnen worden inzetten. Denk aan een studierichting, die aan meerdere universiteiten vertegenwoordigd is. In de eerste jaren van de studie zouden vakken zoals de geschiedenis van de discipline, statistiek alsmede methoden en technieken van onderzoek gezamenlijk verzorgd kunnen worden. Behalve een gemeenschappelijk deel zou het onderwijs ook een specifiek deel kunnen omvatten, het laatste afgestemd op de eigenaardigheden van elke studierichting. Voor de concretisering van een dergelijke opzet kan ook hier naar het Zuyderzee College worden verwezen. In een werkstuk zou kunnen worden uitgewerkt, op welke wijze virtueel afstandsonderwijs generatiebewust in het universitair bestel gerealiseerd zou kunnen worden. De specifieke kenmerken van studenten uit de jongste generatie verdienen verdiscontering, met name de ICT-vaardigheden. De specifieke kenmerken van universitaire docenten uit oudere generaties kunnen eveneens systematisch worden ingezet.

Case 4 : Generatiebewust beleid in de wetenschapsbeoefening.
Werken aan de vierde case begint met het herlezen van het hoofdstuk over generaties in de wetenschap in het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels. Vervolgens komen de probleemcomplexen aan de orde. Bij het eerste probleemcomplex gaat het om de toenemende competitie tussen universiteiten, faculteiten en onderzoeksgroepen. Externe beoordelingen en rangordening dwingen de betrokken collectieve sociale actoren om hun onderzoeksactiviteiten en publicatiegedrag steeds verder aan te scherpen. Het tweede probleemcomplex wordt gevormd door de noodzaak om behalve voor toegespitste topspecialisatie ook te zorgen voor een brede kijk op het vakgebied. Het ontstaan van ‘vakidioten’ moet worden voorkomen. Het derde probleemcomplex schuilt in de stille reserves die zijn aan te treffen in de populatie van emeriti en andere senior wetenschappers. Er is een internationale markt voor topemeriti ontstaan, om een voorbeeld te noemen. Probleemcomplex vier heeft betrekking op de stille reserves die schuilen in de mogelijkheden voor samenwerking tussen universiteiten in eigen land en over de landsgrenzen heen, het laatste als onderdeel van de globalisering van de wetenschap.

Wie een werkstuk in deze sfeer wil maken, kan een ‘virtual institute of advanced studies’ ontwerpen. Een VIAS kan Engelstalige wetenschappers mondiaal werven. Vooral topemeriti verdienen hierbij de aandacht.

Case 5 : Generatiebewust beleid en het nieuwe werken.
Wie met de vijfde case aan de slag wil gaan, doet er goed aan eerst het hoofdstuk over generaties en taaldrempels te herlezen. Ook het herlezen van hoofdstuk twee met de voorbeelden van generatiepatronen is aan te raden. (zie: Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels)

De beheersing en de opmars van het Engels in grote delen van de Westerse wereld is een bekend verschijnsel. In Franstalige landen is van een  beheersing van het Engels op het niveau van een ‘working knowledge’ nog steeds geen sprake. Deze beperking geldt ook voor de beheersing van het Engels in de meeste overige landen rond de Middellandse zee. Uit het hoofdstuk over generaties en taaldrempels blijkt dat systemen voor meertalige communicatie, bijvoorbeeld Sociolinguafranca, deze beperkingen kunnen overwinnen.

Het nieuwe werken houdt in dat vanuit nieuwe soorten werkplekken, bijvoorbeeld het eigen huis, betaalde arbeid kan worden verricht voor opdrachtgevers waar dan ook ter wereld. De globalisering van de arbeidsmarkt is in volle gang. Dit betekent dat in de taal van het land waarin de afnemer woont opdrachten kunnen worden vervuld. Denk aan het Frans en aan verdere talen uit het Middellandse Zee gebied. Daarbij kan het om onderwijs en trainingen gaan. Verder om coaching. Ook om administratieve en boekhoudkundige werkzaamheden.
Het ontwerpen, testen en institutionaliseren van afstandswerken volgens de mogelijkheden van het nieuwe werken vereist heel wat organisatorische voorzieningen. Een nuttige uitdaging voor het opzetten van een training en het opstellen van een basisnota.

Tot slot
Bovenstaand artikel komt uit het boek Generaties van geluksvogels en pechvogels dat verschijnt ter gelegenheid van het Europese Jaar van actief ouder worden en solidariteit tussen de generaties: http://europa.eu/ey2012

In Bonushoofdstuk15 met ‘veel gestelde vragen’ zal een voorbeeld van het verlsag van een generatiewandeling worden opgenomen. Dit bonushoofdstuk zal eveneens een voorbeeld van een werkstuk over een vorm van generatiebewust beleid bevatten.

Voor Bonushoofdstuk 15 zie: www.europegenerations.com

Wat het ontwerpen van generatiebewust beleid betreft is achtergrondinformatie te vinden in: Henk A. Becker 1997. Social impact assessment: method and experience in Europe, North America and the Developing World. Routledge, London. Verder in Henk A. Becker & Frank Vanclay (eds.) 2003. The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment: Conceptual and Methodological Advances. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Over de auteur:

Henk A. Becker werd geboren te Greifswald, Duitsland, in 1933. In 1946 migreerde hij naar Nederland. Aan de Universiteit Leiden deed hij in 1958 doctoraal examen sociologie (met lof). Van 1956 tot 1964 werkte hij als stafmedewerker op een ministerie.
Van 1964 tot 1968 was hij hoofd van de onderzoeksafdeling van het Sociologisch Instituut aan de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, thans Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. In 1968 promoveerde hij aan de NEH op een proefschrift over loopbanen van managers. Het betrof een vroege toepassing van normatieve loopbaan analyses en van een computersimulatie op loopbanen. In 1968 benoemde de Universiteit Utrecht hem tot hoogleraar in de sociologie alsmede de methodologie van het sociaal onderzoek.
Zijn wetenschappelijk werk heeft hij opgezet volgens het TRIPOD-model. Dit houdt in, dat op samenhangende wijze (1) inhoudelijke onderwerpen, (2) methoden en (3) meta-aspecten van de betrokken wetenschappelijke discipline aan de orde komen. Wat inhoudelijke onderwerpen aangaat houdt hij zich vooral met loopbanen, levenslopen in cohorten alsmede generaties bezig. Op het terrein van de methoden heeft hij gepubliceerd over computersimulaties, cohortenanalyses en ‘social impact assessment’. Met betrekking tot meta-aspecten gaat het over de ‘state of the art’ in de sociologie en de daarmede verbonden delen van de wetenschapsfilosofie. In zijn onderwijs aan de Universiteit Utrecht hield hij zich bezig met algemene sociologie alsmede sociologie van planning en beleid.
Hij was decaan van een faculteit en een subfaculteit en hij maakte deel uit van de besturen van wetenschappelijke verenigingen in eigen land en op internationaal niveau. In 1996 werd hij benoemd tot Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw. In 2000 ontving hij de Rose-Hulman Award van de International Association for Impact Assessment, voor zijn werk op het terrein van de demografische impact assessments.
In 1998 bereikte hij de leeftijd van 65 jaar en ging hij met emeritaat. Sinds dat tijdstip zet hij zijn wetenschappelijk werk in deeltijd voort.
Henk Becker is gehuwd met Johanna Enzlin. Het echtpaar heeft twee dochters en twee kleinzonen.
Een gedetailleerde biografie is opgenomen in Henk A. Becker & Johannes J.F. Schroots (Eds) 2008. Releasing the Potentials of Senior Scholars & Scientists, Utrecht: Igitur.


Generational walks in Doorn and other educational projects

Huis Doorn

Life histories

Explanatory notes
Many pre-university pupils and students attending higher vocational education study generations. They write papers on this topic, often supplementing them nowadays with video reports. Social studies, history, economics and management, particularly, lend themselves to theses and graduation papers on generations.
Most students write papers on the life histories of members of generations. This practice is known as a ‘life history approach’, which is habitually used in historical sciences and sociology. Several chapters in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs contain examples of this approach.
Because this book, Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs, will likely inspire many pupils to learn about generations during their studies some examples are provided here, the first being interviews with seniors of the Pre-War Generation and the Silent Generation. What was their childhood like and how did their formative years affect the rest of their lives? What impressions have they retained of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ of the late 1960s and early 1970s? How did they benefit from the economically favourable 1990s and how did they prepare themselves for their retirement years?

A second example is interviews with women concerning their experience with discrimination against women. Members of the Pre-War and Silent Generations suffered serious discrimination on the employment market. Take, for instance, women in public service who automatically lost their job upon getting married. One of the radical effects of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ is the strongly reduced discrimination against women, although it is still not entirely eradicated even in the year 2011.

A third example is papers that compare life histories in several generations. This approach often involves collaboration between several pupils or students and lends itself to comparing lucky devils and unlucky dogs. Who has been able to benefit from favourable circumstances and how did they put these advantages to use? Who had to deal with unfavourable conditions? Were the consequences compensated later on in life and did they leave generational scars?

A fourth example concerns changes between generations resulting from the rise of IT and the Internet. Chapter 2 in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs discusses research into technology generations. Many sectors in society can similarly be considered on the basis of the effects of mainly young people becoming digital savvy. In the ‘old days’ youngsters used to learn from adults; nowadays many young people help their grandparents as well as their parents to use PCs and the Internet.
Attention usually focuses on general social generations. They dominate the picture that members of society have of generations. However, specific generations, such as in the art of painting or the art of music, or in professions such as teaching are also suitable topics for papers.
Scientific research projects on generations can be a useful source of information for these papers.

Generational walks ‘Doorn in Europe’

Explanatory notes
In the 1930s, sociology husband-and-wife team Lynd explained the consequences of the economic crisis in the United States by describing them in the setting of a medium-sized town. They called it Middletown which, as it later emerged, was actually a town called Munci. When, a few years later, the economy recovered upon the introduction of the ‘New Deal’ the Lynds described the upturn in their book Middletown in Transition. The authors wrote both books based on participating observation. Munci acquired international fame through these books.
Many more examples of social developments and involvements are described against the background of a town or village, including examples outside of sciences. Take, for instance, Amsterdam during the depression in the 1930s seen through the eyes of Geert Mak, a Dutch journalist and a non-fiction writer in the field of history.

This exercise chapter takes the Dutch town of Doorn as a concrete example for writing papers. The author’s participating observation gives this chapter its scientific basis; however, literary sources are available as well. Author Simon Vestdijk discussed ‘het dorp van de donder’ (the village of thunder) in his essay Gestalten tegenover mij (Shapes in front of me). At the beginning of this century Marjolijn Februari used Doorn ‘anonymously’ as the background for one of her novels. Website www.heuvelrug.nl contains a video of Doorn and other towns of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug (Utrecht Ridge).
The preceding section on life histories can be read as a separate entity but can also be read in preparation of the section on generational walks.

From bad to worse
The first example of a generational walk is based on Simon Vestdijk’s novel De Zwarte Ruiter (The Black Rider). It is set in the woods around the Ruiterberg estate in Doorn and centres on two leading figures, a young girl and her father. The father is a typical member of the conservative Pre-War Generation. In his opinion, father knows best. He is the kind of father who, when arguing with a child, tends to say ‘end of discussion’, breaking off any further argumentation. This kind of behaviour has filled many children with despair.

When she was young, the father ill-treated his daughter, crippling her for life. In remorse the father changed his behaviour towards his daughter, but his ill-treatment worsened the fate of the child. Therefore, the saying ‘from bad to worse’ is highly relevant. In despair and in a trance the girl wanders through the heathland near her father’s estate, the Ruiterberg, where she encounters the Black Rider. The girl sets fire to some heather. Due to a fatal twist of fate the heath catches fire and the girl perishes in the flames.

The idea of a Black Rider is based on a legend of the Spessart, a woodland in Germany. In this legend a father gambles away his daughter. When the winners of the dice game come to claim their prize the nobleman jumps on his horse, with his daughter riding pillion, and tries to flee the fortress. During this flight the daughter is killed.
This legend forms the background for the first generational walk through the town of Doorn. In our mind’s eye Vestdijk’s novel unfolds before us. The heathland is still there and the Ruiterberg estate still graces the landscape.

The saying ‘from bad to worse’ has lost nothing of its meaning. Even in our day and age parents sometimes make decisions that make children ‘jump out of the frying pan into the fire’. Policy makers in organisations issue orders that go wrong. National governments and international bodies have been known to pursue a policy that does not improve but only worsens the situation. In these instances, the mechanism ‘from bad to worse’ usually relates to the relationship between generations, often concerning general and sometimes specific generations as well.
For purposes of writing a paper, one can take parents whose generation is not very authoritarian. Initially, they are very forgiving towards their children. However, if this approach results in unwelcome behaviour abrupt harsh demands for discipline might be made, in which case the children can be expected to rebel. Numerous situations in society can be analysed on the basis of ‘from bad to worse’. Examining lives can sometimes bring such mechanisms to one’s notice.

Generational scars
Being part of a social generation can in time lead to bottlenecks in the form of generational scars influencing one’s life. If we take an imaginary walk through Doorn we first come across a large woodland studded with dozens of bungalows housing military victims of the Second World War and later military campaigns. The residents are provided help and support from a central building. The Second World War is a well-known cause of generational scars among citizens and the military. Later military operations have in turn affected later generations.
Continuing our walk we come across an entirely different kind of generational scar. In the heart of the town is a building that used to be a Calvinist church. Due to the sharp fall in the number of people who foster Calvinist religious convictions the members of the Calvinist church had to merge with other religious communities, such as those of the Dutch Reformed Church. The Maartenskerk (church) now accommodates both Calvinists and members of the Dutch Reformed Church, a development that will have left many Calvinists with a generational scar.
Those who have lived in Doorn for many years can point out the spot where a kindergarten used to be. When the number of births in Doorn dropped starting in 1970, the number of under-fives decreased as well and the school became redundant. Perhaps not a dramatic generational scar, but a symbol of a radical social trend break nevertheless.

Those who wish to write a paper on generational scars can walk around their town and record the traces of such unwelcome trend breaks. If life histories have already been compiled then signs pointing to generational scars can usually be derived from this data as well.

Generations in the arts

Ch.Toorop – Three Generations – Museum Boymans van Beuningen Rotterdam

The town centre and rural areas around the town in particular boast numerous buildings that reflect a pattern of generations. Generations of affluent citizens who commissioned houses; generations of architects who were given the opportunity to express their artistic convictions in buildings; titled families who built manor houses along a waterway just outside of town. Doorn features stately mansions built in the 17th century as country houses for wealthy people from Amsterdam. Of more recent date is a residence designed by architect Rietveld.
During this walk we also come across several sculptures in the public space that reflect the difference between generations of artists and their donors.
Those who focus their attention on buildings and works of art will make interesting observations, especially in cities. Take, for instance, remnants of the Jugendstil, originating from a generation of rather influential artists around the turn of the century.


Tours around historic buildings
Those who wander through Doorn will certainly want to visit ‘Huis Doorn’, originally the country seat of the bishops of Utrecht and occupied for many years in the 20th century by the last emperor of Germany. Huis Doorn is now a museum centred on the interbellum period. Its visitors include many seniors and particularly members of older generations from Germany. Members of younger generations, possibly on a school trip with a historical perspective, are also seen touring the manor house and its surrounding park. Huis Doorn and the history of the German emperor give generational walks through Doorn a special European distinction.
Quite a few readers of Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs will find one or more historical locations in their own town or city that attract visitors of different generations. This can arouse interest for generationally-aware tours through or past those sites.

A generational walk in 2050
An entirely different generational walk through a town like Doorn is one that explores what the town would be like in 2050. Doorn has housing complexes dedicated to the care of infirm senior citizens. Would care robots be put to use in these facilities in 2050 and what functions would they be able to perform? Doorn counts many restaurants and bars. Would robot waiters work in these establishments in 2050?
Surely, by 2050 ‘the alternative workplace strategy’ would have been widely implemented. Many professionals would work a few days each week from home using the Internet and particularly video conferencing. International universities would be able to provide top courses from decentralised, collaborating centres in any required language. This has already been sketched in this book. One chapter also mentions how language barriers can be bridged in the future.

Science courts

Explanatory notes
Those who wish to write a paper on generations can also opt to use a ‘science tribunal’. This approach was first taken when the debate on the environment first emerged. Practical issues came to light that could not be solved entirely by way of traditional debates between advocates and opponents. Differences of opinion can be mostly solved by involving a science tribunal, although this approach does not take into account the possibility that some problems cannot be solved at all.

Science tribunals are along the lines of a criminal court. Three roles are involved, each of which can be fulfilled by one or more people: firstly, the role of prosecutor; secondly, the role of defender; thirdly, the role of ‘passive judge’. Criminal judges do not first make their own judgement but try to discover the truth by asking both prosecutor and defender questions. As explained in the chapter on environmental issues, science tribunals were held in the Netherlands in 1982 with respect to the Social Debate on Energy Policy. In those days they were referred to as ‘controversy sessions’.
A science tribunal can be deployed for purposes of an educational paper to methodically debate a specific difficult issue. The author of the paper organises a science tribunal while collecting material for the paper. The tribunal holds one or several sessions, each dealing with one or several dossiers. The results of these sessions can be processed into knowledge concerning the central social issue.
Social justice between generations can be considered a serious social issue. How much should the older generations, the baby boom generations and the younger generations each contribute in order to ensure a fair distribution of the costs of pensions and health care up to 2050?
The same can be asked with respect to the environmental problems up to 2050.

Should any questions arise with respect to the operationalisation of variables while studying social generations, one or more science tribunal sessions can help to explain matters.

Training sessions on generationally-aware policy
The Europe 2020 – A strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth report provides clear evidence for the necessity of generationally-aware policy. It also shows that this kind of approach goes beyond what we have at our disposal today. New methods are required for studies, strategy formation and pre-assessment, called social impact assessment. This section contains a preliminary study.
Once the new methods are available policy makers and all other involved parties will need to attend training sessions to learn how to use them.
The main thing here is that there is no way to accurately predict the future of the countries concerned. The best possible policy is one that, prior to implementation, reduces the chance of our eventually regretting that policy to a minimum.
Suppose a generationally-aware policy is being considered for implementation in a certain part in society. Studies will first need to be done to show which social bottlenecks are involved and how the policy could be pursued. This is called the preparatory phase. This is followed by the main phase which in turn is followed by an institutionalisation phase. Each of these phases will now be discussed in succession. This phase model constitutes a checklist; it is, therefore, an overview of sub-analyses from which the author of a paper can choose.

The preparatory phase
Suppose a religious community wants to take a new approach to the generation-related decline in the number of its members and their activities. A second example is a university that aims to improve its courses and the way in which it practices science so as to bridge generational differences amongst its scientists.
Both these examples first require a problem analysis to determine the key focus actor. Is this focus actor a part of an organisation? An organisation as a whole? A collaboration between organisations? A combination of these actors?
Focus actors are the parties that must realise a strategy that is to be formulated. They are often a collaborating association made up of actors that are each other’s competitors. Take, for instance, local communities or universities.
The next step is to list the focus actor’s activities. What is the mission? Which strategies are currently in place? What tactics are involved? Which operational planning applies? What phases does one propose?
An organisation’s official mission, such as is described in publicity brochures for instance, and its actual mission usually contain discrepancies. Copy out both the official mission and the actual mission. Sometimes the aims are difficult to put down in writing, but they certainly can be defined in guarded terms.

Problem analysis
What problems does the focus actor expect in realising the mission and other plans? Policy makers fairly often respond: ‘It’s not my job to have unsolved problems’. To get around this, policy makers can best be asked what dilemmas they have to contend with. Dilemmas are ‘equally desirable (or undesirable) alternatives’ to policy choices.

System analysis
Next, it is necessary to ascertain which organisations are involved in the planned policy. First, the focus actor is put on paper, from where an arrow diagram is drawn up containing the positions of all significant opponents. Which organisations must the focus actor reckon with?

Trend analysis
Which social developments must be considered when formulating a strategy? Which social developments have a heavy impact on the strategy and which have a lighter impact? A preliminary trend analysis gives a tentative idea.

Project design
The project design describes the target situation, including the deadline for achieving the target. It also involves several advisable interim situations towards the final goal and includes a list of available resources.
The preparatory phase starts with rough outlines which are then reviewed and improved bit by bit during the course of the preparatory phase.

The main phase
Those who draw up the strategy must try to put the main aspects of the problem and the solutions down on paper. A workable method is to first analyse and design in separate subgroups, then discuss the results in a plenary meeting, followed by another series of meetings in subgroups.

Environment scenarios
Those who help form a strategy tend to first consider developments around focus actor and opponents as following naturally from recent developments. To overcome this blinkered view several environment scenarios must be written up. In any case the consideration should include a trend scenario, a shrinkage scenario and a growth scenario. Several impeding developments should also be discussed so as to be sufficiently prepared for unexpected radical events.

Which policy alternatives should be included in the considerations? The current policy, usually referred to as business as usual, will need to be included in any case. A moderate and a more risky strategy can also be included.

Each strategy’s environment scenarios must be analysed. Which threats are at issue with respect to focus actor and opponents? Which opportunities do the actors have, both as regards established resources and hidden resources?

Decision-making concludes the main phase. All things must be considered. A phased plan specifies how the objectives can be realised.

The institutionalising phase
Next, it must be specified how the generationally-aware policy is to be embedded in the organisation. How should the focus actor do this? What manpower must be deployed? This phase also specifies what organisational units are needed. Take, for instance, departments and their cohesion.

Continuous assessment
A periodic formative assessment is required during the implementation of the policy. A summative assessment is done upon completion.

Training sessions
The above is called ‘strategic learning’. The activities produce results vis-à-vis strategic goals. The activities also require ongoing reflection and adjustment if necessary.
The training sessions need to address ‘instant assessments’, or in other words lightning analyses. Some instances require that the cycle is completed within fifteen minutes or an hour. If the strategy that is to be formed involves serious implications, a lightning analysis is only a stopgap solution. The training sessions must also discuss medium-term and long-term policy processes.
Very experienced policy makers have learned – often the hard way – that completing the cycle is an absolute necessity as all too often it turns out that a strategy designed in haste eventually results in unwelcome surprises.

Five worked out cases

Case 1 : Generationally-aware policy in secondary education
The first case concerns secondary education. Those who work on this case are advised to first revisit the chapter in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs on generations in education as well as the chapter on generations and language barriers.
This case takes an imaginary regional network of secondary education schools. The growing shortage of teachers over the coming years is the first problem set related to the dynamics of generations. The second problem set is the increasing shortage of pupils for certain subjects due to the fall in the birth rate. The third problem set is the English-language pre-university-plus courses for which language assistance is advised. Expected cutbacks are the fourth problem set.
Virtual distance learning can solve the problem of long-term vacancies or a teacher’s prolonged illness. Virtual distance learning enables one teacher to teach two classes, provided the class without a teacher does have a class assistant present.
An inspiring example is education provided in the Frisian language as discussed elsewhere in this book. The interested pupils live so far apart that they cannot be grouped into a class, so they are taught individually via virtual distance learning.
Pre-university-plus courses are taught in English. Students usually acquire sufficient working knowledge; however, once complicated constructions have to be used multilingual communication support can prove necessary.

The Zuyderzee College merits particular attention. Its website contains information on computer-assisted learning as well as on the ‘electronic learning environment’ (ELE) which eliminates the use of textbooks. Papers that are written on generationally-aware policy in secondary education should make special mention of ELE.

Case 2 : Generationally-aware policy in a religious community
The second case requires that the chapter in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs on generational differences in the environment and religions is revisited, after which the relevant problem sets merit attention. The first problem set has to do with risk awareness. The relevant chapter has already pointed out that growing risk and risk awareness can cause an increase in the number of people who say they foster religious faith. Risk awareness is expected to grow over the coming years, particularly amongst the younger generations. The second problem set is that not many Dutch people still attend church. This poses a problem for church communities, who are now looking for new ways to survive.

Sociologist of culture and religion Joep de Hart studies the situation with respect to religion in the Netherlands in his book entitled Zwevende gelovigen: oude religie en nieuwe spiritualiteit (Floating believers: old religion and new spirituality), which was published in Amsterdam in 2010 by Bert Bakker. The churches are dying but religion is not dying out. Approximately 40% of the Dutch population is a member of a church community and 15% attends church every week. Approximately 60% of the population believes in God or ‘a higher force’. Two out of every three Dutch people believe in life after death. 40% believes in miracles and in the usefulness of prayer.
In other countries more and more church communities are establishing a ‘virtual church’ alongside their traditional church organisation. In the Netherlands, the Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN/Protestant Churches in the Netherlands) has already introduced a virtual church. Information on this church can be found on the Internet.

An interesting challenge with respect to generationally-aware policy is to design a ‘virtual church’ for a religious organisation of one’s own choice that caters to generational differences among its potential members. The Nederlandse Protestantenbond (Dutch Protestant Union) can serve as an example. Families with young children like to enjoy outdoor activities on Sunday mornings and therefore have little or no interest in church services, even if they are also geared to children. Middle-aged as well as senior believers usually want to spend their Sunday mornings enjoying nature and culture. A virtual church can organise services that can be attended via the Internet on weekday evenings. Distance meditation can also be presented. The components of a virtual church can be worked out in a paper.

Case 3 : Generationally-aware policy in university education
The third case requires that the chapter in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs on generations in science be revisited. The first problem set presents the significant shrinkage that can be expected in the number of academics working in universities. The shrinkage can be expected as a result of the baby boomers retiring.
The second problem set is additional expected cutbacks. Presumably many vacancies will remain unfilled. A hidden resource in the Dutch academic system presents an opportunity. If universities join forces with respect to education a significant amount of manpower could be deployed more efficiently, such as in the case of one discipline that is taught in several universities. During the first few years of the course the universities could share subjects such as the history of the discipline, statistics as well as research methods and techniques. Besides this communal part, the courses can also comprise a specific part geared to the peculiarities of the discipline. The Zuyderzee College can again serve as a tangible example. The manner in which generationally-aware virtual distance learning could be realised in the university system could be a topic for a paper. The specific features of the youngest generation of students ought to be discounted, particularly their IT skills. The specific characteristics of older generation university teachers can also be deployed systematically.

Case 4 : Generationally-aware policy in the practice of science
To work on the fourth case the chapter in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs on generations in science should be revisited before examining the problem sets. The first problem set involves the ever-growing competition between universities, faculties and research groups. External assessments and rankings force the collective social actors involved to constantly heighten their research activities and publication behaviour. The second problem set is the necessity for ensuring not only acute top specialism but also a wide perspective on one’s field of expertise. The occurrence of ‘blinkered specialists’ must be prevented. The third problem set can be found in the hidden resources among emeriti and other senior scientists. To exemplify, an international market for top emeriti has emerged. Problem set number four relates to the hidden resources that can be found in the opportunities for universities to collaborate within their own country as well as abroad, the latter as part of the globalisation of science.
Those who wish to write a paper on this topic can design a ‘virtual institute of advanced studies’ (VIAS). Virtual Institutes of Advanced Studies can recruit English-speaking scientists from around the world. Top emeriti should be given special attention here.

Case 5 : Generationally-aware policy and the alternative working strategy
Those who wish to work on the fifth case must first reread the chapter on generations and language barriers in Generations of Lucky Devils and Unlucky Dogs . They are also advised to revisit Chapter 2 containing examples of generation patterns.
It is a well-known phenomenon that more people are mastering the advancing English language in large parts of the Western world, although French-speaking countries and most other Mediterranean countries still do not have a working knowledge of English. The chapter on generations and language barriers shows that systems for multilingual communication, such as Sociolingafranca, can overcome this shortcoming.
The alternative working strategy implies that paid work can be carried out for clients all around the world from alternative workplaces, such as one’s own home. The globalisation of the labour market is in full swing. This means that assignments can be carried out in the language of the customer’s country. Take, for instance, French and other Mediterranean languages. The work can involve education and training courses; or coaching; or administration and bookkeeping.
Designing, testing and institutionalising distance working in accordance with the possibilities provided by the alternative working strategy requires quite a few organisational facilities. This constitutes a useful challenge for developing a training course and drawing up a master document.

In closing

Bonus chapter 15 containing ‘frequently asked questions’ includes an example of a report on a generational walk. This bonus chapter will also contain an example of a paper pertaining to a form of generationally-aware policy.

Background information on designing a generationally-aware policy can be found in: Henk A. Becker 1997. Social impact assessment: method and experience in Europe, North America and the Developing World. Routledge, London. Also in Henk A. Becker & Frank Vanclay (eds.) 2003. The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment: Conceptual and Methodological Advances. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

For the bonus chapter see: www.europegenerations.com

The book accompanies the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012


About the author: Henk A. Becker was born in Greifswald, Germany, in 1933. In 1946 he emigrated to the Netherlands, where he obtained his sociology degree (cum laude) at Leiden University in 1958. From 1956 to 1964 he held a staff position within a government ministry.From 1964 to 1968 he was the head of the research department of the Sociological Institute at the Netherlands School of Economics, which today is Erasmus University Rotterdam. He took his doctoral degree there in 1968 with a thesis on management careers, which concerned an early version of a normative career analysis and of a computerized career simulation. The University of Utrecht appointed him professor of sociology as well as of methodology of social research in 1968.

He organized his scientific work in line with the TRIPOD model, i.e., discussing (1) substantive issues, (2) methods and (3) meta-aspects of the relevant scientific discipline in a coherent manner. As regards substantive topics he is primarily concerned with careers and life in cohorts as well as in generations. As to methods he has published on computer simulations, cohorts analyses and social impact assessment. The meta-aspects concern the state of the art in sociology and related aspects of the science of philosophy. When lecturing at the University of Utrecht, he taught general sociology as well as the sociology of planning and policy.

He was dean of both a faculty and a sub-faculty and a committee member of science associations in the Netherlands and abroad. In 1996 he was knighted in the Order of the Netherlands Lion (Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw). In the year 2000 the International Association for Impact Assessment presented him with the Rose-Hulman Award for his work on ​​demographic impact assessments.
In 1998 he turned 65 and was accorded emeritus status, since which time he continues his scientific work on a part time basis.

Henk Becker is married to Johanna Enzlin. The couple has two daughters and two grandsons.
A detailed biography is provided in Henk A. Becker & John J.F. Schroots (Eds) 2008. Releasing the Potentials of Senior Scholars & Scientists, Utrecht: Igitur.

About the author

Prof. dr. Henk A. Becker was born in Greifswald, Germany, in 1933. In 1946 he emigrated to the Netherlands, where he obtained his sociology degree (cum laude) at Leiden University in 1958. From 1956 to 1964 he held a staff position within a government ministry. From 1964 to 1968 he was the head of the research department of the Sociological Institute at the Netherlands School of Economics, which today is Erasmus University Rotterdam. He took his doctoral degree there in 1968 with a thesis on management careers, which concerned an early version of a normative career analysis and of a computerized career simulation. The University of Utrecht appointed him professor of sociology as well as of methodology of social research in 1968.

He organized his scientific work in line with the TRIPOD model, i.e., discussing (1) substantive issues, (2) methods and (3) meta-aspects of the relevant scientific discipline in a coherent manner. As regards substantive topics he is primarily concerned with careers and life in cohorts as well as in generations. As to methods he has published on computer simulations, cohorts analyses and social impact assessment. The meta-aspects concern the state of the art in sociology and related aspects of the science of philosophy. When lecturing at the University of Utrecht, he taught general sociology as well as the sociology of planning and policy.

He was dean of both a faculty and a sub-faculty and a committee member of science associations in the Netherlands and abroad. In 1996 he was knighted in the Order of the Netherlands Lion (Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw). In the year 2000 the International Association for Impact Assessment presented him with the Rose-Hulman Award for his work on ​​demographic impact assessments.
In 1998 he turned 65 and was accorded emeritus status, since which time he continues his scientific work on a part time basis.

Henk Becker was married to Johanna Enzlin. The couple has two daughters and two grandsons.
A detailed biography is provided in Henk A. Becker & John J.F. Schroots (Eds) 2008. Releasing the Potentials of Senior Scholars & Scientists, Utrecht: Igitur.
