Living The Dream Of A Rainbow Nation – June 2014. Rubbish piles and sewage litter the streets of Hillbrow, a notorious crime hot spot and urban slum in downtown Johannesburg. Hawkers harass passersby, trying to sell watches, sunglasses and cell phone covers. They could just as well be muggers who pull a knife or a gun. Life is cheap in South Africa – and especially so in Hillbrow. People have been killed for their cell phones. That’s why Trish Branken, now accompanied by 11-year-old daughter Rachel, comes to meet anxious visitors on the street close to their apartment block.
The Brankens, the only white family in the neighborhood, walk the streets confidently. “I used to feel nervous,” 42-year-old Trish, a small white woman with flowing blond hair, admits. But now this is home.
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