我的故事 ~ 25. 一半来自澳洲,一半来自中国

Flag of the People's Republic of China“既有东方的气质和教育,也有西方的教育和背景。这也是一种优势吧。”









她来面试工作的时候非常紧张。当时有两个人面试,一个是ECU 财务部经理,还有一个是商务经理。两个都是土生土长的澳洲人,说话很快,还有澳洲口音。她当时非常紧张,紧张得听不懂,于是就微笑着问他们能不能说慢点,他们也非常理解,就说慢了些。每次她不知道应该怎么说的时候就保持微笑。没想到就这样通过了面试。之后她问过那个经理,那么多人应聘,肯定有很多优秀的人,为什么会选她。经理说因为他们看到她一直都在微笑,听不懂的时候还会请他们说慢一点,所以觉得她非常认真、非常自信。

我觉得,也许也是上天注定我会和她相遇吧。我和女友交往了一个月,就因为办公室恋情辞职了。辞职后没打算找工作,也是家里的影响吧,既然已经出来读书了,读了这么多年了,再辛苦几年,把所有读书的事情都做个了断,所以打算读博士。我的女友没有继续读书。她从实习开始,就开了一个小饰品店,她本科在天津学的是国际贸易,再加上大学教过关于商业的一些课程,就觉得这个东西应该实践一下,她利用假期回国的时间去了一趟义乌,进了大批的货。她的父母非常支持,虽然知道她的生意可能不会成功,却还是在资金方面支持她的实践。但是,她还要自己去申请摊位。我女友从小就一直生活在爸妈的保护之下,什么都不会,这些对她来说都是非常大的锻炼。这开店期间最大的波折因为做这个生意之前没有做好充分的调查,没有做功课,以为只要进点货,捣腾好了一卖,又不需要什么技术。结果进的货被海关给扣了,原因是货品上没有产品的来源,需要有一个标签,贴在每一个产品上,如果是从中国进的,必须要贴Made in China,我女友当时就傻了,进了几万个单品,于是赶紧给海关打电话。海关说给她一个星期的时间,把所有物品上都贴上Made in China。我女友租的房子里,整整大半个车库顿时都堆满了箱子,然后她赶紧召集了中国同学,让他们一有时间就帮着贴Made in China,贴到胳膊发酸,两眼发昏。总算在一个星期内贴完了。








关于出身来源这样的问题,其实我们自己也会经常问别人。比如说我认识了一个新朋友,长着亚洲人的面孔,可能是新加坡人或者是马来西亚人,或者是越南的,我会问他“Where are you from?”,他会说 “I am from Perth.”,我就会问他 “Where are you originally from?”,因为我觉得你长亚洲人的模样,你说你 from Australia,那我可能会觉得很奇怪,因为我其实是想知道他的祖籍是哪儿,他是什么样的文化背景,但如果他说 from Australia,不能满足我对他的好奇心,我是想知道你 originally from where。还有些人可能会说在这儿生长的,但是他的父母是来自其他的地方,更有人可能就非常不喜欢你问这种问题,会说 “From Perth,I was born here,so what is your problem?”


My Story ~ 26. Keep Your Nose To The Grindstone, You Will Be Successful In The End

flag.aust-china-afp-420“Take it easy, young people, you have so many opportunities ahead of you; keep trying and seize the chanceI am sure you will succeed once in your life time.”

A young man born post 1990s came to Australia after graduating from high school. In the five years after he arrived in Perth, he went through education, work, transferred from one school to another, and changed majors a few times; he got to know life better because of his own experience. One can sense the vitality, knowledge and drive of the younger generation after talking with him. He quickly adjusted to the life here, or to be more precise, it’s not that he has been fitted into the Australian society; it is the Australian life style that has become part of his heart and soul.

I was born in 1991 and was called the “post-90s generation” in China. My hometown is in Jianhu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. I attended high school in China. I still clearly remember those days when I and my schoolmates worked so hard for the university entrance examination. Well, during those days, I went to sleep at 3 a.m. and got up at 5 a.m. in the morning, only 2 hours sleep at night. Because of my families’ pressure I was under a great deal of stress. After that experience, all other hardships I faced later in life were not difficult to handle. With many relatives working in government positions, my parents actually hoped that I could work for the government too, just like them. So I decided to pursue politics and applied for law school. But I was not accepted by the university because some of my marks were a little low. Though there were other ways of getting into a law school by using the “Guanxi” of some relatives and paying some money, my parents gave up in the end because the cost would be the same as the costs of going abroad. So at the crucial point of university education, I ended up in this strange country.

Looking back, being unable to study at a Chinese Law School could be part of my destiny. My English was good and people used to make jokes about me by saying: “You are destined to go abroad with long hair all over you just like a foreigner.” My mom once went to a fortune-teller and was told that I would go overseas that year. Well, everything turned out to be true and I went abroad in 2009.

There were some incidents before we chose Australia. My father wanted me to go to Europe because my major was in literature which probably would help me to do economics or archaeology. But when it was time to make the final decision, a great recession had happened in Europe while Australia actually was unaffected by the global financial crisis. So we changed our destination from Europe to Australia. We didn’t receive any feedback about my visa application, so we were afraid that I had been rejected by the Australian immigration department. Thinking that the second pathway was also blocked, we went back to the agency which suggested Russia. Well, to study petroleum at a famous oil school at a Russian university seemed a good choice, so we decided to apply for Russia. Just as we started to prepare the materials, I got my visa to Australia. Thus, after all those big and small incidents, I came to Perth on 3rd May, 2009.

My experience of schooling here is not that easy either. It seems that the bad luck from the university entrance exams was still with me, I failed the preparatory course at Taylor’s College for engineering major of UWA, one mark too low, so I had to go to Curtin University. But I didn’t want to go to Curtin and never gave up my hope of studying at UWA. Fortunately, I was eligible to apply for UWA after studying one whole year at Curtin. Finally I succeeded in transferring to UWA in the second year of my studies. Well, my choice of major had also gone through several setbacks. The first half year at Curtin I studied mining which was not available for the second semester and I had to study mechanics and engineering instead. After entering UWA, I majored in machining processing. Overall, my results at UWA turned out to be   satisfactory.

Though there were small incidents at UWA, it was a rich and smooth life that included some pleasant surprises. I remember when I first come to WA, I was confused by all the strange things. Though I had registered a homestay when back in China but after I arrived, I was informed that it wasn’t yet ready. So I ended up making contact with a brother from Nanjing and stayed with him for a week until I could move in with my homestay hosts, an Australian family, an elderly couple over 60 years old. Through conversation I found out that host was almost 40 years older than me but we had the same birthday! It was lucky coincidence and he treated me as a gift from Jesus and cared for me as if I were his son. I still remember the first dinner we had together. He was afraid that I would not be able to eat the beef steak even though it was thoroughly cooked. They learnt about Chinese food culture which is quite different from Australian cuisine. I have heard a lot about discrimination but my host family were really nice to me and other Australians were nice too. At least I have never met anyone with such attitudes.

Homestay continued for about a year, during this time I lived alone in this strange city but there was family love and friendship. I gradually became used to communicating with Australians. Later I began to understand that this experience of fitting into a new country within one year was actually quite important for me. Compared to other classmates from China, who were unable to fit in and they felt increasingly lonely, ending up playing video games at home and becoming isolated and angry. It’s such a pity to waste the opportunity of going abroad for further study.

In my spare time, I began to find part-time work which is uncommon for the domestic students. The first job was to help with planting trees in a park. They paid a petty salary so I resigned after one week. Then I was introduced to a Curry shop run by an Indian. It took me one hour by bus to get there. At first I was told to make hamburgers but my experience of cooking was limited so I had to start with French fries and gradually moved to other tasks of greater difficulty. I became quite familiar with all the different things to do in the shop within one year and helped the cashier and communicated with others. Well, my English improved but it was not an easy job at all. I was still studying at Curtin, at that time and I had to get up at 5:30 to catch the early bus for work at 7:00. Closing time was late, 11 p.m. at night and it was a hard job. But it was even harder to find a different job, so I could not leave. Such experience of working while you are still at school would not happen in China. I didn’t do any cooking when I was at home with my parents but now I’m actually good at it after my work experience in Australia. I did various jobs those years which not only meant money in my pocket, but also helped me to learn about the skills of how to communicate with different people and to get to know myself. On the other hand, I earned money with my own hands which made me cherish everything. After hard work, I was actually not willing to go to class. But after calculation, class costs me about 140 dollars and with a salary of 20 dollars per hour, I had to work seven hours to earn it. I was supported by my parents’ money back in China so I had no idea about costs and the sacrifice required. Now with no one teaching me, I got to know, through my own experience, about these things. Looking back, if I had gone to college in China, the life of an “ivory tower” will always end with “pretending sorrow with new poems”. This was a great harvest, a significant result, of my being in Australia.

Another bonus was the exact position I have found for myself. Actually, it’s not easy to underestimate the external gains and losses. For example, there’re always people playing dirty tricks on you but on second thoughts, I didn’t lose anything and no one gained at my expense. It’s hard to persuade others, but it’s even harder to persuade yourself. The most important thing is to find your place and get to know what is gained and lost in your heart. Probably it’s related to my reading of YiKing and Buddhist Scriptures and I gradually became aware that part of life’s experience. No matter if I’m in China or abroad, I’m working, studying or communicating with others. Gaining some benefit is what matters. Once you have realized this, the more you have experienced and observed, the calmer you will become in dealing with various issues, the more you can temper yourself with a pure heart. Once your inner world has been enriched, there will be no need to pursue external beliefs.

Having lived in Perth for such a long time, actually my life circle has changed a lot. When I first came here, I lived near school and I got to know many Chinese friends of Chinese in this way. We all lived near the school and had similar life experiences, values, language and knowledge, so we hung out together and gradually formed a small group. Gradually this part of my life faded away. One reason was that I bought a car and didn’t have to live so close to school; the other reason was that I wanted to stay in Australia so I felt the need to communicate more with local Australians, observe more and think more about the core values which are different from our Chinese values. I had to make careful observations of what other people were doing, what they liked and what they were stressing about. I had to adjust myself through communication. As a result, I changed but that didn’t mean I completely identified with my observation. The least I could do was to know more about the differences and diversities and also the reasons for such differences. I may not always identify with them but the least I can do is to get to know and understand them. This is a kind of “harmony in diversity”.

I’m planning to stay in Australia. I am changing and adjusting to life here. My identity of being a Chinese is becoming clearer and clearer, stronger and stronger. Maybe someday in the future my nationality will change, but I’m born with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair and that will never change. The personal example and teaching of my grandfather in the spring will always be in my heart. If you think about it, it’s rather strange. Chatting with friends in China we will inevitably make criticism of various social phenomenons around us, as if your dream will be shortened if you don’t do so. But the more I stay abroad, the more I want to criticize those who say bad things about China. When I’m in a Chinese class in Australia, I hear some Chinese students say bad things about China as if they are planning to tell everyone. I can’t help interrupting them, not to deny what they say, but from my position as a representative of China. There is already what they call a “Chinese Threat Theory”, and if there is more negative criticism about China, people will definitely not want to go to China. What China is like needs personal experience and these people just have no idea that their few bad words about China will scare potential friends away, which will in turn isolate themselves. Besides criticism, I am also sensitive to some guiding thoughts, whether it’s on purpose or unintentional. For example, sometimes the teacher will ask whether China will become the second America and some students say “Yes”. But I dispute this answer and tell them that we Chinese are taught “benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom and faith” and insist on peace. We will only attack if we are threatened. Even in the Tang Dynasty when China was most powerful, there was no aggression by the Chinese, this was also demonstrated when we showed our strong sea power by Zhenghe’s Voyage in the Ming Dynasty. Yes, there’s no history of active violence and colonial invasion in Chinese history. While on the other hand, it took America just 300 years to become the boss while the Chinese have thousands of years of evidence to prove our peaceful characteristics. Though quite intense, it’s only a classroom discussion. This identity and dependency on China is becoming deeper and deeper. Now I’m in a foreign land, but with money that I have earned through years of hard work, I have subsidized some domestic students, but I say to my classmates though I can’t help my country in a big way, at least I can support those poor people to realize their dream.

I’m graduating in spring and as I have told my parents, air is good and life is fine in Australia. They can come to visit, but are just too busy to spare the time. They are actually unwilling to listen when I tell them I’m staying here, especially mom and the older family members. The days that I have spent in China during my college years add up to only one month or so and seeing grandfather becoming older and older makes me sad but helpless. My parents are actually supportive of me and they are happy to leave me alone to make my own decision. The only thing that I’m waiting for is my parents to come and be present at my graduation ceremony, I hope they enjoy it. Well, the long term plan is to settle down here with my parents, which will be the biggest decision for the future. They were so worried about me and did everything possible to help out in the summer of 2008 but we never gave up. Finally we made it and even though faced with various difficulties and temporary failure along the way, the result was a rich and beautiful outcome, wasn’t it?

What has impressed me most and attracted my attention is the charming cultural diversity in Australia. People understand and respect each other in this cultural melting pot and are nice to each other. I also have a blueprint for my future and are about to transfer to a graduate course to make a change. Maybe I will become involved in business in the future and promote cultural communication if possible to help more people.

While you can dream big, I say to myself: “Take it easy and slow down”. After all, I’m still young and there are plenty of opportunities to try and succeed. Be confident in yourself because you know yourself the best and you are the only one that can’t avoid yourself. I want to look around in my spare time and transfer external life experiences into inner-life experiences. After all the final fortune in my heart can never be taken away by others.”

我的故事 ~ 26. 锲而不舍,终能成功
















My Story ~ 我的故事 ~ Acknowledgement ~ 参加编写人员

chianaustr1Story No. 10 by Wang Yi, University of Western Australia – 王毅,西澳大利亚大学
Story No. 5 & No. 8 (Co.) by Liang Fen, University of Western Australia – 梁芬,西澳大利亚大学
Story Nos. 1, 11 & 19 by Liu Zhonghua, Changchun Guanghua University – 刘忠华,长春光华学院
Story Nos. 24, 15 & 26 by Guo Wenying, Zhejiang University – 过文英,浙江大学
Story Nos. 3, 4 &25, by Ji Cheng, East China Normal University – 季承,华东师范大学
Story Nos. 6, 7 & 9, by Niu Hongmei, Jilin Sports University – 牛红梅,吉林体育学院
Story No. 2, by Ma Huixia, Zhejiang University – 马慧霞,浙江大学
Story Nos. 8 (Co.), 14 & 22, by Xia Li, Liaoning Petrochemical University – 夏丽,辽宁石油化工大学
Story Nos. 12, 17 & 20, by Li Muzhi, Zhejiang University – 李牧之,浙江大学
Story No. 13, by Zhang Wei, University of Western Australia – 张巍,西澳大利亚大学
Story No. 16, by Chen Hong, China Jiliang University – 陈红,中国计量大学
Story Nos. 18 & 23 by Wang Huan, Zhejiang University – 王欢,浙江大学
Story No. 21, Li Wei, Chengdu Sports University & Wang Zhenyu, East China Normal University – 李威,成都体育学院;王振宇,华东师范大学

Zeynep Tufekci ~ How The Internet Has Made Social Change Easy To Organize, Hard To Win

Today the speed at which we spread information is so fast that a single email can launch a worldwide awareness campaign, as with the Occupy movement. Yet as techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci seeks to show, the ease of social media can actually hurt social change in the long run. From Gezi to the Arab Spring to Ukraine to Hong Kong, she shows how today’s movements can miss out on the benefits of doing things the hard (and slow) way.

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Read more: Zeynep Tufekci – Social Movements and Governments in the Digital Age: Evaluating a Complex Landscape