Affordable Land and Housing in Africa
Adequate Housing Series 3 – UN Habitat – 2012
In the vast majority of countries land and housing affordability is a critical contemporary challenge. While in different countries and regions the specificities of the challenge vary, the universal truism is that it is becoming increasing difficult for the vast majority of urban residents to obtain and retain adequate and affordable land and housing.
This series canvases the state of affordable land and housing in four regions facing major affordability difficulties: Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and Europe and North America (member countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe). Each volume firstly explores the major trends in housing conditions, availability, quality and tenure modalities. Following this, each volume analyses housing policy responses to address growing affordability problems and the improvement of substandard housing conditions. Lastly, key recommendations for local, national and international policy initiatives that can increase the provision of affordable housing in the respective regions is provided.
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Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(UN-HABITAT), 2012 An electronic version of this publication is available for download from the UN-HABITAT web-site at
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United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
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ISBN Series Number: – Not available –
ISBN: 978-92-1-132370-2
HS Number: 076/11E