Bheki Simelane: Re-blocking Shacks In Protea South: “It Doesn’t Make Sense To Me.” September 2014. The much debated realignment – or re-blocking – of shacks in the Protea South Informal Settlement is now underway but many residents are still unhappy about the exercise. BHEKI SIMELANE spoke to residents about the process.


Solomon Ntibane, 55, unemployed

Solomon Ntibane, 55, unemployed
I cannot complain much with the process itself because we were promised that when the realigning exercise comes to an end they’d furnish our shacks with electricity and be in a position to provide us with basic services. My only problem is the way the whole exercise is being carried out. My shack was moved a mere five meters from where it originally was. At the new location I noticed that there was a farrow that would Channel rain water straight into my shack. They told me they’d clear the area but three months after I was moved nothing has happened. I fear for my grandchildren for rain is imminent and this whole place will be flooded.

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