Building Homes From Plastic Bricks! Waste Product Homes Are The Future.


What if things we throw away could be put right in a block maker, and turned into bricks?  That’s beginning to happen in multiple ways!  From plastic bricks made of recycle waste to machines that crush boulders and rocks into liquid cement, and make bricks, there are great things on the horizon!


These blocks can be made in the same size as standard concrete blocks, though don’t have the same weight-bearing capabilities. The blocks do have good acoustic and thermal insulation properties, which ByFusion says makes them ideal for use in road projects or fill-in building frames.

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4 Responses to “Building Homes From Plastic Bricks! Waste Product Homes Are The Future.”

  1. Myrna
    July 6th, 2017 @ 12:56 pm

    I am looking for machinery to make plastic brinks from recycled plastic

  2. RQ
    July 7th, 2017 @ 8:37 am

    May be can help you.

  3. Ayanle
    May 5th, 2019 @ 6:22 pm

    We have plastic roof recycle factory mashine . We succeeded to recycle plastic waste and turn to plastic roof tile

    We are having challenges to plastic wall blocks with plactic collums
    Can you please help us how we design the mold stapm of plastic block with plastic collum beans molding stamp design

    Please and help and share molding designs how to make

  4. RQ
    May 6th, 2019 @ 2:32 pm

    Maybe you could contact:

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