我的故事 ~ 22. 开辟属于自己的天地才是真生活



中国改革开放以后,人们开始重视学历了,他在大学里干的也不错,当上了系副主任,属于年轻人里提拔比较早的人。他是硕士研究生毕业,本校没有同等专业,所以他在职读博士是不可能的。他年轻想往事业上更进一步,没有一个博士学位的话,是不可能进高级职称的,所以他还是想读一个博士。就在这个时候。他得到了一个公派访问学者的机会, 87年他来到澳大利亚墨尔本大学做了一年半的访问学者,当时写信回来和我商量,说他想争取奖学金,在外头读博士。我想读博士大概得四年时间,他已经在外头待了一年半了,再继续待四年,就是四年不回家,而且那个时候的政策也不允许我出来探亲,那我就觉得有点太难了,这四年我熬不过来。于是他就回来了。



职称很快就下来了。我带着我的女儿匆忙地到了澳洲。我还记得第一天到澳大利亚的样子,这印象太深刻了。因为之前我没出过国,连飞机都没有坐过。也不会说英语,虽说是中医学院学了点英语,但只记得几个单词而已,毕业以后,在中医医院工作十年,没有机会讲英语,现在就是英语盲。等一次出国坐飞机就是一个大难题,当时中国到珀斯没有直飞的飞机,转机要从新加坡转。我不会说英语,看不懂那些牌子,不知道往哪走。恰好我爱人的一个朋友回北京开会, 就顺便把我和孩子带到了澳洲。没出国之前,从电影上看到国外都是高楼大厦、多彩霓虹灯、繁华大城市,至少比北京和上海还要繁华。从飞机场出来,越走越荒凉,看到是原始丛林,荒草地,还有大湖,蚊子很多。就感觉到了没有人烟的地方,完全跟自己出国前想象的不一样,人烟稀少,还不如农村呢,就像荒郊野外似的。车子就在胡思乱想中停到了一幢平房前,房子是我丈夫跟其他几个留学生一起租的。








My Story ~ 23. For All Walks Of Life, There Must Be A Master

australia-china-300x201“The Royal Australian Army has a motto: if the mind is strong, you can conquer everything.”

I followed my mother’s wish and came to Australia for further study in 1998. I was 15 years old then and now I am 31 … amazing!

I knew nothing and was a hot-headed young man when I came from the northeast part of China to Australia. After learning English for half a year, I began my high school study.

There were not many Chinese people when I first came here. The few who were here were from the generation who were born before 1980 and students who came here in 1989. The social environment was just OK compared with now, probably because the MP Pauline Hanson had just resigned and the One Nation Party still had the upper hand. Though young at that time, I was quite interested in politics so I knew a little about it.

Australian people are basically simple and honest and most importantly, you have to achieve something to win their recognition and become accepted. After all, Australia is an immigration society. I also worked part-time when I was studying. Well, people always say that you can’t say you have worked unless you have worked in a restaurant, so I went to serve dishes and wash plates. I have also worked in the kitchen and at the reception desk, carried furniture for a moving company and worked in a Coles Supermarket as well. I found these jobs were all very easy without too much thinking required. When I first entered college, I majored in law and commerce; I transferred to social sciences in the second year. In social sciences, there are two specific majors – politics and philosophy. I was poor in English so I chose these two majors which require demanding English, I wanted to push myself. Then I was so lucky because I found a law firm, having access to the career of a lawyer. I also worked as an office clerk during my college years.

Then in a late evening in Dec. 2003, an idea took a deep root in my mind:“I want to join the army!” That evening, stars in the southern hemisphere seemed especially bright.

With the excitement of the previous night, I called my mom back in China: “Mom, I’m going to join the army. What do you think?” She was surprised and rather reluctant: “Join the army? In Australia?” I replied with affirmation: “Yes, join the army in Australia!” She hesitated for a moment and said: “Why do you want to join the army? Aren’t you studying now and you want to join the army in a foreign land?” I explained to her: “Since I have moved to Australia, I feel as though I should contribute to this society and don’t want to only do business, tax and dealing.” She seemed to understand me and said: “So you want to contribute in this special way?” I was excited: “Yes, yes!” Mom was touched by my words and agreed with me: “All right! Good boy, do as you like and I’ll support you!” My eyes were shining with light at that moment as if the stars in the night reflected my enthusiasm.

As the idea firmed up, the next stage was preparing for it step by step. I contacted the army after searching the internet and being introduced by friends and in my communication with the army; they got to know of my law major and suggested that I register for the military academy. After thinking it over, I changed my application from soldier to officer and then waited for the first round of interviews, I was quite nervous. Well, the first round was a group interview: some basic examination of English, mathematics and language which was not difficult, everyone could pass. This was followed by a medical check. If had applied to become a soldier, I could have directly joined the army after the first round and medical check, I would have been happy but I was facing the second round – a personal interview. It was not hard at all for someone like me who had gone through numerous interviews when applying to come to Australia, passing it meant you have crossed the first threshold. After the interviews, the representative of Royal Sergeant School would gather all the successful candidates together and arrange a selection from this group. The third round concentrated on the candidates’ coordination ability, independent ability and creation, thus checking whether we were suitable for army life. Of course I passed again. After the final physical fitness test of 15 push-up, 45 sit-ups, and 1120 meters’ long-distance running, I was admitted as a member of military school.

Well, my final enrollment was in Oct. 2006. Yes, there was a small incident. I was very near-sighted so the army required me to do a special test. It turned out that my eye-sight was not good enough for the army and I would be rejected. Having been working for so long and so hard, I didn’t want to give it up so I wrote a letter to Canberra to appeal. It took me a long time but I succeeded. I made a great step towards joining the army. I have my own life and career but I contribute all my spare time to the army and became a serving reserve.

“Get up! Take your ass above the floor and catch up!” After less than two minutes’ rest, the instructor with a red face shouted angrily and rushed to the head of the line. Well, a glimpse of his face told us that he was actually quite satisfied. We arrived at the training camp on Friday evening for the weekend training. It’s said that though Australia is famous in the western world for its care and respect for soldiers and staff, its training is extremely hard. I obeyed the instructor and looked like a doll with 20 kilos of equipment on my back. I received strict training from noon, with the sun over head until night, with stars shining. We kept training and fighting for more than 24 hours a day. I would comfort myself by saying: “Come on, hold in there!”

I was totally exhausted after I arrived home and my mom called me from the northern hemisphere: “Son, the army is hard. How are you getting on?” After hearing mom, my numb legs and brain seemed to recover and the fatigue of training day and night disappeared: “It’s OK mom, don’t worry.” “You poor child, don’t be strong in the face of your own mother. Did you get shouted by the instructor? I know from TV that instructors are all strict and scary by pulling soldiers’ clothes.” I could sense the deep care and worry from her voice and there was a warm current wandering in my heart like the winter jasmine of the March, blowing in the spring wind, itching and acid. “Really, mom. I’m good and strong!” “Well, that’s better. Remember to eat more and rest more.” The whispering warning was just the singing of the night.

Well, physical training was one thing, but for me, the most difficult time came when I got the position of leader. The ability to be flexible, analyze and handle different matters is a must for an officer. I’m a platoon leader and when my direct boss is not around, I may lose a little support. I not only have to conquer the physical difficulty, but also have to show my analytical ability and keep a sober mind to prepare for anything unexpected. I have to calm the soldiers down and arouse their mood. I’m responsibly for anything happens.

“Monitor of class one, two and three gather here right now!” After capturing the first hill and our position becoming exposed, we might be attacked at anytime. So in order to avoid the unexpected stray bullets, I made a quick but firm order: “Prepare to retreat anytime!” I made a concise explanation of our retreat route and later schedule and ordered all the members to be alert. As was expected, an attack arrived within 3 minutes after we retreated and we marched on quickly with skill and discipline: class one in the lead with two and three following, the platoon leaders and sergeants, correspondents in the middle. There was no difference of skin color in uniform. Military rank means obedience. It’s the conscientiousness and trust between us that enables us to pass in this assessment.

From enlisting to graduation, only 10% to 20% of the original recruits go on to complete the training and only about 7% remain on active service within one year after graduation. Many of them just leave. Having gone through marriage, injury and my wife’s pregnancy, I became the platoon leader of a rear-service department in Western Australian military region in Feb. 2013. Yes, I’m one of the 7%.

The most dramatic story happened only recently. It was at the beginning of this year, and I decided to participate in the election for city councilor. There were twenty five candidates, of which only seven could be elected. Many friends offered to help me and we also held a pledging party to collect money for the campaign. The final result was quite interesting. The first place was a senior councilor with 6000 votes who had always been the first one in the past selections. The second one was a candidate of the Liberty Party with support from the government, he got only 200 more votes than I did . I was third with 5358 votes.

What makes things interesting is that there are about 3600 to 3800 Chinese in my community and less than 400 residents from other parts of Asia, like Vietnam, Korea, Japan or Indonesia. In other words, the total population of Asian residents is about 4000. Many friends with different backgrounds supported me during election campaign, including some local residents. I remember a lady asked me when I was campaigning for votes: “What can you do for us?” I replied: “Well, you can see this item which is specifically made for the locals.” Then she told me that her whole family would support me. So with the support of Asians and recognition of local people, I won the third position. This dramatic result is closely related to cultural identity.

Seen from my point of view, survival in Australia is no big deal as long as you work hard and I think most people will agree with me on this. Probably the Chinese have no advantages in language and culture compared with the locals, but I don’t think this is the key point. The key point is your will. Don’t focus on present gains and losses but take a broad view to the future, 5 or 10 or even 20 years from now. Any difficulty during this process is nothing if you succeed in the end. There is such a saying in the Australian Army:” if the mind is strong, everything is easy.”

I have thought about the question of my being Chinese or Australian when I was young at the age of 15 or 20. However, as my knowledge of Australian life deepened, I don’t think it matters where you belong. The crucial point lies in your heart and mind, your position and which part of society you want to live in. I have joined society from a political aspect but there is still a long way to go with so many cultural differences. I’m an immigrant who has the perspective of army experience, it’s unimaginable for a Chinese to be a military officer. So I don’t think it is difficult to communicate with the society if you work hard. But it’s hard for me to go to the bars and discos with local young people. I’m not interested so that makes it difficult for me to integrate with them.

And now, with instruction of mom, care of my wife, I’m a lawyer, a city councilor and a military officer, all at the same time. I continue to receive training every month and deal with the administrative affairs and training the soldiers. But no matter what I become, l will do my job and be responsible for whatever I do. I will be a good son, a good husband and a good father.

我的故事 ~ 23. 三百六十行,行行出状元





2003年12月某深夜,一个想法深深地在我脑海里扎下了根:“我要参军!”那一夜,南半球的星空格外的璀璨。第二天清晨,依旧带着前一夜的兴奋,我给远在中国的母亲打了个越洋电话。“妈,我打算参军,您觉得怎么样?”“参军?在澳大利亚?”母亲惊奇且带着疑惑地问道。“对!就是在澳洲参军!”我坚定地答道。母亲迟疑了一下:“为什么要当兵,你还在读书,而且还是在异国他乡。”“我既然在澳洲移民了,就要为这个社会做贡献,我不想单纯地以做生意、交税、创造就业这样的方式来做贡献。”我解释道。母亲似乎有所理解了:“所以你就想以参军这样比较特殊的贡献方式么?”我兴奋地答道:“对!对!”“好!儿子你尽管大胆地去做,妈妈支持你!” 似乎被我的兴奋所感染,母亲豪迈地肯定了我的想法。这一刻,我的眼睛里闪烁着坚定的光芒,就像是前一夜的星空印在了我的眼里。







最具戏剧性的故事可以说是最近的一个经历。在今年年初的时候,我决定参选X市的市议员,总共有25个候选人,七个人可以成为市议员。之后有很多朋友帮助出主意,后来又举行了一个誓师宴会,集资去打这个选战。关于最终结果,我觉得还是挺有意思的。第一名是一名资深的市政议员,他的每届选举都是得票第一,共6000多票;第二名是一名自由党的候选人,有政党的支持,他呢,比我多了大概一百多票不到两百票;我呢排第三,总共是5358票。有趣的是,在我所居住的有投票权的华人大概是3600 到3800人,还有大概三四百其他国家的亚洲人,比如说越南人、韩国人、日本人、印尼人。也就是说,我们亚洲人的人口大概是四千人左右。然而在竞选的过程中,还有许多不同背景的朋友支持我。举个例子,有很多原住民。记得我在拉选票的时候,有一位原住民女士说:“你会为我们做什么?”我说:“那你看这一点,有一条这个是专门为原住民服务的。”她说她会让他的家族来投我的票。于是,在我们华人亚洲人的大力支持下,再加上本地人的认同,作为一名华人,我得第三,我觉着这挺有戏剧性,和文化认同分不开。

就我个人经历而言,只要你努力,在澳洲最基本的生存是没有问题的,我觉得这个绝大多数人会同意。也说是舍得这一把的力气,一定不会饿死。想要成功,那三百六十行,行行出状元,每一行都可能出顶尖的人物。也许我们华人在语言上,在文化上和他们本地人有一定的差距,但是我认为这不是最关键的问题。而最关键的问题在于你的意志。定好目标,不要过于在乎眼前的利益得失,将眼光放到未来的5年10年甚至是20年,在此过程中遇到的挫折,20年后回头一看都不算什么。在军队有一句话“只要意志坚定,一切都不在话下”“if the mind is strong, everything is easy”。

年轻的时候,大概在15到20岁这个阶段,一直在考虑自己是中国人还是澳大利亚人。然而,随着在澳洲生活的不断继续和深入,我认为,是哪里人不重要,关键在心里和头脑里,自己的定位在哪里,从哪些方面融入社会。如果说你从政治层面角度去考虑,我认为已经融入进去了。但这是一个漫长的过程,毕竟存在着这么多的文化差异。如果说是从军队的角度,作为一个海外移民,成为人家这里预备役的军官,在中国是不可想象的。所以说,我认为跟社会交流,在这些层面上如果你努力的话,不难。但是,如果你说,跟这些本地的年轻人去酒吧 ,周末去他们的娱乐场所,我认为对我来说太难了,我从来没有这种兴趣,所以说你要说融入他们中难不难,太难了。


My Story ~ 24. The Older I Get, The More I Enjoy My Life

China-and-Australia-150x150“Draw wisdom from the spring of life and you can taste its sweetness.”

I was born in 1957; however, at the age of 40, I split my life in two different hemispheres – China, the northern and Australia, the southern. At my age, I can treat these two different countries in a mature way and not discard either of them. Normally, people at this age are reluctant to leave home for a foreign land, but I did, and after growing older I began to consider the whole world as my home, and the older I get, the more I want to travel. Yes, though old, I am never satisfied. I want new and different experiences.

I was born in a small village in Linjiang, Zhejiang, a place where all villagers possess the same surname. This is quite unique in China which only shows that in the long peaceful life here, from one generation to the next we never left our village. There’s clearly a bond between this piece of land and me, my ancestors, our blood. My name was actually given to me by a female Commission Secretary, it means hardworking and simple, expressing both the reality of material shortage in 1957 and the great ideal of “thrifty for the country and home”. Then I began my schooling days relying on the spirits of endeavor which was quite unique at that time, and I left my village for a big city. What followed was graduation, working, marriage and having children, all stages of life that Chinese people did in those years, unhurried and in an orderly fashion.

I lived in Hangzhou which is one of the ancient capital cities and boasts beautiful scenery and also beautiful legends including the love story of Whitesnake. Also located in the downtown area is a famous lake – West Lake which has stimulated thousands of poems and tears. My wife and I worked in a university at that time and we would go to West Lake in our spare time. Compared with cities of today, Hangzhou at that time was a small city with a population of only several million. Not much industry, no excessive construction, this small city was actually quite clean and beautiful. I still remember that I would ride a bike, with our little daughter in the front and my wife in the back seat, to the Lake during holidays. There would be lots of tourists in fine weather, all contributing to a lively, free and comfortable atmosphere. Yes, this is the main leisure activity in Hangzhou. During those days, I had no idea of what my life would become.

My wife was transferred to Australia in 1995. It was at that time that the idea of immigration came into her mind and she also encouraged me to consider doing the same. However, I rejected the idea. What I was thinking was that I was nearly forty years old and it was really a major decision to fit into a new environment. Actually, the biggest difficulty would be the language. You can’t imagine what it is like to live and communicate with others if you don’t know English. Besides, I lived pretty well in Hangzhou. Going to Australia meant I had to abandon all that I had accumulated after years’ of effort and start all over again, like a young man, which would be a big challenge for me. So what I planned then was to wait for several years after I had retired.

However, I finally came in 1997 when I was forty years old. It seems like a law that something which is hard to decide after much hesitation and second thoughts will always be solved because of a small accident, which pushes you onto a brand-new like track easily and gently. What I was not comfortable about was my daughter’s schooling. Date of birth usually decides a child’s schooling date – start now or wait for another whole year. That is to say, if your birthday is before this fixed date, you are admitted to school with other children of the same age, while if you are born later, even if only a few days, you have to wait for another whole year. Unfortunately, my daughter belonged to the latter group and this was beyond my control. She was quite clever actually which added to my annoyance of her being held back a year. As a result, I finally made up my mind to come to Perth. My wife helped me and we enjoyed a family re-union in Perth.

According to Confucius, a person at the age of thirty should have established his family and at the age of forty should know his destiny. Well, when I was thirty, I thought I had basically settled down. However, I entered a whole new life of uncertainty at the age of forty! I remember there were numerous people on the street, at my workplace, and the roads and parks were always full of tourists during holidays. It was hard to find a quiet, peaceful place but, here in Perth, I finally discovered what peace was like, but this peace was too horrible to enjoy. Day or night, there were few people on the street expect in the shopping malls. I couldn’t fit into this quietness and I even began to miss the noisy market back in Hangzhou. Well, later I know, people like us who have lived in the same village for over three generation will visit our neighbors and establish strong bonds, similar values and recognition through communication. Though having left the village a year ago, the city was never too big to feel separate from each other and occasional quietness was unable to break the habit of being in a noisy place. We couldn’t put up with living alone, away from others.

The biggest problem was how to start life here. With my wife still studying, I had to shoulder the responsibility of raising our family. So I had to work. Well, what I could do became another serious headache because I knew no English. A friend of mine was going to Singapore at that time, so he recommended that I take over his job and peel onions with some Malaysians in a factory. With Chinese around and easy work, I gradually gave up what I had learned and done in China. At the age of forty, peeling onions was the beginning of a new life in Australia. This was a low-paid job – 11.5 dollar per hour with 8 hours a day, but I would usually have my work done within 5 hours. So after three months, the boss appointed me as a leader and I worked in that position for another one and a half years.

While it’s hard to imagine a leader with no knowledge of English, it was actually quite easy work – to finish your order was all you had to do. My wife had to study, our daughter had to go to school at that time, I would send her at 8:45 and pick her up at 14:45. I also had to take time to cook lunch for my wife in case she was late. So on the one hand, I had to work, while on the other hand, I had to complete this seemingly routine house work which was hard to believe. Forced by circumstance, I succeeded in finishing my work and also play the role of a house husband. I also cared for our second daughter; I often took her to work. Yes, a person’s potential is often great which is formed by force and after becoming accustomed to change, nothing is impossible. Actually you have no time to think about it. This job ended when the factory was sold and although I found another job and worked there for three weeks, I finally quit because of the long working hours and low payment.

Once I got the opportunity of a decent job from a Taiwan boss who wanted to appoint me as factory manager, this meant that, my management experience gained in China could be used. However, the aluminum ingot manufacturing plant finally failed because of his poor management. This should have been a good work opportunity, but it ended badly.

Working and living in Australia is actually more about observation and experience. The most interesting experience I have met is a story about a policeman and a thief. It was when I was working in the factory and I came across a thief. I called the police but they didn’t arrest him when they arrived but informed him that they had arrived outside of the factory. After hearing the police, the thief sneaked away. Well, I got the impression that there’s an understanding between police and thieves: police are not after the thief but just want to stop a crime. The thief’s slipping away doesn’t matter. Once the police released a thief who had been caught by us, they told us that the thief was under 18 and should be released. Obviously, police are too merciful to criminals including thieves.

I have always been thinking of an example to express the hospitality of Australians. What impresses me most after I came here is that Australians usually offer to help others expecting nothing in return; they trust each other, no distrust exists between them. Even strangers in the street will smile to each other. If encountering an unhappy situation, they will be patient and polite even if they are not so comfortable. For example, if we stain their floor, they will tell you that it’s unfortunate but will not criticize or blame you. Australians don’t like to be in conflict or argument.

What Australia changed me most in me was the sense and acknowledgment of equality. While in China, the different levels of occupation, no matter in a factory, company or in society, not only represents different responsibilities, but also defines one’s identity, social status and even power. Obviously, managers possess power and advanced identity and status, different to workers. Working in the service industry is considered to be a low level job and the workers can be treated badly in restaurants. In Australia, the concept of equality is a core value. You are just a person and on this basis, different jobs simply mean different responsibilities. So differences in wealth, occupation and status constitute no inequality or discrimination. The simplest and most obvious manifestation is that I’m wearing more and more casual clothes, just like other Australians.

This equality and respect for each other releases the tensions and pressures found in society. Poor or wealthy, people can live a happy life and just be themselves. Of course there is a precondition – life in Australia is not that difficult; you can be an ordinary person, but as long as you are hardworking, you will always be paid. Such a life will overcome vanity and pressure. I’m getting more and more used to helping other people if I’m free. These are the changes that I personally felt after living in Australia.

Maybe you think I have totally adapted to life here, well, no, probably because of my age, I just can’t abandon my previous life and neither can I get on with life here easily, so my English is still poor after living here for nearly twenty years. That seems to be the final defensive line that I use to resist changing completely. I still possess a Chinese passport, I still have my Chinese nationality. Chinese or Australian – if it is a choice between the two, I will always choose the first. I often go back to China to get together with friends and relatives. Though separated from each other, there is no distance between us both in time and in space. We are close to each other just like before. My wife even complains to me that although I’m living with her, I’m closer to my brothers and sisters back in China and my heart always stays there. I think this has probably originated from the tradition of my hometown – you have to rely on your brothers and sisters when getting old. Maybe the first forty years of life has taken a deep root and just can’t be given up so easily. Or maybe although Australia has changed me and I agree with everything here, I just cannot fit in. As for the real reason, I haven’t figured it out yet.

But am I still a complete Chinese? Actually no. After all, my wife and two daughters are Australians and the closest people to me in the latter half of my life have taken root here. Especially my daughters, who eat Australian foods, speak English and both have grown taller than me, have identified themselves as Australians. Though they can speak good Chinese and will have to go back to Hangzhou for college, they are closer to Australia deep in their hearts. Of course, maybe it’s just me thinking too much like other sixty years old, that young people don’t care so much about being Australian or Chinese and the world is actually not so big in this internet age.

As for me, I can’t abandon my identity and status and this extreme change just urges me to think more. And this change actually began when I was still in China. Born in a poor village during hard times, and then shifting to a rich city before I had time to reflect, I was pushed to the other side of the ocean, hearing a different language and communicating with different people with another skin color. What does it mean to me when I am faced with more changes than others of the same age? I thought I would have no time to think and would probably never find the answer, while actually there’s an adjustment and choice made in my mind. For the current me, both China and Australia are my home, neither of which I prefer. At the age of sixty, I don’t feel confused and have no time to be confused. After my father passed away and friends in China left me one by one, death actually taught me an attitude to life: wherever you stay is your hometown, so cherish and enjoy what you have.

Am I old? Sixty is definitely old in traditional China, but living in Australia inspires me to pursue a healthier life, diet and exercise. I have fully realized the importance of good health. The older you get, the more you want and the happier you should live. We should travel and it was leaving China that made me realize how big our world is. It is not like the small map or the shallow life on TV. The real life is deep, with real sense and feeling and also has surprises awaiting us. So I will travel around with my wife to China and other countries, to deserts, high mountains, temples and parks.

Look, the life divided between China and Australia has never overwhelmed me, I discovered a bigger, wider world. Draw wisdom from the spring of life and you can taste its sweetness.

我的故事 ~ 24. 越老越没活够




















My Story ~ 25. Half Australian And Half Chinese

Flag of the People's Republic of China“It’s an advantage to have both quality and education of the East combined with an education and background of the West.”

I came to Australia in August, 2003.

I choose to study abroad after graduation from high school like many people who were born after 1980. Though I could enter a second-level college with my college entrance examination score, I made the conclusion that there would be no ideal work for me in China.

My presents chose Western Australia because a friend of my father worked there and thus could take care of me. I still remember clearly how depressed I was feeling when I left home. I’m the only son in my family and had never left my parents. After my 17th birthday, I came to this foreign land 10 thousand miles away from home. It was the first time for me to have this lonely feeling with no one to turn to. Though there was a friend of my father’s, I had no sense of home.

At first, my school was in Fremantle and I studied preparatory courses there, while my home was in the northern part of Perth, which meant I had to transfer two buses, two trains and then walk to school. I had a hard life, but on the other hand, I made many friends, some on the train and others from school. Actually it’s quite easy to make friends here and compared with other students of the same age in 2+2 class, my greatest advantage was that I knew a lot about Australian communication and working methods because of my year’s study. I had more friends, not only had a good relationship with Chinese and Asian people but also the Australian world. They became my study and life companions and I did not feel unfamiliar after entering the college, the feeling totally disappeared.

I entered college one year later. Quite unexpectedly, another problem emerged: the major of computer science was too boring for me to go on with.

After discussing this problem with my parents, I transferred to commerce; accounting and finance which finally made me feel at ease. With more spare time, I found a part-time job just like other students. I like to try different things and I’ve been a waiter and a dishwasher; I repaired computers, prepared accounts, delivered newspapers, conducted surveys and sold things; later I did business accounts and financial accounting. I gained a lot during this time, not only extra money but a sense of independence and cherishment and appreciation, as well as my value to society and how to become part of society. I always made friends with my workmates after several weeks. We were responsible and we communicated a lot during rest breaks. We hung out together and had fun. Well, the only thing that made me sad was on my birthday. I worked late, until 11 o’clock in the evening and it was a Saturday. I got on the bus and found I was the only passenger. I called my mom and she started to wish me a happy birthday and asked me what I was doing, whether I was celebrating with friends? I said no and told her that I had just finished work and was sitting on a bus going home. It was really hard but you should take the responsibility as long as you are in charge. People here actually pay more attention to punctuality and responsibility. And of course I’ve learnt a lot during this process. 

I have experienced a lot in the past several years’ study and work and I experienced the most important thing in my life in 2010 when I started work in the finance section of a college in Perth — meeting my fiancée.

The first impression I made was not very good — I look like a Chinese and with a seemingly Chinese name, but I never speak Chinese, so she felt strange. I was a minor financial manager at that time but we were not in the same department. Later, we had a position vacant and she applied for it. After working for a time, we got to know more and more about each other and always had dinner together. She thought of me a mature man always wearing suits and doing things efficiently. Actually, everyone in my department is ten or even twenty years older than me. But I just handled it in a more mature way so they were quite cooperative and admired me. Well, I had to quit because of our relationship and my colleague always mentioned to her that I was the best and more responsible manager they’ve ever met.

I also knew her experience in Australia. She was born after 1980 and is two years younger than me. She studied in Tianjin Foreign Studies University before she came to Australia for the 2+2 articulation program(2 years study in China and 2 years study in Australia, then graduate with 2 degrees). She encountered the same problem as I did and the most obvious one was that though she had a high enough score to enter a formal class, she just couldn’t understand the teacher. Language again became a serious problem. So she went to the teacher after class and asked the native teacher who was over 50 years old: “What can I do so that I can understand you?” the teacher was quite embarrassed and even stuttered after seeing this crying and helpless girl: “What do you want? Do you want to continue or transfer to other class?” she said: “I want to continue but I can’t understand. Please help me.” The teacher was quite helpful and comforted her: “Calm down and don’t be nervous. This problem is actually quite common when you first come here.” Then he recommended her to a tutor who could instruct her English and assist her to eliminate her nervousness. So she began to talk and cry at the same time and the English teacher said to her: “See? You are fine and you can cry in English. So don’t worry, your basic communication is all right. Maybe there are some difficult words in the first class but it’s the same for all students. It’s quite common.” The teacher’s encouragement gave her a lot of confidence and she finally found her direction.

She was actually quite nervous at the interview. There were two people conducting the interview — one was the manager of the financial department and the other was the business manager. Both of them native Australians, they spoke fast with an accent. She was very worried that she couldn’t understand them, so she just smiled and asked them to speak slowly. They were nice and understood her. Every time she didn’t know what to say, she just smiled to them and finally she got the job. Later she asked the manager why they chose her among so many excellent interviewees. The manager told her that it was because of her smile and because she asked them to speak slowly, which showed her responsibility and confidence.

I think maybe our meeting each other was destiny.

After one month of our contract, I resigned.

Maybe I had been affected by my family. I did not plan to find another job after I resigned; instead I decided to further my studies for a PhD. My girlfriend has opened a small jewellery shop since her internship. Having majored in International Trade in Tianjin and studied some courses about commerce, she thought it was a good opportunity to put the theory into practice. She went to Yiwu during the summer holiday to stock her shop with goods. Her parents are quite supportive though they don’t think it will succeed. She had to apply for stall. My girlfriend had been living under the protection of her parents and knows nothing, so it was a great experience for her. The greatest difficulty was that she didn’t do a full survey, thinking that the basic step was just to stock goods and sell them, with no special skills at all. In the end, all her goods were held by Customs because there was no label of origin. It turned out that all the goods needed a label of “Made in China”. She was shocked and called Customs at once. Customs allowed her one week to add a label to every item. Half of the storage area was full of the goods and she called all her classmates for help. They worked day and night and finally got it done within one week.

Both my girlfriend and I have gone through a lot since we came here and we’ve considered a lot about whether we should stay in Australia. After all, we are both single children. Our parents want us to stay with them and we can also be provided with better resources and advantages back in China, while staying here means we have to start on our own. So my parents want me to go back home after working for a short period. However, I like the life style, environment and work here and after a long and careful consideration, we finally decided to stay and live here.

All you have to be in Australia is actually to be useful. For example, in China, the more you study, the better people like you while after graduation with a PhD, the only thing you can do is mostly just teaching, the PhD has little use in other aspects of work.

Australia is a multi-cultural society with white people being the mainstream. There are maybe some white people who have doubts about Asians or non-whites but I’ve never struck that situation. Getting to know a new culture before I have total knowledge of the other can assist me to better adapt to the former one. We can see things with a new perspective. Taking the essence and discard the dregs. What’s more, cultural recognition is closely related to the company where you work. If the company is multi-cultural, people working there are definitely from different backgrounds as well. They won’t reject those from Asia or China. If you are working in a mono-cultural environment and a new face with different features arrives, it will take a long time for all members to readjust. Groups or organizations all seek to survive though through different paths. So it’s understandable that there will be some conflicts when you are fitting into a new environment.

Many Australians and Westerners are willing to communicate with Chinese people because China is becoming stronger and stronger and Chinese culture is more and more accepted by them, not only Chinese character and traditional culture, but also Wushu and handwriting. Many western friends actually envy me because I can speak two languages. Some even want their children to learn Chinese from me which satisfies me a lot. This is a sign that we are getting more and more powerful and they can totally accept us. My advantage is that I’ve received a western education and I can speak fluent English. But there are also disadvantages. I can communicate with westerners without difficulty but in technical terms beyond my major, including medicine, law or sports, I’m not that capable.

Having lived in Australia for so long, the biggest advantage for my girlfriend and me is that we retain eastern values or habits among westerners while we can also show our western attitudes when with easterners. We are in the middle. Besides, there’s another strange thing: many friends are curious about which language we use at home. Well, it depends. We speak Chinese for life and emotion and English for study and work or something related to Australian society. This is not on purpose because we really don’t know how to express such things in Chinese. We learnt these things like accounting and financing when we are in Australia and we don’t know what it is called in Chinese. Well, it would be a disadvantage if we were back in China.

We are seeking a balance between western culture, or the English-speaking environment and the Chinese environment. To communicate in English means to express accurately either for communication or for work, but at the same time the cultural aspects are lost in this process. In our childhood we didn’t understand why we should recite so many poems and texts off by heart and it really bothered us. But now we understand, Chinese conveys some meanings that can’t be expressed in plain words. Well, maybe this is what confuses foreigners who learn Chinese. They can understand every word they read, but don’t know the whole meaning when they are put together. Only when they know something about Chinese culture can they appreciate the language.

My friends and family will make jokes such as “Look, the foreigner has come back” when we are back in China but in Australia, people will know you are Chinese once they see your face, so you don’t have to pretend. I won’t define myself as a Chinese or an Australian. I am myself and this is me. We have received traditional education including how to handle things and we think in Chinese ways. But we live in Australia. So we have both Chinese and Australian thoughts. And it depends if you ask me where I belong. If defined in terms of place and the time we spent in Australia, we are Australians; but if defined in terms of deep culture and how we want people see us, the answer is definitely Chinese.

We actually often ask people such questions. For example, we have a friend with an Asian face but he may be Singaporean or Malaysian or Vietnamese, so I will ask him: “Where are you from?” He says: “I am from Perth.” Then I will go on to ask:” Where are you originally from?” With such an Asian face and an answer of “from Australia”, I feel quite strange because I want to know his native home and what is his cultural background. His answer of “from Australia” can’t satisfy my curiosity and I want to know where he is “originally from”. Some people will say that they were born here but their parents are from somewhere else. Some will just get annoyed and reply: “from Perth, I was born here, so what is your question?”

In all, I feel fortunate here and I have received both western and eastern education during the formation of my values and I can select the best and drop the worst of both cultures. So we have the advantages of both eastern quality and education and western education and background.