Wim Vredenberg – CV & Research

Home address
Willem J. Vredenberg
Pr. Hendrikweg 2A
NL 6721 AD Bennekom
Tel. +31 318-430303
E-mail wim.vredenberg@wur.nl

Personal data
Date of birth
7 March 1937

“doctorate” experimental physics, mathematics and applied mathematics, University of Utrecht, 1960
PhD Biophysics, thesis ‘Spectrophotometric Studies on Primary and Associated Reactions in Photosynthesis, University of Leiden, 1965 (promotor Prof Dr L.N.M. Duysens)
Full Professor of Plant Physiology (physical aspects), WAU, 1979

1960: junior scientist Biophysics Department University Leiden
1967: principal scientist Center for Agrobiological Research, Wageningen
1970: visiting lecturer Dept Physiology and Biophysics University of Illinois, Urbana, USA (1 year)
1979: professor of Plant Physiology (physical aspects) WAU

Membership of Professional Organizations
Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging
Vereniging voor Biofysica, Chairman 1988-1994
American Society of Plant Physiologists
European Society of Biophysicists
Commissie Biochemie Biofysica van de KNAW 1986-1994
Biologische Raad van de KNAW 1990-1994
Editor Photosynthetica

Research programs
From 1979 till 1994(5) the chair of (biophysical) plant physiology at the Wageningen Agricultural University (since 2000 renamed as Wageningen University and Research (WUR)) has focused its research primarily on the interaction of plants with light as a source of energy (photosynthesis) and of information (photomorphogenesis), with special emphasis on the molecular, (bio-)physical and (eco-) physiological aspects thereof. After the merging in 1993 of the till then existing two physiological departments in the new department of Plant Physiology, the emphasis of the chair has become limited mainly to the field of photosynthesis. Research on photomorphogenesis) is now continuing within the research theme Regulation and Differentiation.
Research projects on photosynthesis have been:
Electrogenesis, energy trapping and energy coupling in chloroplasts.
The chloroplast is a perfect model of a photoelectric energy transducer. Changes in the photocurrent profiles (amplitude, rate constant) caused by single turnover or continuous energisation point amongst others to changes in conductance of longitudinal lumenal and stromal phases of the intensity folded thylakoid membrane system. They are found to be accompanied by changes of the internal chloroplast structure as concluded from EM micrographs. The dynamic properties of the thylakoid are apparently of importance for spatial distribution of generated currents and consequently for the bioenergetic performance of the plastid.
Transit sequence-triggered responses in chloroplast envelope membranes
The project aims at getting information on the nature of the membrane responses that are associated with and/or involved in the recognition and following translocation of the precursor across the envelope.
Photosystem II of photosynthesis in chloroplasts
Photosystem II not only selectively senses but also adapts efficiently to environmental stressors. Study of photometric properties of PSII in vivo (fluorescence, luminescence, absorption) offers a sensitive means to study the impact of and defensive strategies of plants against environmental factors (coordinated by Dr. J.J.S. van Rensen)
UV-B interaction with plants
Research focusses on three aspects of this interaction (i) identification of protective mechanisms,(ii) elucidation of the role of protective mechanisms in plant and ecosystem productivity, and (iii) PSII as a target for UV-B radiation

Regulation of photosynthesis in vivo
Modelling of photosynthetic light- and dark reactions and their feed-back interactions is used as a means to simulate the potential and time response of energy production Photosynthetic energy conversion in phytoplankton
The efficiency of photosynthesis, as measured with chlorophyll fluorescence, is documented to be a good measure for the efficiency of CO2-uptake or O2-production in (a population of) marine algae and cyanobacteria. (coordinated by Dr J.F.H. Snel)
Current Research and Prospects
After the expiration of the chair of plant physiology (physical aspects) in 1998 the biophysical research on the key role of the photosynthetic membrane in primary and secondary energy conversion reactions is continued on a free lance basis (so- called 0.0 appointment) and carried out in cooperation with the biophysical research groups in Moscow (Alexander Bulychev) and in Trebon ( Ondrej Prasil) and Novy Hrady (Lada Nedbal).
Renewed focusing on fluorescence measurements and techniques has been (re-)started by me in the late 90’s when photocurrent measurements with single turnover excitations in dark adapted intact chloroplasts showed evidence for photo-electrochemical control of the fluorescence yield of photosystem II (Bioelectrochemistry 54, 2001, 157-168). A new theoretical three-state trapping model (TSTM) of PS II was developed and applied to allow quantitative analysis of fluorescence (and photo-electrical) behavior in intact leaves, for which current ‘classic’ views, models and interpretations are inadequate. TSTM can do the job properly with relevant physical and physiological parameters. The model is described extensively in chapter 6 in the handbook ‘Çhlorophyll fluorescence: a signature of photosynthesis’ (eds. Govindjee and George C. Papageorgiou), Springer Dordrecht, the Netherlands (see Bibliography).
Using twin single turnover flashes (TTFs) we have found that the fluorescence increase in plant choroplasts induced by the first twin-partner is followed by an increase of approx. similar size when the second partner is applied within 30 to 100 µs after the first one. The amplitude of the twin response, the maximum of which corresponds with Fv/Fm ~ 0.8, shows a pronounced 4-periodic oscillation associated with the 4-step oxidation of water in the Kok cycle (S states) and titrates with a life time of a trapping competent state of 200 to 300 µs.

Our results demonstrate that PSII acts as a two photon trapping entity This has far-reaching consequences for current views on so called intersystem energy transfer (connectivity) between PSII units and on PSII heterogeneities with amongst others characteristics and properties of functional PSUs different in antenna size or electron transport activity. It is anticipated that double exciton- and electron trapping in PSII is advantageous for the plant. It serves the depression of electron transport in QB-nonreducing RCs, associated with electrochemically coupled proton transport, by an increased electron trapping efficiency in these centers (see Bibliography).

Some key refereed papers (1996-2006)
Voorthuysen, T. van, H.A. Dassen, J.F.H. Snel and W.J. Vredenberg Patch clamp study on flash?induced secondary electrogenic transport in the thylakoid membrane: Interpretation in terms of a Q?cycle/semiquinone cycle Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1277, 1996, 226?237.
Van den Wijngaard, P.W.J. and W.J. Vredenberg, A 50-picosiemens anion channel of the chlorolast envelope is involved in chloroplast protein import. J.Biol. Chem. 272 (1997) 29430-29433
Vredenberg, W.J., J.F.H. Snel and J.H.A. Dassen. A sizeable decrease in the electric conductance of the thylakoid lumen as an early event during reaction center and Q cycle turnover. Photosynthesis Res. 1998, 58, 111-121
Vredenberg, W.J.. A three-state model for energy trapping and chlorophyll fluorescence in photosystem II incorporating radical pair recombination. Biophys. J. 79(1), 2000, 26-38
Vredenberg W.J. and Bulychev A.A. (2002) Photo-electrochemical control of photosystem II chloroplhyll fluorescence in vivo. Bioelectrochemistry 57: 123-128
Vredenberg W.J. System Analysis and Photo-Electrochemical Control of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Terms of Trapping Models of Photosystem II: A Challenging View, in: Papageorgiou, G. and Govindjee (eds) Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Signature of Photosynthesis, Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands , (2004). – p. 133-172

List of invited reviews/ proceedings/bookchapters
Struik, P.C., W.J. Vredenberg, J.A. Renkema, and J.E. Parlevliet, eds. Plant production on the threshold of a new century. Kluwers Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1993, ISBN 0?7923?2903?1, 1
Vredenberg, W.J. Electrogenesis in the Photosynthetic Membrane: fields, facts and features Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 44 (1997) 1-11
Snel J.F.H. and W.J.Vredenberg The electrochemical properties of the thylakoid membrane in: Photosynthesis and Plant Biology (eds. G.S. Singhal, G.Renger, S.K. Sopory, K.-D Irrgang and Govindjee) – New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House 1999 p. 364-385.
Bulychev A.A. and W.J.Vredenberg Light-triggered electrical events in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts. Physiol. Plant. 105,1999, 577-584
Vredenberg, W.J. System Analysis and Photo-Electrochemical Control of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in terms of Trapping Models of Photosystem II in :Chlorophyll fluorescence: A Signature of Photosynthesis Eds: George C. Papageorgiou and Govindjee, Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration Series, Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands , (2004). – p. 133-172

International cooperations
Research Cooperation Russia and The Netherlands (NWO-program
Program: Diagnostics of Photoelectric Phenomena in Plant Chloroplast Membranes in Relation to Photosynthetic Biomass Production
Moscow State University, Biophysics Department
Russ. Acad. Sci., Laboratory of Membrane Biophysics, Institute of Photosynthesis, Puschino
Moscow I.S. Sechenov Medical Academy, Department of Medical and Biological Physics

Joint Research with Biophysics Groups  in Czech Republic (partly financed by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic)
Program: Fluorescence Kinetics in Single Turnover Flash Trains of variable Length and Frequency in Plant Chloroplasts
·University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biology , Ceske Budejovice,
·Inst. of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences Czech Republic, Laboratory of Photosynthesis, Trebon, Czech Republic
Institute of Physical Biology of the University of South Bohemia, Nove Hrady

Wim Vredenberg – Publications & Links

Publications W.J. Vredenberg, LUW, 1978-2008

Vredenberg, W.J. and A.H.C.M. Schapendonk. Evidence for a light-induced blue band shift of part of the P515 pigment pool in intact chloroplasts. FEBS Lett. 91, 1978, 90-93.

Schapendonk, A.H.C.M. and W.J. Vredenberg. Activation of the Reaction II component of P515 in chloroplasts by pigment system 1. FEBS Letters 106, 1979, 257-261.

Schapendonk, A.H.C.M., W.J. Vredenberg and W.J.M. Tonk. Studies on the kinetics of the 515 nm absorbance change in chloroplasts. I. Evidence for the induction of a fast and slow P515 response upon saturating light flashes. FEBS Letters 100, 1979, 325-330.

Tonk, W.J.M., A.H.C.M. Schapendonk and W.J. Vredenberg. A double-compartment mixing cuvette for measuring light- and chemically-induced absorbance changes in suspensions of energy-conserving particles. J. of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods. 1, 1979, 193-194.

Schapendonk, A.H.C.M., A.M. Hemrika-Wagner, A.P.R. Theuvenet, H.W. Wong Fong Sang, W.J. Vredenberg and R. Kra. Energy-dependent changes of the electrokinetic properties of chloroplasts Biochem. – 19, 1980, 19-22.

Vredenberg, W.J. and A.H.C.M. Schapendonk. Reaction kinetics of P515 in chloroplasts. Transmembrane (reaction I) and inner membrane (reaction II) electric fields. In: Photosynthesis Vol. I, ( G. Akoyunoglou ed.) Balaban Int. Sci. Serv. Philadelphia, 1981, 489-499.

Vredenberg, W.J. P515: A monitor of photosynthetic energization in chloroplast membranes. Physiol. Plant. 53(4), 1981, 598-602.

Kooten, O. van, F.A.M. Leermakers, R.L.A. Peters, and W.J. Vredenberg. Indications for the chloroplasts as a tri-compartment system: Micro-electrode and P515 measurements imply semi-localized chemiosmosis. In: Proc. VIth Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, ( C. Sybesma ed.) 1983, II4, 265-268.

Kooten, v. O., A.G.M. Gloudemans, and W.J. Vredenberg. On the slow component of P515 and the flash-induced reduction of cytochrome b563 in chloroplast membranes. Photobiochem. Photobiophys. 6, 1983, 9-14.

Peters, R.L.A., M.E. Bossen, O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. On the correlation between the activity of the ATP-hydrolase and the kinetics of the flash-induced P515 electrochromic bandshift in spinach chloroplasts. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 15, 1983, 337-346.

Peters, R.L.A., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. The kinetics of the flash-induced P515 electrochromic bandshift in dependence of the energetic state of the thylakoid membrane and the ion concentration in the outer aqeous phase. In: Proc. VIth Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, ( C. Sybesma ed.) 1983, II4, 269-272.

Vredenberg, W.J., O. van Kooten, and R.L.A. Peters. Electrical events and P515 in thylakoid membranes. In: Proc. VIth Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, ( C. Sybesma ed.) 1983, II4, 241-246.

Peters, A.L.J., R.H.M. van der Pal, R.L.A. Peters, W.J. Vredenberg, and R. Kraayenhof. Studies on well-coupled Photosystem I -enriched subchloroplast vesicles. Discrimination of flash-induced fast and slow electric potential components. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 1984, 169-178.

Peters, R.L.A., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. The effect of uncouplers (F)CCCP and NH4Cl on the kinetics of the flash-induced P515 electrochromic bandshift in spinach chloroplasts. FEBS Lett. 177, 1984, 11-17.

Peters, R.L.A., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. The kinetics of P515 in relation to the lipid composition of the thylakoid membrane. J. of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 16, 1984, 283-294.

Peters, R.L.A., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. The kinetics of the flash-induced P515 response in relation to the H+ -permeability of the membrane bound ATPase in spinach chloroplasts. J. of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 17-4, 1985, 207-217.

Kooten, O. van, J.F.H. Snel, and W.J. Vredenberg. Photosynthetic free energy transduction related to electrical potential changes across the thylakoid membrane. Photosynth. Res. 9, 1986, 211-227.

Peters, R.L.A., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. Onset of ATP synthesis in spinach chloroplasts after single turnover flashes in relation to adenylate kinase activity. FEBS Lett. 202, 1986, 361-366.

Vredenberg, W.J. Fluorescence and absorbance measurements in leaves: sensors of photosynthetic performance. In: Advanced agric. instrumentation, design and use, NATO ASI ser., (W.G. Gensler, ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publ. Dordrecht, 1986, 107-132.

Buurmeijer, W.F., Th.A. Roelofs, and W.J. Vredenberg. Some aspects of altered structure and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in phytochrome-less mutants of tomato. In: Progress in Photosynth. Res., II, (J. Biggins ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, 1987, 383-386.

Hove, L.W.A. van, A.J. Koops, E.H. Adema, W.J. Vredenberg, and G.A. Pieters. Analysis of the uptake of atmospheric ammonia by leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Atmospheric Environment 21, 1987, 1759-1763.

Kooten, O. van, J.F.H. Snel, and W.J. Vredenberg. Modelling of photosynthetic energy conversion.III.Electrochemical events at the membrane. In: Progress in Photosynth. Res., II, (J. Biggins ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, 1987, 621-624.

Snel, J.F.H., O. van Kooten, and W.J. Vredenberg. Modelling of photosynthetic energy conversion.II.Charge separation and secondary electron flow. In: Progress in Photosynth. Res., II, (J. Biggins ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, 1987, 617-620.

Vredenberg, W.J., O. van Kooten, and J.F.H. Snel. Modelling of photosynthetic energy conversion.I. Description and basic principles of the model. In: Progress in Photosynth. Res., II, (J. Biggins, ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publ. Dordrecht, 1987, 613-616.

Bossen, M.E., J.H.A. Dassen, R.E. Kendrick, and W.J. Vredenberg. The role of Ca2+ in phytochrome-controlled swelling of etiolated wheat protoplasts. Planta 174, 1988, 94-100.

Vredenberg, W.J., J.J.J. Ooms, and W.F. Buurmeijer. Electrogenesis in chloroplast membranes: Evidence for two slow components in the P515 signal after flash excitation. In: The Ion Pumps, Structure, Function and Regulation, (W.D. Stein ed.) Alan R. Liss Inc., Publ. New York, 1988, 293-298.

Hove, L.W.A. van, O. van Kooten, E.H. Adema, W.J. Vredenberg, and G.A. Pieters. Physiological effects of long-term exposure to low and moderate concentrations of atmospheric NH3 on poplar leaves. Plant Cell Environ. 12, 1989, 899-908.

Hove, van L.W.A., W.J.M. Tonk, G.A. Pieters, E.H. Adema, and W.J. Vredenberg. A leaf chamber for measuring the uptake of pollutant gases at low concentrations by leaves, transpiration and carbon dioxide assimilation. Atmospheric Environment 22, 1988, 2515-2523.

Hove, van L.W.A., E.H. Adema, W.J. Vredenberg, and G.A. Pieters. A study of the adsorption of NH3 and SO2 on leaf surfaces. Atmospheric Environment 23(7), 1989, 1479-1486.

Ooms, J.J.J., W.J. Vredenberg, and W.F. Buurmeijer. Evidence for an electrogenic and a non-electrogenic component in the slow phase of the P515 response in chloroplasts. Photosynth. Res. 20, 1989, 119-128.

Bossen, M.E., R.E. Kendrick, and W.J. Vredenberg. The involvement of a G-protein in phytochrome-regulated Ca2+-dependent swelling of etiolated wheat protoplasts. Physiol. Plant. 80, 1990, 55-62.

Buurmeijer, W.F., J.H.A.M. Wonders, and W.J. Vredenberg. State-transitions in photomorphogenetic mutants of tomato. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. II, (M. Balltscheffsky, ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1990, 8.891-894.

Hove, L.W.A. van, W.J. Vredenberg, and E.H. Adema. The effect of wind velocity, air temperature and humidity on NH3 and SO2 transfer into bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Atmospheric Environment 24A,5, 1990, 1263-1270.

Kooten, O. van, L.W.A. van Hove, and W.J. Vredenberg. The effect of prolonged exposure to air-borne pollutants on the photosynthesis of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) studied with in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. IV, ( M. Baltscheffsky ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1990, 19.611-614.

Ooms, J.J.J. and W.J. Vredenberg. Analysis of the slow component of the flash-induced P515 response in chloroplasts. In: Techniques and New Developments in Photosynthesis, (J. Barber and R. Malkin eds.) 1990, 267-270.

Ooms, J.J.J., P.H. van Vliet, and W.J. Vredenberg. The slow P515 signal in relation to the status of innermembrane proton domains. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. III, ( M. Baltscheffsky, ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1990, 9.213-216.

Snel, J.F.H., W. van Ieperen, and W.J. Vredenberg. Complete suppression of oxygen evolution in open PS II centers by non-photochemical fluorescence quenching. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. II, (M. Baltscheffsky ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1990, 8.911-914.

Snel, J.F.H., M. Kooijman, and W.J. Vredenberg. Correlation between chlorophyll fluorescence and photoacoustic signal transients in spinach leaves. Photosynth. Res. 25 1990, 259-268.

Tretyn, A., R.E. Kendrick, M.E. Bossen, and W.J. Vredenberg. Influence of acetylcholine agonists and antagonists on the swelling of etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mesophyll protoplasts. Planta 190, 1990, 473-479.

Vredenberg, W.J., W. Versluis, and J.J.J. Ooms. Flash-induced absorbance changes in thylakoid membranes. The gramicidin insensitive component. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. II, (M. Baltscheffsky ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1990, 8.883-886.

Bossen, M.E., A. Tretyn, R.E. Kendrick, and W.J. Vredenberg. Comparison between swelling of etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) protoplasts induced by phytochrome and a-naphtaleneacetic acid, benzylaminopurine, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid and acetylcholine. J. Plant Physiol. 137, 1991, 706-710.

Hove, L.W.A. van, O. van Kooten, K.J. van Wijk, W.J. Vredenberg, E.H. Adema, and G.A. Pieters. Physiological effects of long term exposure to low concentrations of SO2 and NH3 on poplar leaves. Physiol. Plant. 82, 1991, 32-40.

Ooms, J.J.J., W. Versluis, P.H. van Vliet, and W.J. Vredenberg. The flash-induced P515 shift in relation to ATPase activity in chloroplasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1056, 1991, 293-300.

Ooms, J.J.J., W. Versluis, and W.J. Vredenberg. Activation of the non-electrochromic component in the 518 nm absorbance change by photosystem I. Physiol. Plant. 82, 1991, 569-574.

Vredenberg, W.J., J.F.H. Snel, and J.J.J. Ooms. Photosynthetic membrane energization and energy storage. Studies with electrochromic, fluorescence and photoacoustic spectroscopy. In: Light in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 2, (R.H. Douglas, J. Moan, and G. Rontó, eds.) Plenum Press, London, 1991, 101-110.

Snel, J.F.H., H. Boumans, and W.J. Vredenberg. Formation of inactive PS2 centers in spinach leaves during light adaptation. In: Proc. IXth Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, Research on Photosynthesis, vol. IV, (N. Murata, ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1992, 615-618.

Snel, J.F.H., M.W. Polm, W.F. Buurmeijer, and W.J. Vredenberg. Deconvolution of photobaric and photothermal signals from spinach leaves. In: Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena III, (D. Bicanic, ed.), Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 69, 1992, 65-68.

Vredenberg, W.J., J.F.H. Snel, H.J. Dassen, and T. van Voorthuysen. Electrogenesis and energy regulation in the photosynthetic membrane. In: Proc. IXth Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, Research on Photosynthesis, vol. II, (N. Murata, ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1992, 681-684.

Vredenberg, W.J., J.F.H. Snel, W.F. Buurmeijer, and H. Boumans. Application of non-invasive spectroscopic and photoacoustic techniques in research on photosynthetic performance of intact leaves. Photosynthetica 27, 1992, 207-215.

Snel, J.F.H., and W.J. Vredenberg. Diagnosis of primary production of plants by spectroscopic analysis of the primary events in photosynthesis. In: Plant production on the threshold of a new century, (P.C. Struik, W.J. Vredenberg, J.A. Renkema, and J.E. Parlevliet eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, 245-263.

Bulychev, A.A., M. Pilon, H. Dassen, R. van ‘t Hof, W.J. Vredenberg, and B. de Kruijff. Precursor-mediated opening of translocation pores in chloroplast envelopes. FEBS Lett. 356, 1994, 204-206.

Struik, P.C., W.J. Vredenberg, J.A. Renkema, and J.E. Parlevliet, eds. Plant production on the threshold of a new century. Kluwers Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-2903-1, 1994, 501 pp.

Bulychev, A.A., and W.J. Vredenberg. Enhancement of the light-triggered electrical response in plant cells following their de-energization with uncouplers. Physiol. Plant. 94, 1995, 64-70.

Voorthuysen, T. van, H.J. Dassen, J.F.H. Snel, and W.J. Vredenberg. Temporary suppression of the flash-induced electrical potential across the thylakoid membrane upon energization. Physiol. Plant. 94, 1995, 729-735.

Vredenberg, W.J., A.A. Bulychev, J.H.A. Dassen, J.F.H. Snel, and T. van Voorthuysen. A patch clamp method for determining single turnover charge separations in the chloroplast membrane. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1230, 1995, 77-80. Van Voorthuysen,T., H.A..Dassen, J.F.H.Snel and W.J.Vredenberg A patch-clamp study on the regulation of electrogenesis by protons In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere III (Paul Mathis, editor) Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, the Netherlands 1995, 79-82.

Vredenberg,W.J., A.A.Bulychev, T.van Voorthuysen and J.F.H. Snel The electrical properties of the thylakoid membrane and its partitions (‘brush borders’) in relation to energy supply In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere III, (Paul Mathis, editor) Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, the Netherlands 1995, 269-272.

Vredenberg, W.J.; Bulychev, A.A.; van Voorthuysen, T.; Snel, J.F.H.; The electrical properties of the thylakoid membrane and its partitions (‘brush borders’) in relation to energy supply. In:Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere, P. Mathis (ed.). Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1995) 269-272. Bulychev, A.A., van Voorthuysen,T. and Vredenberg, W.J. Transmembrane movements of artificial redox mediators in relation to electron transport and ionic currents in chloroplasts Physiol. Plant. 98, 1996, 605-611.

Voorthuysen, T. van, H.A. Dassen, J.F.H. Snel and W.J. Vredenberg Patch clamp study on flash-induced secondary electrogenic transport in the thylakoid membrane: Interpretation in terms of a Q-cycle/semiquinone cycle Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1277, 1996, 226-237.

Voorthuysen, T. van, A.A. Bulychev, J.F.H. Snel and W.J. Vredenberg. Suppression of flash-induced PSII-dependent electrogenesis caused by proton pumping in chloroplasts. Physiol.Plant. 98, 1996, 156-164.

Voorthuysen, T. van, A.A. Bulychev, J.H.A. Dassen, J.F.H. Snel and W.J. Vredenberg. Flash-induced conductance changes in chloroplast thylakoid lamellae. A patch-clamp study. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 43, 1997, 41-49.

Vredenberg, W.J. Electrogenesis in the photosynthetic membrane: Fields, facts and features. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 44, 1997, 1-11.

Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den and W.J. Vredenberg. A 50 pS anion channel of the chloroplast envelope is involved in chloroplast protein import. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 1997, 29430-29433.

Bulychev, A.A.; Dassen, J.H.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Opanasenko, V.K.; Semenova, G.A.; Stimulation of photocurrent in chloroplasts related to light-induced swelling of thylakoid system. Bioelectrochemistryand Bioenergetics 46 (1998) 71-78.

Vredenberg, W.J.; Snel, J.F.H.; Dassen, J.H.A.; A sizeable decrease in the electric conductance of the thylakoid lumen as an early event during reaction center and Q cycle turnover. PhotosynthesisResearch 58 (1998) 111-121.

Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Light triggered events in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts Physiologia Plantarum 105 (1999). – p. 577 – 584

Cherkashin, A.A.; Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Outward photocurrent component in chloroplasts of Peperomia metallica and its assignment to the ‘closed thylakoid’ recording configuration Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1999). – p. 141 – 148

Dabney-Smith, C.; Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den; Treece, Y.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Bruce, B.D.; The C-terminus of a chloroplast precursor modulates interaction with the translation apparatus and PIRAC Journal ofBiological Chemistry 274 (1999). – p. 32351 – 32359

Snel, J.F.H.; Vredenberg, W.J.; The electrochemical properties of the thylakoid membrane In: Concepts in Photobiology : Photosynthesis and Photomorphogenesis / ed. by G.S. Singhal, G. Renger, S.K.Sopory, K.-D. Irrgang and Govindjee. – New Delhi : Narosa Publishing House, 1999. – p. 364 – 385

Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den; Dabney-Smith, C.; Bruce, B.D.; Vredenberg, E.J.; The mechanism of inactivation of a 50 pS envelope anion channel during chloroplast protein import Biophysical Journal 77 (1999). – p. 3156 – 3162

Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den; Vredenberg, W.J.; The envelope anion channel involved in chloroplast protein import is associated with Tic 110 Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (1999). – p. 25201 – 25204

Bulychev, A.A.; Cherkashin, A.A.; Rubin, A.B.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Fluorescence and functional activity of chloroplasts in acid and alkaline zones of Chara In: European Biophysics Journal 29, no 4-5: 3rdEuropean Biophysics Congress, Munchen 2000. – [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000. – p. 324

Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Photoactivation of electrogenic activity in chloroplasts and its relation to photoinduced swelling of thylakoids Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 47 (2000) 6. – p.754 – 760

Cherkashin, A.A.; Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Outward component of photoinduced current in chloroplasts of Peperomia metallica Biologicheskie Membrany 17 (2000). – p. 377 – 386

Rodrigues, G.C.; Noort, M.E. van den; Rensen, J.J.S. van; Vredenberg, W.J.; Effects of UV-B radiation on PS II function evaluated by the polyphasic rise in chl a fluorescence In: Annual meeting AmericanSociety Plant Physiologists. – [S.l.]:[s.n.], 2000. – p. 91 – 92

Wijngaard, P.W. van den; Demmers, J.A.; Thompson, S.J.; Wienk, H.L.; Kruijff, B.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Further analysis of the involvement of the envelope anion channel PIRAC in chloroplast protein import European Journal of Biochemistry 12 (2000). – p. 3812 – 3817

Vredenberg, W.J.; A three-state model for energy trapping and chlorophyll fluorescence in photosystem II Incorporating radical pair recombination Biophysical Journal 79 (2000). – p. 26 – 38

Cherkashin, A.A.; Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; The outward component of photoinduced current in chloroplasts of peperomia metallica Membrane Cell Biology 14 (2001). – p. 475 – 485

Bulychev, A.A.; Cherkashin, A.A.; Rubin, A.B.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Zykov, V.S.; Müller, S.C.; Comparative study on photosynthetic activity of chloroplasts in acid and alkaline zones of Chara corallina Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 53 (2001). – ISSN 0302-4598. – p. 225 – 232

Rensen, J.J.S. van; Rodrigues, G.C.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Analysis of electron flow around photosystem II in atrazine-resistant plants applying the three-state energy trapping model on the OJIP fluorescence induction curve In: PS 2001 Proceedings 12th Int. Congress on Photosynthesis. – Australia : CSIRO publishing, 2001. – ISBN 0643067116. – p. S14-007 – 1-4

Rodrigues, G.C.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Rensen, J.J.S. van; Kinetics of UV-B damage to photosystem II: a fluorescence induction analysis In: PS 2001 Proceedings 12th Int. Congress on Photosynthesis. -Australia: CSIRO publishing, 2001. – ISBN 0643067116. – p. S8-016 – 1-5

Vredenberg, W.J.; Rodrigues, G.C.; Rensen, J.J.S. van; A quantitative analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction in terms of electron transfer rates at donor and acceptor sides of photosystem II In: PS 2001 Proceedings 12th Int. Congress on Photosynthesis. – Australia : CSIRO publishing, 2001. – ISBN 0643067116. – p. S14-10 – 1-4

Bulychev, A.A.; Vredenberg, W.J.; Modulation of photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence by electrogenic events generated by photosystem I Bioelectrochemistry 54 (2001). – p. 157 – 168

Vredenberg WJ; Bulychev AA Photo-electrochemical control of photosystem II chloroplhyll fluorescence in vivo. Bioelectrochemistry 57 (2002): 123-128

Vredenberg WJ; Om niet licht te vergeten. Farewell lecture Wageningen University (in dutch) 2002

Vredenberg WJ and Bulychev AA; Photo-electric effects on chlorophyll fluorescence of photosystem II in vivo. Kinetics in absence and presence of valinomycin. Bioelectrochemistry 60 (2003).- p. 87-95.

Masaki Hiraki, Jack J.S. van Rensen, Wim J. Vredenberg1 & Ko Wakabayashi; Characterization of the alterations of the chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curve after addition of Photosystem II inhibiting herbicides. Photosynthesis Res. 78 (2003). – p. 35-46.

Bulychev AA and Vredenberg WJ; Spatio-temporal patterns of photosystem II activity and plasma-membrane proton flows in Chara corallina cells exposed to overall and local illumination. Planta 218 (2003). – p.143-151.

Wim Vredenberg, Ondrej Prasil and Milan Durchan On the chlorophyll a fluorescence yield in chloroplasts upon excitation with twin turnover flashes (TTF) and high frequency flash trains. Photosynth Res (2007) 93:183-192. DOI 10.1007/s11120-007-9150-8

Jack J. S. van Rensen, Wim J. Vredenberg and Gustavo C. Rodrigues Time sequence of the damage to the acceptor and donor sides of photosystem II by UV-B radiation as evaluated by chlorophyll a fluorescence. Photosynth Res (2007) 94:291-297. DOI 10.1007/s11120-007-9177-x

Garstka, M., Venema, J-H., Rumak, I., Gieczewska K., Rosiak M., Koziol-Lipinska J., Kierdaszuk B., Vredenberg, W. J., Mostowska A. Contrasting effect of dark-chilling on chloroplast structure and arrangement of chlorophyll-protein complexes in pea and tomato: plants with a different susceptibility to non-freezing temperature. Planta (2007) 226:1165-1181. DOI 10.1007/s00425-007-0562-7

Vredenberg, W.J. Analysis of initial chlorophyll fuorescence induction kinetics in chloroplasts in terms of rate constants of donor side quenching release and electron trapping in photosystem II Photosynth Res (2008) in press DOI 10.1007/s11120-007-9287-5

Vredenberg, W.J. Algorithm for analysis of OJDIP fluoresecnce induction curves in terms of photo- and electrochemical events in photosystems of plant cells. Derivation and application. J Photochem Photobiol B: Biology (2008) in press DOI (nr wordt binnen week bekend)

Vredenberg, W.J and Prasil, O. Modeling of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics in relation to photo- and electrochemical events in photosystems of plant cells. Derivation of a descriptive algorithm in: Agu Laisk, Ladislav Nedbal and Govindjee (eds) Photosynthesis in silico Understanding complexity from molecules to ecosystems. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands [http://book.e-photosynthesis.org] (2007) submitted

Vredenberg, W.J., van Rensen, J.J.S. and Rodrigues, G.C. Effect of pre-flashes on chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics of chloroplasts in absence and presence of DCMU. A new look at photosystem II heterogeneity. under revision

Vredenberg, W.J., van Rensen, J.J.S. and Rodrigues, G.C. Effect of pre-flashes on chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics of chloroplasts in absence and presence of dcmu. A new look at photosystem II heterogeneity. under revision



Wim Vredenberg – PhD Theses

PhD theses Chair Biophysical Plant Physiology, Wageningen University 1980-2000

Schapendonk, A.H.C.M. -Electrical events associated with primary photosynthetic reactions in chloroplast membranes. -1980, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg

Brakel, G.H. van -The triplet state of chllorophyll-a in whole algal cells -1982, Promotoren Prof.T.J. Schaafsma en Prof.W.J.Vredenberg, co-referent Dr J.J.S.vRensen

Vermaas, W.F.J. -The interaction of quinones, herbicides and bicarbonate with their binding environment at the acceptor side of Photosystem II in photosynthesis. -1984, Promotoren Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg en Prof.Dr G. Renger, co-promotor Dr. J.J.S. van Rensen,

Snel, J. -Regulation of photosynthetic electron flow in isolated chloroplasts by bicarbonate, formate and herbicides. -1985, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.J.J.S. van Rensen,

Cone, J.W. -Photocontrol of seed germination of wildtype and long-hypocotyl mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. -1985, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Peters, R. -Electrochromic effects in relation to energy transduction and energy coupling in chloroplast membranes. -1986, Promotor Prof. Dr. W. J. Vredenberg,

Kraak, H.L. -Phytochrome and greening in etioplasts. -1986, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Kooten, O. van. -Free energy transduction. Modelling electrochemical events. -1988, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg,

Adamse, P. -Mutants as an aid to the study of higher plant photomorphogenesis. -1988, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Hove, L.W.A. van. -The mechanism of NH3 and SO2 uptake by leaves and its physiological effects. -1989, Promotoren Prof. Dr. E.H. Adema en Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg,

Naber, J.D. -Molecular aspects of herbicide binding in chloroplasts. -1989, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. Ir. J.J.S. van Rensen,

Bossen, M.E. -Protoplasts as a model system to study phytochrome-regulated changes in the plasma membrane. -1990, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Ooms, J.J.J. -Electrochromic absorbance changes in relation to electron transport and energy coupling in thylakoid membranes. -1990, Promotor Prof. Dr. W. J. Vredenberg,

Peters, J.L. -Photomorphogenetic mutants of higher plants. -1992, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Schansker, G. -Mechanistic aspects of the inhibition of photosynthesis by light -1996, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.ir. J.J.S. van Rensen.

Kerckhoffs, Huub -Physiological Functions of Phytochromes in Tomato. A study using photomorphogenic mutants -1996, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor: Dr R.E. Kendrick

Voorthuysen T. van. -The electrical potential as a gauge of photosynthetic performance in plant Chloroplasts. A patch-clamp study. -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. J.F.H. Snel.

Curwiel, V.B. -Regulation of photosynthesis and energy dissipation in triazine-resistant and susceptible chenopodium album. -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.ir. J.J.S. van Rensen.

Geel, Corine. -Photosystem II electron flow as a measure for phytoplankton gross primary production -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. J.F.H. Snel,

Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den -The electrophysiology of chloroplast protein import. The involvement of an anion channel in protein translocation across the inner mebrane. -1999, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor, Dr J.F.H. Snel