Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken & Darek M. Haftor (Eds) ~ Reason, Faith And Practice In Our Common Home – Festschrift for Dr. Sytse Strijbos ~ Bibliography Of Dr. Sytse Strijbos

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Strijbos, S. (1972) Motion and distribution of large particles suspended in a fluidized bed, Powder Technology, 6 (6), 337-342.
Strijbos, S. (1973) Burning-out of a carbonaceous residue from a porous body, Chemical Engineering Science.
Strijbos, S. (1974) Pressure filtration of permanent magnetic powders. Proceedings of the Conference on Hard Magnetic Materials, 102-105.
Strijbos, S. (1977) Powder-wall friction: The effects of orientation of wall grooves and wall lubricants, Powder Technology.
Strijbos, S., Rankin, P.J., Klein Wassink, R.J., Bannink, J., Oudemans, G.J. (1977) Stresses occurring during one-sided die compaction of powders. Powder Technology.
Strijbos, S. (1977) Friction between a powder compact and a metal wall. Journal of Powder & Bulk Solids Technology, 1(1), 83-88.
Strijbos, S., & Knaapen, A. C. (1977) Mechanical properties of a ferrite powder and its granulate. Science of Ceramics, 9, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference held Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, November 13-16, 1977. K. J. de Vries. Rijswijk, Netherlands Keramische Vereniging, 477.
Strijbos S., Vermeer P.A. (1978) Stress and Density Distributions in the Compaction of Powders. Palmour H., Davis R.F., Hare T.M. (eds) Processing of Crystalline Ceramics. Materials Science Research, (11). Boston, MA: Springer.
Strijbos, S.       (1978) Powder-Wall Friction: The Effects of Orientation of Wall Grooves and Wall Lubricants. Powder Technology.
Strijbos, S., Van Groenou, A.B., Vermeer, P.A. (1979) Recent Progress in Understanding Die Compaction of Powders, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
Strijbos, S. (1980) Phenomena at the powder-wall boundary during die compaction of a fine oxide powder, Ceramurgia International, 6(4), 119-122.
Strijbos, S. (1980) Particle technology 1980: comminution, classification, powder mechanics : preprints, 5th European Symposium on Comminution, 2nd European Symposium on Mechanical Properties of Particulate Solids, 224th Event of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Amsterdam, June 3–5, 1980, (2), 931.
Strijbos, S. (ed). (1981) Systeemdenken en samenlevingsproblematiek. Proceedings of Congres: Systeemdenken en samenlevingsproblematiek (19-10-1979 ; Amsterdam).
Strijbos, S.(ed) (1985) Nieuwe medische ethiek. Amsterdam : Buijten & Schipperheijn.
Strijbos, S. (1988) Het technische wereldbeeld. Een wijsgerig onderzoek van het systeemdenken. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn.
Strijbos, S. (1990) Computer and World Picture: A Critical Appraisal of Herbert A. Simon. Broad and Narrow Interpretations of Philosophy of Technology. Dordrecht: Springer, 67-86.

Strijbos, S. (1995) How Can Systems Thinking Help Us in Bridging the Gap between Science and Wisdom. Systems Practice. 8(4), 361-376.
Strijbos, S. (1995) A critical Reflection on Fundamental Concepts of System Thinking. Systemica. (10),  193-213.
Strijbos, S. (1995) The Idea of a Systems Ethics: Social-Cultural Ethics for a Technological Society. Systems Thinking, Government Policy and Decision Making. Brady, B. & Peeno, L. (eds.). Louisville, Kentucky: ISSS, 482-495.
Strijbos, S. (1995) Ethics in the University Curriculum in Dentistry in the Netherlands. European Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. 3(1), 31-40.
Strijbos, S. (1995) Techniek en Pluralisme: uniformering en pluralisering van cultuur en samenleving. Pluralisme; Cultuurfilosofische beschouwingen. de Boer, T. & Griffioen, S. (eds.). Amsterdam/Meppel: BOOM, 141-162.
Strijbos, S. (1995) Systems Sciences, Information Technology and Social Change: Framework for Interpretation. Systems Thinking, Government Policy and Decision Making. Brady, B. & Peeno, L. (eds.). Louisville, Kentucky: ISSS, 456-470.
Strijbos, S. (1995) Professionele autonomie en de tandarts-patient relatie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde. (102), 111-114.
Strijbos, S. (1996) Professionele autonomie, (tand) arts en patiënt. Beweging. (60), 20-23.
Strijbos, S. (1996) Kuitert: ” Ik ben ethicus, geen filosoof” Beweging. (60),  8-9.
Strijbos, S. (1996) Ethics for an Age of Social Transformation. Part I : Framework for an Interpretation, World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. (46), 133-143.
Strijbos, S. (1996) Ethics for an Age of Social Transformation. Part II: The Idea of a Systems Ethics, World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. (46), 145-155.
Strijbos, S. (1996) The Problem of Development and the Decontextualization of Technology.Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the ISSS. Louisville, Kentucky. Wilby, J. M. (ed.), 19-29.
Strijbos, S. (1996) The Concept of the ‘Open System’- Another Machine Metaphor for the Organism? Facets of Faith and Science. Volume 3: The Role of Beliefs in the Natural Sciences. van de Meer, J. M. (ed.). Lanham: University Press of America, 157-168.
Strijbos, S. (1996) The Concept of Hierarchy in Contemporary Systems Thinking – A Key to Overcoming Reductionism. Facets of Faith and Science. Volume 3: The Role of Beliefs in the Natural Sciences. Meer, J. M. (ed.). Lanham: University Press of America, 243-255.
Strijbos, S., Polder, J. J., Hoogland, J. & Jochemsen, H. (1997) Profession, practice and profits: Competition in the core of the health care system. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 14(6), 409-422.
Strijbos, S. (1997) Wetenschap en universiteit in een cultuurloze tijd: Noodzaak en mogelijkheden van ethiek. Vinden en Zoeken: Het bijzondere van de Vrije Universitiet. Verhoogt, J. P., Griffioen, S. & Fernhout, R. (eds.). Kampen: Kok, 117-137.
Strijbos, S. (1997) Systems ethics for technology as a system. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the ISSS. Rhee, Y. P. & Bailey, K. (eds.). Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University, 1029-1043
Strijbos, S. (1997) The paradox of uniformity and plurality in technological society. Technology in Society. 19(2),  177-194.
Strijbos, S. (1997) Wisdom, ethics and information technology: Some philosophical Reflections. Systems Practice. 10(4) 443-457. Systems sciences and the problem of reductionism
Strijbos, S. (1997) Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the ISSS.. Rhee, Y. P. & Bailey, K. (eds.). Louisville, Kentucky, p. 701-736
Strijbos, S. (1998) The Problem of Development and the Decontextualization of Technology World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. (52), 333-346.
Strijbos, S. (1998) Towards a New Critical Systems Thinking: Philosophical Reflections on Systems Ethics and Systems Methodology Proceedings the 42nd Annual Meeting of the ISSS. Allen, J. K. & Wilby, J. (eds.). Georgia, Atlanta, 19-24.
Strijbos, S. (1998) Science and the university in a “cultureless time” World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. (51), 269-286.
Strijbos, S. (1999) Kiezen en keuzen: ethiek in de tandheelkundige praktijk. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.  (Tandheelkundige raakvlakken; no. 1)
Strijbos, S. (1999) Systems Sciences and the Problem of Reductionism. Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Rhee, Y. P. (ed.). Seoul, Korea: S.N.U. Press, 103-159.
Strijbos, S. (1999) Een eeuw van techniek: van apparaat naar systeem. Balans van een eeuw. Lubbers, R. F. M. (ed.). Utrecht: ICS, 27-37.
Strijbos, S. (1999) Systems Ethics for Technology as a System, Forecasting Change: Development of Information Technology. Rhee, Y. P. (ed.). Seoul, Korea: S.N.U. Press, 161-185.
Strijbos, S. (1999) Ethics and the Systemic Character of Technology. Techné: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. 3(4), 19-35.
Strijbos, S. (1999) Science and the University in a ‘ Cultureless Time ‘. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the ISSS. Louisville, Kentucky. Wilby, J. M. (ed.), 661-675.
Strijbos, S. (2000) Systems Methodologies for Managing our Technological Society: Towards a “Disclosive Systems Thinking” Journal of Applied Systems Studies. 1(2), 159-181.
Strijbos, S. (2000) Principles of “Disclosive Systems Thinking” Humanity, Science, Technology: The Systemic Foundations of the Information Age. Allen, J. K., Hall, M. L. W. & Wilby, J. (eds.), 1-11.
Strijbos, S. (2001) Global Citizenship and the Real World of Technology, Technology in Society. 23(4) 525-533.
Strijbos, S. (2001) Risicosamenleving. Enkele opmerkingen naar aanleiding van Ulrich Beck Beweging 65(4),  4-7.
Strijbos, S., Pothas, A-M. & de Wet, A. G. (2002) Towards the Practising of Disclosive Systems Thinking. On the Connections between Philosophy, Technology and Systems Sciences. Bijkerk, J. D., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 157-176.
Strijbos, S. (2002) Citizenship in Our Globalising World of Technology. Global Citizenship: A Critical Reader. Dower, N. & Williams, J. (eds.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 222-231.
Strijbos, S. (2002) Disclosive Systems Thinking : An Interdisciplinary Research Project On the Connections between Philosophy, Technology and Systems Sciences. Bijkerk, J. D., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 143-155.
Strijbos, S. (2003) Systems Thinking and the Disclosure of a Technological Society: Some Philosophical Reflections. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 20(2), 119-131.
Strijbos, S. (2003) Toward a New Interdisciplinarity: A Discussion Paper Toward a New Interdisciplinarity (Proceedings of the 9th Annual Working Conference of CPTS). Nijhoff, R., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 133-139.
Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (2003) In Search of an Integrative Vision of Technology. Part II: An Introductory Chapter. Toward a New Interdisciplinarity (Proceedings of the 9th Annual Working Conference of CPTS). Nijhoff, R., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 113-133.
Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (2003) In Search of an Integrative Vision of Technology. Part I: A Book Proposal. Toward a New Interdisciplinarity (Proceedings of the 9th Annual Working Conference of CPTS). Nijhoff, R., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 103-113.
Strijbos, S., Helberg, A. J. S. & Goede, R. (2003) Some Reflections on the Digital Divide and the Applicability of Systems Thinking. Toward a New Interdisciplinarity (Proceedings of the 9th Annual Working Conference of CPTS). Nijhoff, R., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 31-45.
Strijbos, S., de Vries, M. J., & Bergvall-Kåreborn, B. (eds.) (2004) Interdisciplinarity and the Integration of Knowledge. Amersfoort: CPTS.
Strijbos, S. & Goede, R. (2005) Towards a Methodology for Practicing Disclosive Systems Thinking. Towards Humane Leadership. Helberg, A., van der Stoep, J. & Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amersfoort: CPTS, 17-30.
Strijbos, S. & Mitcham, C. (2005) Systems Thinking. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Mitcham, C. (ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 289-293.
Strijbos, S. & van der Stoep, J. (eds.) (2005) Towards Humane Leadership (Proceedings of the 11th Annual Working Conference of CPTS)Amersfoort: CPTS.
Strijbos, S. (2006) Towards a ‘Disclosive Systems Thinking’ In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology. Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (eds.). New York: Springer, 234-256.
Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (eds.) (2006) In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology: Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Systems. New York: Springer.
Strijbos, S. (2006) The Idea of a Systems Ethics. In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology. Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (eds.). New York: Springer, 202-216.
Strijbos, S. (2006) The Systems Character of Modern Technology, In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology. Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (eds.). New York: Springer, 104-118.
Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (2006) Introduction: In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology. In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology. Strijbos, S. & Basden, A. (eds.). New York: Springer, 1-16.
Strijbos, S. (ed.) & Basden, A. (ed.) (2006) Integrating Visions of Technology (Proceedings of the 12th Annual Working Conference of CPTS). Maarssen: CPTS.
Strijbos, S. (2006) Chapter 34: A Normative Systems Approach for Managing Technology and Collective Human Action. User Behavior and Technology Development. Verbeek, P-P. & Slob, A. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, p365-374
Strijbos, S. (2006) Bezinnig op wetenschap techniek en maatschappij : een nieuwere ontwikkeling in Nederland : prinsipiële besinning. Word and Action = Woord En Daad, 46(397), 5–8.
Strijbos, S. (2008) Chapter 2: Who will decide? Towards a more balanced donor-recipient relationship. Sytse Strijbos in conversation with Gerard Verbeek. From our side: Emerging perspectives on development and ethics. De Gruchy, S., Koopman, N., Strijbos, S. (eds.). Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 21-32.
Strijbos, S. (2012) Chapter 11: The Inclusion of ‘Culture and Religion’in Development: Beyond the Technical-Instrumental and Participative-Communicative Approach. From Technology Transfer to Intercultural Development: Understanding Technology and Development in a Globalizing World. S. Strijbos, S. Van der Stoep, J. (eds.), 143-155.
Strijbos, S. (2014) Introduction: Social Change in our Technology-Based World. Social Change in our Technology-Based World (Proceedings of the 19th Annual Working Conference of the IIDE) Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 5-10.

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