Christine Walsh – Awesome Tiny House Designed In South Africa

1 comment January 2015. Tiny homes can quickly turn out too cramped, resulting in claustrophobia. But when done right, these houses are a great way to live sustainably and affordably. The latest example of tiny home architecture done right comes from South Africa in the form of the lifePOD, designed by a team of architects called Collaborate000. They were assisted by product designers Dokter and Missses.

The designers took into consideration the local climate when creating this home, and came up with a functional, comfortable and affordable tiny home, which is both a dwelling and a lifestyle choice. The home can also be customized according to the owners’ wishes and specifications since the entire system is modular. It can serve as a primary residence, cabin, backyard office or guesthouse.

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One Response to “Christine Walsh – Awesome Tiny House Designed In South Africa”

  1. Charlotte Heydenrych
    February 15th, 2017 @ 12:12 pm

    I am looking for someone that can draw plans for my tiny house.

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