Katy Fentress – Kenya Vision 2030: Slum Upgrading in Soweto

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urb.im – 2012, July, 17 – In September 2000, Kenya was one of 189 countries that signed an international treaty called the Millennium Declaration. The object of the declaration was to define a common worldwide vision for development that was to be achieved by the year 2015.
The Kenyan government drafted these resolutions into a development paper of its own, entitled “Kenya Vision 2030.” The paper spells out how the government intends to turn Kenya into “a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030.”
Kenya Vision 2030 is anchored on three key pillars: economic, social, and political governance. It contains a pledge to improve the quality of life of all Kenyans, including those living in substandard conditions within the major city slums.

Katy Fentress, Nairobi Bureau Chief and Community Manager

Read more: Kenya Vision 2030

The urb.im network is a global community working for just and inclusive cities. It connects practitioners in six cities and throughout the world to establish an international community of practice and learning, sharing ideas and experiences in order to innovate, replicate, and scale working solutions to the problem of urban poverty. urb.im is a project of Dallant Networks and the Ford Foundation.

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