Landau, L. B. & Gindrey V. ~ Migration And Population Trends: Gauteng Province 1996-2055


Home to Johannesburg and Pretoria, Gauteng is the centre of South Africa’s trade and transport networks. Responsible for close to 10% of the sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP, it attacks business and people from around the continent and further beyond. As a primary node on the air and road transport networks, the majority of immigrants to South Africa arrive in or pass through Gauteng Province.

This short paper summarises a variety of trends and concerns related to migration and other forms of human mobility in Gauteng Province. For present purposes, this includes most forms of international and domestic into, through, and out of the Province. (This report explicitly excludes movements associated with short-term tourism.) Although less politically visible than cross-border flows, this study finds that domestic migration (urbanisation and migration within the Province) has been and will continue to be the most significant and challenging form of mobility affecting Gauteng’s development trajectory. Given its brevity, this report is highlights only a limited number of migration’s real and potential impacts.

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2 Responses to “Landau, L. B. & Gindrey V. ~ Migration And Population Trends: Gauteng Province 1996-2055”

  1. pedzisai
    August 7th, 2015 @ 10:30 pm

    Link to the article says page not found. Where can I access the paper?

  2. RQ
    August 8th, 2015 @ 1:26 pm

    Thanks for your message. File is now available at:

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