Mariam Musa ~ Life In The Slums Of Cairo

Om Baraka, a 55-year-old inhabitant of the Sudan Nest slum, gathers wooden fragments of the ruins of her house on 26 August 2015, after a police raid was carried out to forcibly evict residents of the area (MEE/Mariam Musa)
Last Tuesday, police forces raided the Sudan Nest, a slum near al-Dokki neighbourhood in Cairo.
Police forcibly evacuated the inhabitants of the slum from their shoddy dwellings, using bulldozers to destroy houses in front of residents’ own eyes. When angry inhabitants tried to stop the demolitions and fight back, police shot tear gas and dispersed them.
“At least those who are in prison know that their suffering will end one day,” said Om Baraka, a 55-year-old resident of the Sudan Nest slum. “They dream of a better life in their homes among their families.”
“People who live here are in a bigger prison, as they don’t even dare to dream of a better future,” she continued as she stood on the ruins of what was her home after being forcibly evicted by police forces.
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