Rural Landscapes Journal

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RuralLandscapeRural Landscapes is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to interdisciplinary landscape research. Focussing on the key topics of society, environment and history, the aim of the journal is to be a forum for empirically grounded and theoretically informed studies of past and present processes of change in rural landscapes, in all parts of the world.

The journal is interdisciplinary in scope, and open for contributions from a broad range of research fields, such as historical ecology, political ecology, rural development, landscape ecology, historical geography, palaeo-ecology and landscape studies etc. A specific aim is to promote theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical exchange and insights between studies of past landscapes and present processes. Contributions on prehistoric, historic and contemporary landscape processes or all combined as well as local, regional and global perspectives are all equally welcome.

The academic study of rural landscapes is a diverse research field, spanning a broad range of academic disciplines, as well as thematic, methodological and theoretical concerns and interests. Building on the long-standing practice of interdisciplinary collaboration in landscape research and recognition of the many critical insights gained through diachronic studies and dialogue across disciplines, the journal Rural Landscapes aims to be a leading academic forum for the blending, contrasting and bridging of historical and contemporary landscape studies and environmental and societal perspectives on rural landscape change.

Rural Landscapes is foremost a journal for publication of research findings (research articles), but short comments and communications of relevance to the contents of the journal are also welcome.


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