The Middle East In Europe And Europe In The Middle East
I Have a Dream… answers the question of what society will look like in 15 years from different perspectives. At The Middle East in Europe and Europe in the Middle East seminar (Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, 2008), Nilüfer Göle, Tariq Ramadam and Paul Scheffer specifically debated what could be the added value of the Islam for Europe.
Even though they agree on the analysis and possible resolutions of the problem, the accents and approaches vary.
Paul Scheffer points out the importance of guaranteeing true and complete freedom of religion.
Nilifur Göle discusses the public arena which practically forces Muslims to play a constructive role.
Tariq Ramadan talks about the hidden arena, in which Muslims subject themselves to critical self-analysis, leading to an emancipatory revolution.
All three conclude that while the national state is a spoil-sport, there are reasons to be optimistic about Europe’s role.