Zinn Education Project ~ Tackling The Headlines: Teaching Humanity And History
With each passing day, it’s becoming more apparent that Trump’s agenda can only be enacted if people are ignorant of the issues underlying his supposed solutions.
Having trouble finding and keeping work? – Build that wall.
Fearful of terrorist attacks? – Ban Muslims.
Want energy security and infrastructure development? – Build that pipeline.
The best antidote to Trump’s xenophobia, racism, misogyny, and fossil-fuel soaked future is critical thinking. Join the Zinn Education Project in helping students probe the roots of social problems and call into question the phony, simple-minded policy prescriptions of the Trump regime.
These are just a few of the resources we have at the Zinn Education Project to help students think deeply and creatively about the world we live in.
Use these resources with your students. Share them with your colleagues.
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Immigration and Border Lines
U.S. Mexico War: “We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God”
Today’s border with Mexico is the product of invasion and war. Grasping some of the motives for that war and some of its immediate effects begins to provide students the kind of historical context that is crucial for thinking intelligently about the line that separates the United States and Mexico. It also gives students insights into the justifications for and costs of war today. Teaching Activity by Bill Bigelow.
Go to: https://zinnedproject.org/teaching-humanity-history/
Other subjects:
-The Line Between Us: Teaching About the Border and Mexican Immigration
-Tackling Terrorism and Anti-Muslim Rhetoric. A People’s History of Muslims in the United States. What school textbooks and the media miss
-Whose “Terrorism”?
and more