The Kingdom Of The Netherlands In The Caribbean. Bio Notes: Biografische gegevens van de auteurs

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curacaoMr. Dr. Douwe A. A. Boersema (1948) is Associated Professor of Public Law at the University of the Netherlands Antilles at Curaçao. During 1975-2000 he lectured Constitutional Law and History of Political Philosophy at Groningen University in the Netherlands. In 1998-1999 he lectured Public Law at the University of Aruba. He studied Psychology and Law at Groningen University and got there his PhD on a thesis on the development of the consciousness of law regarding the concept of equality and human rights from Greek Antiquity up to our time. He has written articles on the development of law, human rights and judicial problems in relation to cultural diversity and minorities. He has worked as a consultant for legal problems and transition management.

Denicio Brison B.Sc. LL.M. (1952) practices law on St. Maarten, and spent the first part of his career (circa 20 years) in the hotel industry primarily on Sint Maarten and Aruba. In this field he was exposed on a daily basis to the contradictions of working in an environment that catered to well-to-do North American tastes and the realities of living in the Caribbean. His influence and outlook is different from most Antillians in that he chose never to live in nor visit the Netherlands but instead attended college in Trinidad and the U.S. where he earned a B.Sc. in Hotel Administration from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Later he earned a degree in Law at the University of the Netherlands Antilles. His area of interest is Constitutional and Public Law. He writes a regular newspaper column on general topics of law and is a frequent speaker on local radio on legal matters.

Mr. Antonito (Mito) Croes (1946, Aruba) is na enige jaren ambtenaar en vervolgens hoofdwetenschappelijk medewerker staatsrecht aan de Universiteit van de Nederlands Antillen te zijn geweest in de politiek gegaan. Hij meer minister van Staatkundige Structuur van de Nederlandse Antillen, Minister van Welzijnszaken van Aruba en acht jaar Gevolmachtigde Minister van Aruba in Nederland. Hij heeft diverse wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam, met name over de staatkundige verhoudingen binnen het Koninkrijk en deugdelijkheid van bestuur. Hij werkt nu aan een proefschrift over toekomstopties voor het Koninkrijk.

Drs. Francio Guadeloupe (1971) works at the Anthropology and Sociology Department of the University of Amsterdam. After having lived and traveled throughout the Caribbean, he moved to the Netherlands at 18 years of age. In 1999, he obtained his Master’s degree in Anthropology/Development Studies at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Guadeloupe has published two books on Brazil: A vida e uma dança: the Candomble Through the Lives of Two Cariocas (Nijmegen, CIDI, 1999), and Dansen om te leven: over Afro-Braziliaanse cultuur en religie (Luyten & Babar, 1999). Guadeloupe has researched how popular radio disc jockeys on the bi-national island of Saint Martin (French) & Sint Maarten (Dutch) combine Christian derived ethics and Caribbean music to forward a politics of belonging which includes autochthons as well as newcomer population. This research is the basis of his PhD thesis which he’s in the process of putting the final touches to.

Mr. drs. Steven Hillebrink (1968) worked from 1999 until 2004 at the University of Leiden, where he taught Constitutional and Administrative Law. He has published articles on Kingdom legislation and the right to self-determination of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. He is currently writing a PhD thesis on the role of the international right to self-determination in the relations between the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Since 2004, he is employed at the constitutional affairs and legislation department of the Dutch ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations.

Wim Hoogbergen (1944) is senior lecturer in Caribbean Studies, department Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He is managing editor of OSO, Tijdschift voor Surinamistiek, the only scientific journal on Suriname’s History, Literature, Linguistics and Anthropology. He is also managing editor of the Series Bronnen voor de Surinamistiek. He has published a number of books and articles on the Caribbean, especially on Suriname. His Ph-D thesis on the Boni-Maroons of French Guyana was translated into English (1990; The Boni-Maroon Wars in Suriname. Leiden: E.J. Brill). He himself likes most his 1996 publication Het kamp van Broos en Kaliko. De geschiedenis van een Afro-Surinaamse familie. Amsterdam: Prometheus, that will get an English version this year or next year. In collaboration with Okke ten Hove and Heinrich Helstone, he is publishing a series of books on the abolition of slavery in Suriname 1863: Surinaamse Emancipatie. Familienamen en plantages. Amsterdam/Utrecht: Rozenberg Publishers, IBS & CLACS, heeft voor de AVP verschillende politieke functies bekleed en was onder and Surinaamse Emancipatie: Paramaribo: Slaven en Eigenaren. Amsterdam/Utrecht: Rozenberg Publisher, IBS & CLACS.

Dr. Lammert de Jong (1942) served 9 years between 1985 and 1998 as resident representative of the Netherlands government in the Netherlands Antilles. Prior to this he was attached to the University of Zambia and the National Institute of Public Administration in Lusaka, Zambia (1972-1976). In the People’s Republic of Bénin, he was director of the Netherlands Development Aid Organization (1980-1984). He received a PhD in Social Sciences at the Free University, Amsterdam (1972) and published during his academic years about public administration and participation. He concluded his civil service career as Counselor to the Netherlands government on Kingdom Relations. Since then he writes and lectures as a free-lance scholar on post-colonial statehood.

Dr. Dirk Kruijt (1943) is professor of Development Studies at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Between 1968 and 2003, he alternated between academic teaching and research, and activities as policy advisor to Latin American planning institutes and multilateral and bilateral donor agencies. He was a visiting professor at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, at El Colegio de Mexico, IUPERJ (Rio de Janeiro), the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, and at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Santiago de Chile. From the mid-1990s on, he evaluated a couple of times the development relations between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Netherlands and former colony Surinam. His published work is mostly about poverty and informality, war and peace, and military governments. He is the author or co-author of ca. 30 books and ca.100 articles.

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