Extended Statehood In The Caribbean ~ About the Authors

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KingdomPeter Clegg is senior lecturer of politics and international relations at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and a visiting fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. His research interests focus on the international political economy of the Caribbean, and the politics of European-Caribbean relations. He is author of The Caribbean Banana Trade: From Colonialism to Globalization (2002) and has contributed recent articles to Social and Economic Studies, the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the Journal of Transatlantic Studies. Clegg teaches on Caribbean and Latin American politics, as well as international political economy. Further, he is a member of the Caribbean Board, a group that provides advice on the region to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Clegg is the newsletter and book reviews editor for the UK-based Society of Caribbean Studies.

Dr. Justin Daniel is professor of political science at the University of the French Antilles and French Guiana and, since 1994, director of the ‘Centre of Research on Local Powers in the Caribbean’. He holds a French Doctorate in Political Science [Sorbonne, 1983]. He co-edited Politique et développement dans la Caraïbe [Politics and Development in the Caribbean], Paris, l’Harmattan, 1999; 1946-1996: Cinquante ans de départementalisation outre mer [1946-1947: Fifty years of overseas departmentalization], Paris, l’Harmattan, 1997 and Les îles caraïbes: modèles politiques et stratégies de développement [Caribbean Islands : Political models and Strategies of Development] Paris Karthala, 1996 and numerous articles on Puerto Rico, the French Antilles and the Caribbean. Daniel is an active member of different professional associations, included the Caribbean Studies Association. He is currently the coordinator of a comparative research project on Democracy and peripheral territories at the ‘Centre of Research on Local Powers in the Caribbean’ in cooperation with the University of Puerto Rico.

Dr. Jorge Duany is chair and professor of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras. He previously served as director of the Revista de Ciencias Sociales and as Visiting Professor of Latino Studies at the University of Michigan. He recently received a research fellowship from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and was a Visiting Scholar at the Population Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Ph.D. in Latin American Studies, specializing in anthropology, at the University of California, Berkeley. His main research interests are Caribbean migration, Latinos in the United States, and ethnic and national identity. He has written extensively on these topics for professional journals and academic books in Puerto Rico, the United States, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. He is the coauthor of Cubans in Puerto Rico: Ethnic Economy and Cultural Identity (1997) and El Barrio Gandul: Economía subterránea y migración indocumentada en Puerto Rico (1995). He is also the author of Quisqueya on the Hudson: The Transnational Identity of Dominicans in Washington Heights (1994). His most recent book is titled The Puerto Rican Nation on the Move: Identities on the Island and in the United States.

Dr. Francio Guadeloupe (1971) works at the Anthropology and Sociology Department of the University of Amsterdam. After having lived and traveled throughout the Caribbean, he moved to the Netherlands at 18 years of age. In 1999, he obtained his Master’s degree in anthropology/development studies at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Guadeloupe has published two books on Brazil: A vida e uma dança: the Candomble Through the Lives of Two Cariocas (Nijmegen, CIDI, 1999), and Dansen om te leven: over Afro-Braziliaanse cultuur en religie (Luyten & Babar, 1999). Guadeloupe has researched how popular radio disc jockeys on the bi-national island of Saint Martin (French) & Sint Maarten (Dutch) combine Christian derived ethics and Caribbean music to forward a politics of belonging which includes autochthons as well as newcomer population. This research is the basis of his PhD thesis which will be finished in the beginning of 2006.

Dr. Lammert de Jong served 9 years between 1985 and 1998 as resident-representative of the Netherlands government in the Netherlands Antilles. Prior to this he was attached to the University of Zambia and the National Institute of Public Administration in Lusaka, Zambia (1972-1976). In the People’s Republic of Bénin, he was director of the Netherlands Development Aid Organization (1980-1984). He received a PhD in Social Sciences at the Free University, Amsterdam (1972) and published during his academic years about public administration and participation. He concluded his civil service career as Counselor to the Netherlands government on Kingdom relations. Since then he writes as a free-lance scholar on post-colonial statehood. He is the author of a book on the operations of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in its Caribbean parts (2002) (De werkvloer van het Koninkrijk. Over de samenwerking van Nederland met de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba); Cracks in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. An Inside Story (2004). In 2005 he edited with Douwe Boersema, The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Caribbean: 1954 – 2004. What next?

Dr. Dirk Kruijt is professor of Development Studies at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Between 1968 and 2003, he alternated between academic teaching and research, and activities as policy advisor to Latin American planning institutes and multilateral and bilateral donor agencies. He was a visiting professor at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, at El Colegio de Mexico, IUPERJ (Rio de Janeiro), the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, and at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Santiago de Chile. From the mid-1990s on, he evaluated a couple of times the development relations between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Netherlands and former colony Surinam. His published work is mostly about poverty and informality, war and peace, and military governments. He is the author or co-author of ca. 30 books and ca. 100 articles.

Emilio Pantojas-García is a Senior Researcher and former Director of the Center for Social Research of the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras. He also served as Director of the Caribbean Resource Center at the University of Puerto Rico. He previously taught at the University at Albany and the University of Ilinois at Chicago. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Liverpool and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Puerto Rico. He has written extensively on questions of development, industrialization, and globalization in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. He is the author of Development Strategies as Ideology: Puerto Rico’s Export-Led Industrialization Experience (1990) and coeditor of El Caribe en la era de la globalización (2002). He served on the editorial board of the Latin American Research Review (2000-04), and was president of the Caribbean Studies Association (2004-05).

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