Instructions To Tinbergen Authors

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Instructions To Tinbergen Authors

Some technical terms
Typescript – Entire book excluding the cover
Prelims – Beginning of the book, all pages before the main text begins (title page, contents, foreword, etc.)
Half title – Page I: title only in caps
Dissertation page – Page III – text according to the University standard
Professors’ page – Page IV – names of the professors
ISBN – International Standard Book Number, assigned by the publisher
NUR – (Dutch standard subject classification) classification according to subject

• Prelims generally have no page numbering. If numbering is necessary use roman numerals. Pagenumbering begins at the start of the main text.
• Each new section begins on a right-hand page. If necessary, insert a blank left-hand page. Include this number in the page-count, but do not number.
• Sequence: foreword, introduction, chapter 1, 2, 3, etc., appendix(es), recapitulation, bibliography, index, thanks (if applicable), curriculum vitae.
• On page II come the words ‘This book is number… the…..series’ etc. and the designer’s name + ISBN

Keep the layout simple, logical and consequential. The author is responsible for delivery of the entire manuscript, which should be of sufficient quality that the printer can begin work without further adjustment. The quality shall be judged by Rozenberg Publishers. The last pages must contain the list of all titles published in the Series. An updated list may be obtained from the Tinbergen Institute in Rotterdam.

Type area: 16 x 23 cm. (Excluding the page number, headers)
In Microsoft Word the page margins would be:
Top: 2 cm – 3,5 cm
Bottom: 2,5 cm
Left: 3 cm
Right: 2,5 cm
Header: 1,25 cm – 2,5 cm
Footer: 1,25 cm

Type face: Preferable Times
Type size: Main text: 12-point. This becomes 10-point after 80% reduction. Notes: 10-point. After reduction this becomes 8-point.
Compare the results in advance by reducing (80%) a sample page on a photocopier.
Headings: Logical and consequential. Create a hierarchy.
Bold type: Avoid underlining. Use bold type and italics in moderation.
Pagination: Preferably alternating left and right at the bottom of the page.

If pages must be numbered at the top, it should be done consistently. Do not put a number at the foot of page in a new chapter; simply omit it. Pages with no text, should not be numbered – they should – of course, be counted.

Tables etc. Black lines and dots are part of the text and will therefore also be reduced to 80%.

Handing in your completed and designed manuscript to Rozenberg Publishers:
Very important when working with PDF files is using the right software. A lot of the free available software is only useful for creating PDFs for screen use, and not for print. Our preference goes to Adobe Distiller.
If you hand in a trial chapter at an early stage, for us to check, it may avoid surprises in a later stage.
Please be aware that we can hardly make any corrections in your PDF files. If there are any mistakes/errors in your proof, you will have to hand in new PDF files.

Rozenberg Publishers will ensure that the text fits in the style of the Tinbergen dissertation series. This is a fixed style of typesetting and cannot be altered.
The author must provide by e-mail (textfile ) with title, subtitle, names of authors, university from which the author is graduating and the number in the series. In addition there should be a short summary of the content and (if you like) author biography (in total max. 200 words). The text should give a clear idea of what the book is about – not a summary. Before the final printing of the jacket a proof (PDF) will be made for the author’s approval.

The resolution of the illustration for the cover should be at least 300 dpi. We would like to receive the illustration as jpeg- or tiff-file.
Please note: either you own the copyright of the illustration or it is copyright-free. You can find a lot of copyrightfree illustrations in databases like Wiki Commons,, etc.

Of course you can also choose a cover without illustration.
Invitation cards and ‘Stellingen’ are not part of the arrangement between Rozenberg Publishers and the Tinbergen Institute.

Planning and production
A period of 4 weeks is needed for the printing and binding of the book. If you would like to receive a (paper) proof, we need one week extra.
If possible it is advisable to deliver it sooner. The key to the planning is the date on which the book must be at the pedel, it is then possible to count backwards to the last possible date.
The author sends the manuscript by e-mail to:

Drukkerij Haveka bv
van Hennaertweg 23
2952 CA Alblasserdam
tel.: (+) 31 (0)78–691 23 23
Tonny Hartog

Or to:

Rozenberg Publishers – Auke van der Berg

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