Al Jazeera – Sri Lanka Improves Housing For Tea Workers

A new housing project aims to improve conditions for impoverished workers in Sri Lanka’s tea industry. The industry earned more than one point five billion dollars last year, but plantation workers – who are the backbone of the industry – remain among the country’s poorest. Al Jazeera’s Minelle Fernandez reports from Talawakelle, Sri Lanka.

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De wereld draait door ~ Van Dis en Meinderts over de nalatenschap van Slauerhoff (April 2014)

Het Letterkundig Museum in Den Haag bemachtigde de literaire nalatenschap van zwervend dichter en schrijver J.J. Slauerhoff. Adriaan van Dis en museumdirecteur Aad Meinderts lichtten toe wat er in de kist en vijftig dozen werd aangetroffen.

VARA ~ De wereld draait door ~ april 2014

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Urbanisation En Afrique / Urbanization In Africa (Part 1)

Part 2:

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Old Age In The Slums – African Slum Journal

‘At the age of 80 I still have to collect firewood. Without family buying basics as food and soap is a real problem.’ Not many people save money for old age, and the government has no regulations on that. But what do you do when tomorrow comes.

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Jenny Morgan – A Place In The City (2008)

Journeyman Pictures: Place in the City (2008): Inside the struggle of South Africa’s post-apartheid shack dwellers. The South African Shack Dwellers Trying to Find a Voice.

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How Has Economic Growth Affected Poverty And Inequality In Ghana And South Africa?

Samuel Kobina Annim, University of Cape Coast; David Lam, University of Michigan; and Murray Leibbrandt, University of Cape Town

Established in 2008, the African Studies Center (ASC) supports the exchange of scholars, faculty, knowledge, and resources between the University of Michigan.
Youtubechanel: umichASC

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