Wim Vredenberg – PhD Theses

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PhD theses Chair Biophysical Plant Physiology, Wageningen University 1980-2000

Schapendonk, A.H.C.M. -Electrical events associated with primary photosynthetic reactions in chloroplast membranes. -1980, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg

Brakel, G.H. van -The triplet state of chllorophyll-a in whole algal cells -1982, Promotoren Prof.T.J. Schaafsma en Prof.W.J.Vredenberg, co-referent Dr J.J.S.vRensen

Vermaas, W.F.J. -The interaction of quinones, herbicides and bicarbonate with their binding environment at the acceptor side of Photosystem II in photosynthesis. -1984, Promotoren Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg en Prof.Dr G. Renger, co-promotor Dr. J.J.S. van Rensen,

Snel, J. -Regulation of photosynthetic electron flow in isolated chloroplasts by bicarbonate, formate and herbicides. -1985, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.J.J.S. van Rensen,

Cone, J.W. -Photocontrol of seed germination of wildtype and long-hypocotyl mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. -1985, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Peters, R. -Electrochromic effects in relation to energy transduction and energy coupling in chloroplast membranes. -1986, Promotor Prof. Dr. W. J. Vredenberg,

Kraak, H.L. -Phytochrome and greening in etioplasts. -1986, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Kooten, O. van. -Free energy transduction. Modelling electrochemical events. -1988, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg,

Adamse, P. -Mutants as an aid to the study of higher plant photomorphogenesis. -1988, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Hove, L.W.A. van. -The mechanism of NH3 and SO2 uptake by leaves and its physiological effects. -1989, Promotoren Prof. Dr. E.H. Adema en Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg,

Naber, J.D. -Molecular aspects of herbicide binding in chloroplasts. -1989, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. Ir. J.J.S. van Rensen,

Bossen, M.E. -Protoplasts as a model system to study phytochrome-regulated changes in the plasma membrane. -1990, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Ooms, J.J.J. -Electrochromic absorbance changes in relation to electron transport and energy coupling in thylakoid membranes. -1990, Promotor Prof. Dr. W. J. Vredenberg,

Peters, J.L. -Photomorphogenetic mutants of higher plants. -1992, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. R.E. Kendrick,

Schansker, G. -Mechanistic aspects of the inhibition of photosynthesis by light -1996, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.ir. J.J.S. van Rensen.

Kerckhoffs, Huub -Physiological Functions of Phytochromes in Tomato. A study using photomorphogenic mutants -1996, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor: Dr R.E. Kendrick

Voorthuysen T. van. -The electrical potential as a gauge of photosynthetic performance in plant Chloroplasts. A patch-clamp study. -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. J.F.H. Snel.

Curwiel, V.B. -Regulation of photosynthesis and energy dissipation in triazine-resistant and susceptible chenopodium album. -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr.ir. J.J.S. van Rensen.

Geel, Corine. -Photosystem II electron flow as a measure for phytoplankton gross primary production -1997, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor Dr. J.F.H. Snel,

Wijngaard, P.W.J. van den -The electrophysiology of chloroplast protein import. The involvement of an anion channel in protein translocation across the inner mebrane. -1999, Promotor Prof. Dr. W.J. Vredenberg, co-promotor, Dr J.F.H. Snel

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