Qs.Nahinga – Building Vertical Cities As A Solution To Address Market Failure In Housing

ujanzibora.com, Febr. 27, 2014 – You don’t eliminate the slum by building Low-Cost Housing thousands of miles away ( transport affordability issues) but by building vertical mega structures. Structures that can house 35,000 people in any given day complete with vertical parks, entertainment spots, government services, sports venues, homes, religious centres et cetera. Have a look at the TedxVideo by Architect Daniel:


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The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign

The Aim of AEC –  The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign was formed on November 2000 with the aim of fighting evictions, water cut-offs and poor health services, obtaining free electricity, securing decent housing, and opposing police brutality. The AEC is currently an umbrella body for over 10 community organizations, crisis committees, and concerned residents movements who have come together to organise and demand their rights to basic services.

Read more: http://antieviction.org.za/about-us/

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De slang en het konijn – Persbericht

Wij zijn nog altijd trots op de gouden periode uit onze zeventiende eeuw. Tussen het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en het einde van de twintigste eeuw hebben wij een gouden eeuw nieuwe stijl mogen beleven. Dit roept de vraag op of wij in de komende decennia opnieuw een gouden eeuw nieuwe stijl zouden kunnen realiseren.

Om deze vraag te kunnen beantwoorden moeten wij uitgaan van de kern van de problematiek. Deze kern komt goed tot zijn recht in het boek The Clash of Generations: Saving Ourselves, Our Kids, and Our Economy. Dit boek richt zich op de Verenigde Staten. In ons land verschaft Wisseling van de Wacht: Generaties in Nederland vergelijkbare kennis. De stap naar strategieën wordt gezet in het boek Generaties van Geluksvogels en Pechvogels, een ‘living document’ en dus doorlopend aanvulbaar.

De kern van de problematiek kan worden uitgebeeld door te denken aan een slang die een konijn heeft ingeslikt. Langzaam schuift het lichaam van het konijn op in het lijf van de slang. De prop voorziet de slang van voedsel en verhoogt dus haar kansen op overleven. De prop betekent echter ook een bedreiging want hij maakt de slang langzaam en dus kwetsbaar. Wij hebben te maken met de uitbeelding van een SWOT-analyse: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.

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Carrie Antlfinger – Tiny Houses Help Address Nation’s Homeless Problem

bosotn.com. Febr.26, 2014. MADISON, Wis. (AP) — While tiny houses have been attractive for those wanting to downsize or simplify their lives for financial or environmental reasons, there’s another population benefiting from the small-dwelling movement: the homeless.
There’s a growing effort across the nation from advocates and religious groups to build these compact buildings because they are cheaper than a traditional large-scale shelter, help the recipients socially because they are built in communal settings and are environmentally friendly due to their size.
‘You’re out of the elements, you’ve got your own bed, you’ve got your own place to call your own,’ said Harold ‘‘Hap’’ Morgan, who is without a permanent home in Madison. ‘It gives you a little bit of self-pride: This is my own house.’

Read more: http://www.boston.com/tiny-houses-help-address-nation-homeless-problem

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southafrica.info ~ Houses for everyone

southafrica.info. Febr, 25, 2014.  Housing is at the forefront of the national agenda for delivery and the government is taking overall responsibility for providing houses to all. The government inherited a critical housing shortage, with the 1996 Census reflecting a housing backlog of 2 202 519. Since coming to power in 1994, the state has built 1,4 million housing units, providing more than 5 million people with secure homes. For indicators on the progress of housing delivery since 1994, click here. The government’s goal is to create sustainable housing developments whereby people own their properties. This engenders a sense of pride in their homes, streets and areas and advances the entire community. At least 2 million people have benefited from the transfer of ownership of 398 000 houses to their residents since the government came to power.

Read morehttp://www.southafrica.info/govthousing.htm

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South Africa ~ Department of Human Settlements ~ Publications update

The formulation of South Africa’s Housing Policy commenced prior to the democratic elections, with the formation of the National Housing Forum. This forum was a multi-party non-governmental negotiating body comprising 19 members from business, the community, government, development organisations and political parties outside the government at the time.

Publications update: http://www.dhs.gov.za/?q=content/publications

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